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Going Postal for Online Post-it's!

Lauren Gory Season 2 Episode 16

Can we make teaching online more fun? Let’s talk about  Post-its!  


We are all working on a transition to online teaching (or maybe you have already been teaching online)! How do you inspire students to brainstorm online? Can we go beyond message boards to something with more versatility? There are many ways to do this! Today, I am going to talk about online interactive post-it notes. The product that I am most familiar with for achieving this goal is Padlet. So, what are some ways that you can use this type of app to enhance your teaching? 







What is it? 

Web-based app that allows posting of notes on a digital wall (notes can be posted anonymously or attached to a username). Files, images, videos, and links can be uploaded to the wall. Notes can be moved around to arrange into categories, ranking, or however you would like!  


Full episode notes available at www.twopillspodcast.com