Speaking of Travel®

Speaking of Flying + Paws for Passengers

Marilyn Ball

Hunter is headed back home to Maine after a busy semester at Brevard College. After locating his gate, he also found he had some company to help him pass the time. Samson, one of the airport’s Paws for Passengers therapy pets, was there to offer Hunter an enthusiastic greeting.

“We have 23 registered therapy dogs who volunteer here at the Asheville Regional Airport,” said Karen, Samson’s handler. “They volunteer to help mitigate travel stress or boredom or entertain people who happen to be at the airport.”

There are several things that Karen enjoys about the airport, but she thinks the therapy pets are a special touch to the AVL experience. “It’s a cool airport,” Karen said. “We have rocking chairs and wi-fi, but we also have 23 fuzzy little ambassadors who are here to make you appreciate your time while you’re at the Asheville Regional Airport.”

Hunter echoes that sentiment, explaining that it was a great part of his travel experience. “It’s really unique,” Hunter said. “I’ve never seen a program like that. When you’re bored and you have a couple hours to waste, it’s nice when you just get to sit and pet a dog.”

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