The Formula Podcast with Trevor Carlson

Mentoring Student Entrepreneurs with Laurie Watje - #92

Trevor Carlson / Laurie Watje

Currently, the Associate Director of the John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Laurie Watje assists students who want to start their own business or become entrepreneurs. As a mentor and counselor, Laurie advises her students thoughtfully but ultimately encourages them to find their own way in the business world. 

In this episode we will discuss:

  • Helping students who want to be entrepreneurs or start a business
  • The importance of finishing university with a degree
  • How to help students while letting them find their own way


“You are the only person that can take care of yourself.” (6:42)

“What are your long term goals? Where do you see yourself 10 years from now, 20 years from now? What does that life look like and who is part of that life?...The quicker you can learn these lessons, the easier life is going to be.” (7:20)

“If someone wants to be successful right off the bat, I think being about to have the initiative to go after it and make it happen but really have that teachable kind of spirit and be willing and open to receiving advice and guidance, you will probably avoid more mistakes.” (9:08)


Laurie Watje UNI Professor Profile:

Laurie Watje Johnpappa John Profile:



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