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Expect the Unexpected with Dr. Michael Neville!

Lauren Gory Season 1 Episode 16

In his own words, "I laugh when I think back on my view of the world as a young man.  I would describe my “purposeful academic journey” like this:  Take a stick.  Throw it into a stream.  Watch where it ends up.  I was a kid who thought that those who became valedictorians were just lucky.  I barely got into pharmacy school and struggled once I got there, only figuring out what was going on as I was finishing my degree.  I just knew I wanted to help people, and so I have."

His prescription for life involves self-care; applying what we preach to our patients to our own lives! Eat well, get outside (with some sunscreen!), and take the extra time in the day to get on your feet and exercise! Sitting is the new smoking in major causes of disease and death in this country so get moving!