Women Beyond Faith

Meet Danielle --

Leah Janet Season 2 Episode 15

Danielle was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio by two conservative-leaning, Atheist parents.  Since adolescence, Danielle’s values and beliefs have evolved in some dramatic and unexpected ways.  She has gone from vehemently pro-life to passionately pro-choice, has slid from the far right end of the political spectrum to the left, and has grown from a staunch, black-and-white thinker to a Humanist with a great appreciation for nuance.  Her devout heathenism has been her only constant.  

 Danielle is a bookish busy-body with a dizzying swath of interests and hobbies.  When she is not cultivating young minds as a Montessori teacher, she can be found plugging away at the latest novel she hopes to get published, or protesting on the streets for one of the many causes she cares about.  Danielle lives with her boyfriend Curtis and their two cats, Mysty and Prattle, all of whom will be relocating with her to Louisville later this summer, where she’ll be starting a new teaching gig.  Danielle will eat any vegan cuisine put in front of her, and is always on the search for the best craft beer.  

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