Board Games Are For Losers

Episode 1: The Settlers of Quigley

July 16, 2018 Board Games Are For Losers Season 1 Episode 1
The inaugural episode kicks off with the best guest in the history of podcasting. Listen in as Alexis makes up her own version of Settlers of Catan, and then the Double D’s navigate their way through her peculiar tastes to pick the perfect game: Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition from Fantasy Flight Games . We also breakdown (and sometimes tear down) Codenames, Codenames Pictures, and Codenames Duet from CGE with special guest Annette. And finally, in That’s Ridiculous, Darin tries to convince a very skeptical Daron and a more open-minded Lorelei that a simple $3 notebook just won’t do when it comes to gaming.