Women Beyond Faith

Meet Gabi -

Leah Janet Season 2 Episode 14

Gabi Maylock is a young, 20-somethings Millennial who recently moved to New Hampshire to be a part of the Free State Project (https://www.fsp.org/). Gabi moved after finishing her Masters in Education at Ohio University. Her graduate academic work focused on alternative educational philosophies including unschooling and self-direct learning. She studied Communication and Business-Marketing at the University of Pittsburgh as an undergraduate student. 

Gabi is originally from a small town in Pennsylvania called Spring Mills (near State College, PA). Born-and-raised Catholic, these days she is open to learning about different religious systems. And, If she had to choose, she'd most likely identify as agnostic. In her free time, she likes to hike, practice yoga and philosophize. 

Listeners can get in touch with Gabi via instagram: gabi.maylock

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