Cocktails and Conspiracies

Epi 4: So Many Projects

Tessy & McDub Episode 4

How much does the government really know about UFO's?

WTF Moments: 

  • The government created Project Blue Book in the 40's as a tool to avoid public hysteria- but any UFO related project since then has been confidential and undisclosed to the public. 
  • One of the Project Blue Book team members submitted an alien sighting after seeing one himself, and his report somehow vanished and was never published. 
  • A more recent conspiracy called Project Blue Beam suggests the creation of a New World Order, and the guy behind the theory died of a heart attack without having any previous heart problems — one of the methods of killing supposedly used by Project Blue Beam was artificially-created heart attacks...whattttt?

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Speaker 1:

Hey, hi. Well I'm excited to talk about aliens today and outer space. We started with the Ca-Moon. Now we're going straight up UFO/ US government, and honestly this is what. This is the topic that actually got me engaged and excited about conspiracy theories and it all started with the documentary on Netflix unacknowledged. Let's talk about that and I know that like I recommended it to all my friends. It was just so mind blowing. Like it starts out saying in this really deep God like voice. He's like, they say that every with every single sand of grain or no- with every single grain of sand. Got It. You don't want. You couldn't correct yourself. I would have been like[inaudible]. I'm like, wait a minute, I know exactly what you're talking about with every single grain of sand there is on earth. There is believed to be another life sustaining planet out there, which is just so wild to think about because it is so much. Okay, well let's just intro this thing. Okay. Now I'm really excited because again, this is. This is the conspiracy that got me into conspiracy theories and I love thinking about space. Like it's, it's actually a little bit trippy and almost kind of scary sometimes, but I think it's so interesting because we don't know so much. There is anything that can be out there. Right. But we're going to talk today. We're going to start talking about project blue book. Okay. Give me what is it, what's the background that definitely going to talk about project Blue Book and how sketchy the government was with it. What's been going on since then and what's going on now and what people are sort of thinking now and why I'm burping a couple times. Do you think you can hear that? And like I haven't heard anyone really quit. Okay. Are you burping like into the mic or like. No, like kind of trying to burp. Yeah. Right now I'm taking Topo Chico. So, so project blue book was the third government operated study on ufs. Um, it started in 1952 before that there was project sign and then it was followed by project grudge and the 40. So do we know these were official? Yes. Government or official government operated study projects. I'm the primary goals of project blue book or to determine if[inaudible] were a threat to national security and then also to use a team of top level scientists to analyze the UFO related data that they compiled. So at the time you have to think back, like there was a lot of hysteria. Everyone was getting their media from the same outlet, right? Everyone was getting their news from the same newspaper, radio ads, um, and people were going crazy and like everyone wanted kind of to feel a little safer and to feel like the government was doing something about it. So like when was this? I think I, this was an, this is right before project blue book around 1950. So Harry Truman was president at the time and he was very concerned that the general public would jump to conclusions, assume that earth was being taken over by aliens. It's going to be the end of the world. And he basically wanted to control the public outcries, mass hysteria. Indeed. So now we were thinking the actual mission was to denounce the Ufo shows, dismiss Ufo, debunk them. And anyone who believes in him, that's why we started making them look very fictional. We started making aliens look like cartoons look fake because we wanted to assure the public that, hey, this is just a fake silly thing. The government is taking care of this. There's actually a government project on this, you know, we're analyzing and testing the