Cost of Health

Senator Krawiec explains how CON laws drive up your health care costs

Coalition for Fiscal Health Season 1 Episode 13

When asked who might be against the removal of outdated and restrictive Certificate of Need (CON) laws, Senator Joyce Krawiec lets out a laugh. It’s not a nervous laugh, but one that’s hearty and genuine. More than anything, it’s a gesture of astonishment and bewilderment. So, just who would be against ridding the state of guidelines that limit new healthcare providers from entering the market?

“The folks who already are in the market don’t want competition,” Krawiec says. “They just don’t want competition.”

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The North Carolina Coalition for Fiscal Health is a 501(c)(4) corporation, organized as a nonpartisan group focused on economic issues and the rising cost of healthcare in North Carolina. We’re here to talk about improving the fiscal health of all North Carolinians.