The Formula Podcast with Trevor Carlson

Am I Good Enough? - #97

Trevor Carlson

Imposter syndrome can be described as a mental pattern of self-doubt. In this episode, Trevor explores the crippling feeling of fear when we doubt ourselves and how to avoid these negative emotions. By thinking in the long-term and considering our future selves, we can learn to make better decisions in the present that will ultimately allow us to achieve our goals.

In this episode we will discuss:

  • Imposter syndrome and underestimating ourselves
  • Learning to take others’ advice when needed
  • Self-doubt and how to address these feelings 
  • Planning for the future and thinking long-term


“I had no idea what the hell I was doing, as many of my early friends along the way would tell you, and I wasn’t the best at listening to other’s advice. I thought I needed to figure things out on my own and that thinking caused a lot of poor preparation and headaches I could’ve avoided.”


“Instead of hesitating or thinking my way into paralysis like before, I think of what my values are and the future I would like to live. Is what I am about to do going to get me closer to that or further away?”


“It truly does not matter how bad we are today, only that we think and act long-term. To put our art or skills into practice every day so we can earn the right to be great in the future.”


“It’s not easy when we struggle with imposter syndrome or whatever term that you give it. We can all use a little bit of support from those people around us who see us creating our work. At the beginning, especially when things aren’t the best, a little encouragement can go a long way.”



Trevor Email: 

Trevor’s Blogpost on Imposter Syndrome:



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