Speaking of Travel®

Speaking of Travel + Traveling With Ease

January 27, 2020 Marilyn Ball

Diana is kicking off an overnight trip to Orlando for a holiday party, and Asheville’s nonstop flights help her travel with ease. As a flight attendant, Diana is a pro when it comes to making her way through an airport. 

“I think passengers don’t realize that they can bring an empty bottle through security and, on the other side of security, fill that bottle up with water,” Diana said. “That way, they can stay hydrated on the plane. That’s super important when traveling.”

Diana loves the convenience and easy connections at AVL. “I live five minutes from the Asheville Airport,” she said. “I’m able to park my car, hop right through security and hit a nonstop flight. The different destinations out of Asheville are very convenient for me.”

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