Oralicious - A Tale of Sex™️

Shame Free Sex Is Overdue!

May 02, 2019 Tatiana Carrera / Gigi Engle Season 1 Episode 16

Gigi Engle is a Badass, Sex-Educator who fought at an early age for Shame-Free Sex-Positive Education. Gigi and I believes, that Shame Free Sex...Is long overdue.  "She is a feminist writer, clinical sexologist, certified sex coach, and sex educator; who teaches a variety of classes centered around pleasure, sexual health, and confidence. Gigi's work regularly appears in many publications including Brides, Marie Claire,  Elle Magazine, Teen Vogue, Glamour and Women's Health. Her articles have been shared over 50 million times, with her top posts reaching over 150 million shares. She also writes a weekly advice column : Ask Gigi and is an original member of The Women of Sex Tech." (Me too!)

Gigi was my AMAZING, and AWESOME guest that spoke candidly about living in a culture where Sex is still considered Shameful; and of course we both agree that this is pure bullshit! Sex should be Shameless, Shame-Free, Carefree and not conditioned based on societal closed mindedness.  Daah!!!

Think about it...in the 21st Century Oral Sex is still Taboo!!! It's still underrated, and have a negative connotation that it's a shameful thing to do. In what fucking world...!!??? Men LOVE having their beautiful cock, dick, or pee-pee sucked. Just ask them...And there are many women, like my self and Gigi who truly enjoys giving this great pleasure so freely; and of course getting it back in return uninhibitedly.


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