Cost of Health

North Carolina Rep. Kevin Corbin

Coalition for Fiscal Health Season 1 Episode 5
In this episode, NC Representative Kevin Corbin joins us to discuss the impact of health care costs on his constituents in western North Carolina. He also shares some potential legislative solutions to alleviate health care costs, and talks about his second career as a southern gospel singer.

Learn more about Rep. Kevin Corbin

Rep. Corbin's official page on the NC General Assembly website

Purchase and listen to music by Blue Ridge

Follow the coalition and Michael on Twitter @fiscalhealthnc and michaelck and Facebook

And be sure to join the coalition to help fight for lower health care costs

The North Carolina Coalition for Fiscal Health is a 501(c)(4) corporation, organized as a nonpartisan group focused on economic issues and the rising cost of healthcare in North Carolina. We’re here to talk about improving the fiscal health of all North Carolinians.