Gem Junkies

Brecken meet Brecken

Parle Jewelry Design's Jonathan and Brecken Farnsworth. Season 3 Episode 7

One of our goals with the podcast this year is to focus on career paths.  Up next, is an interview providing another perspective in opportunities within the jewelry industry--journalism.  We sit down with Brecken Branstrator, with National Jeweler, to learn a little more about her role as an editor and of course, talk about the name “Brecken.”


00:00:00              I’m so bossy

01:32:00              “Oh, you’re the other Brecken?

02:22:00              Brecken Branstrator for National Jeweler

03:25:00              How did you get your name?

04:48:00              What do you think the name Brecken means?

06:38:00              How did you get into the gemstone/jewelry world?

08:06:00              Take us through your average day?

09:03:00              What are your favorite things you’ve learned and/or wrote about?

10:04:00              Back to the name Brecken

11:15:00              Anything exciting coming up with National Jewelers

11:48:00              What does your day look like while at Tucson?

15:38:00              If I was going to do something else in the industry . . .

18:03:00              How did you feel growing up with that name?

20:20:00              What is your favorite gemstone?

21:35:00              What is your first memory of a gemstone or a piece of jewelry?

23:22:00              Where are you based?

26:16:00              Let’s talk about National Jeweler.  How did it start?



