Gem Junkies

William Travis - Survivor, Designer, Warrior

March 22, 2019 Parle Jewelry Design's Jonathan and Brecken Farnsworth. Season 2 Episode 9

Part III of the interview series from the Tucson AGTA Gem Fair.  Jonathan and Brecken interview fellow designer William Travis Kukovich. Transforming his life from a traumatic childhood to becoming a recipient of 17 AGTA Spectrum Awards.

00:00:00          How the podcast started?

00:48:00          Introducing William Travis Kukovich

01:26:80          Want to see the scar?

01:56:00          So you were 4 years old.  What happened?

04:44:00          You said your brain rewired itself.

05:28:00          I can sculpt anything

06:11:50          I don’t write, I draw words

06:34:20          5th generation metalsmith

09:05:00          Take us through your story

10:40:70          So after school, did you open up a store immediately?

13:32:30          At 26, Breast Cancer

18:39:50          Warrior rings

21:04:80          My kids

24:51:50          To live like you were dying

26:05:00          What inspired your first Spectrum Award piece?

27:47:00          First memory of jewelry/gemstone

29:56:00          Favorite Gemstone

30:29:00          Where does the inspiration come from when you’re creating Spectrum pieces

32:04:00          What comes first? Designer? Gemstone?

32:47:00          What makes a great designer?

34:23:50          Where are you now?

37:02.20          Where is this journey going to take you next?

39:45:50          Saying “YES”