results and we are. We are on top of it. So basically that's saying that there was government about propaganda that Megan aliens a caricature. Yeah. A government official has been quoted saying project blue book was nothing more than public relations and not its real intent was to ease the minds of the public without actually looking into the matter of Ufo is at all actually a lot of the team on project blue book we're not experienced at all and they didn't even really have any say. Okay, so wasn't a project that investigated UFO sightings? It was literally for public control over like yeah, this mystery, yes. But that's not, that's not what they had beliefs. So the public was told reports are being collected, we're analyzing them or filing them according to their results. And no one noticed anything that anything was wrong for a really long time. Someone on the investigation team, and I can't fucking remember his name, but I saw this in my research, um, he actually sent in his own citing and then he went back and looked for it and it was gone. He was on that. He was on project loon team and that's something in the file was deleted. He filed an actual alien siting and that's when things started clicking and I think he eventually quit and started his own project. Um, so really, really sketchy there. There were over throughout project blue book, I think it was around for 18 years before they shut it down in 1970 and there were over 12,000 reports or sightings alien sightings. And to this day over 700 are still identified. So they still have no absolutely no logical explanation to what they are. Reports 700 reports. And so the weird thing is it's like why is the government hiding this? Like there's obviously why aren't we looking into this more? So the conclusions when it closed in 1970 were one no UFO investigated and evaluated by air force has ever given any indication of a threat to our national security to there's been no evidence submitted to or discovered by the air force that sightings characterize as quote unquote unidentified represent technological developments or principles beyond the range of present day scientific knowledge. And number three, there has been no evidence indicating that sightings categorize as quote unquote an identified are extraterrestrial vehicles. So basically it's telling us nothing like it's no threat and we, we don't know what these sightings were, we can't explain it, but it's not a threat to our national security. So that's kind of sketchy. I'm the guy that is an unacknowledged Dr Michael Greer. He had been trying to persuade Congress for years and government officials to disclose what was actually happening. He was like, if you're not going to tell the public that I'm going to. So May 9th, 2001 Dr Steven greer led the National Press Club conference and that's where they would expose the degree of illegal covert operations at the core of the UFO secrecy. And they had coordinated hundreds of firsthand witnesses. There were over 800 whistleblowers from high level defense contractors, government officials, and military intelligence officials to testify regarding Iti, Ufo secrecy and new energy and technology is depression. The government could probably control everybody's testimonial or like if there's a signing, all that kind of stuff. Well, and then, and then traded to me. Oh, for sure. And this is been going on for so long. This is the test that, I mean even President Reagan, Hillary Clinton, Roosevelt, Obama, there are several other presidents that have brought this up and it's basically the conversion to a new world order. Like this is a quote from Reagan in our obsession with the antagonisms of the moment. We often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. So is there a plan to fake an alien invasion and scare us and basically convince us to have a new world order? And I know that we're going to talk about that soon, like talking about what, what we've turned that into because this is all kind of coming out of nowhere, like unacknowledged came out in 2017. That was just last year. And this is getting really, really big. There's definitely something shady going on like people are hiding shit. I mean it's kind of weird that a lot of these powerful people and these sketchy, powerful people have alluded to this, not even international threat but an other worldly threat to bring the whole world together. So

Speaker 2:

are they first seeing like just so much divide like look at our country today like since the civil war country has never been this divided like, you know what I mean, like are they, are they first seeing like a trend like I

Speaker 1:

like, or are they trying to open up our minds and start starting to have this thing, hey, start something about something's coming. Start getting scared. It's possible unite with you know, your fellow humans and you know, we all need to be one and unite and protect ourselves against space. Which is impossible. I mean spaces so unknown that we have to make sure that never happened. Right? All of the files are published on Project Blue Book. Now they've been published and released and declassified within the last decade. Where can we find them? You can just look them up online. Google project blue book in like the photos come up. That's great. Yeah. And you can actually. And I was looking through. What do you mean? Like are there black lines? Oh you can see them all. It's crazy and if you read them it's like it's fucking crazy. People want a summary now but just go, just go online for yourself. Google Project Blue Book and look at some of these testimonials like it is unbelievable. And the weird thing to me is what? What's happened since that. So since project blue book, everything's in such a secret. They've had a black vault, they've had the disclosure project which Dr Greer has been for the public knowing and um, more power to the people and then you have to go back, okay. The average. Like think about the average person on this earth. What if all of a sudden

Speaker 2:

just the US, the US government was like, okay, here's all we know about aliens and it was literally a million times more. Don't you think people would panic, like especially like think of the average person, 100 percent. There's no way they could give us this information. So it's like the heart. That's the hard part of knowing what is the balance to inform the public. But then control mass hysteria too. So I wouldn't know how to do that. Like I bet they have a million psychiatrists on staff. Like for sure. Thinking about that. Like why would they ever release all that the elder government knows about anything. We freaked the fuck out. Like I'm sure they're freaking the fuck out and they were like trained to deal with this, but the average American having all of this shit people would. I mean look at, look at some of the national disasters that our company, our company, our country. Yeah. Response to like Hurricane Katrina. Everybody alluded everybody like multiple, multiple horrible crimes, rapes, you know, in safe homes, safe house. Like at the, at the Convention Center here in Houston, where we were housing all of the refugees from Katrina, I don't know how many rapes were on file, but like people do terrible, terrible things when bad things are happening instead of coming together, it doesn't bring them together. People loop, people steal, people don't have rules. So. And that's a great point. I mean that's a, that's the thing. And that's why we don't get to know this stuff, which I'm fine with. I mean I'm fine with two unless there's another motive and that's part of the conspiracy. And was going to segue into my thing. That's what's going to segue into a crazy psycho. It is nuts. So there's a little conspiracy called project blue beam. Not Blue, but there's so many projects being there's so many, so many. So in 1994 surge monist a writer and investigative journalists from Quebec published this manifesto, explain this theory that has remained infamous in certain circles to this day. So what is it? So we'll start with monash. He was a self sal journalists from Quebec who wrote a very influential paper in 1994 called project blue beam. He alleged that NASA and the United Nations, we're working together to simulate an invasion from space using holograms. That's the most generic high level description possible. So here's what he, here's what he thinks. He's broken it down into four parts that was designed by NASA, the United Nations, and this plan, would it allow those organizations to accomplish what he believed to be the ultimate goal of creating a new age religion. So there's a lot of these new world order's new religion type things and he's just kind of pairing that thought with the government. And then with the CFO's. Yeah, this guy looks like a nut. He thinks that the government so crazy and evil. He's so this new age religion would be led by the antichrist to start a new world order dictatorship. So, so step one, I'll walk you through these steps. Step one, um, project blue, blue. I'm never going to say this right. Project Blue Beam one involved the manufacturer of artificially created earthquakes in strategic locations around the world. The goal would be to unearth artifacts like historical artifacts that would like up route all religious doctrines of all nations that had been misunderstood for centuries to basically discredit all religions. So there's an artificial, you know, because you think back to you planted earthquake, like yes, we're going to destroy and they're going to earn earth stuff that we've better is a mystery to us that basically like, okay, so there's the self, there's the Dead Sea Scrolls for Christian or two data, the religious, the Dead Sea Scrolls. So we discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls, scroll, Scroll, Scroll. So these and these were the original, like part of the Old Testament that were thousands of thousands of years old that we found, um, that gave credit to the Bible and all that kind of stuff. So for the old it was all old testament. So, so that's the first step. Religious artifacts that have been misunderstood, leading to discrediting of all religion. Okay. Step two, let's go. So step two, you would involve a gigantic space show in quotes during this stage of project blue beam three dimensional optical holograms as well as laser projections of holographic images would be an across the sky, like why? Yeah, so some images would include, they're just gonna do like a huge projector into the sky, a slowly look up and see shit and skype. So some of the projections which would include projections of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, etc. That would merge into one monastic thinks that this would work because the reason that we could see this all over the world in the sky was because, and I'm quoting space based lage laser generating satellites from the conspirators, meaning nasa and united nations would project simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet and every language and dialect according to the region, basically like a massive like movie screen where a new god, which would all of those like major leaders of all those religions would form into one single. God would speak To everyone in their own language. Yes, that's crazy. After all the earthquakes and everybody's questioning religion anyways, and then there's this near religion died, scott. Okay. Step three. This is where mind control is center stage. So telephonic communication devices would send waves to each person within their own minds. So like basically telepathy. The goal of these telepathic messages would be convincing each person, each of them that their own god is speaking to that from the very depth of their own world. So like have their own soul. So like if you believed in jesus christ and you're a christian, jesus would speak to you. So how would that work? How would they, how would they speak to you in your own head? So according to monastic setting sprays probably such raised from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about every human on earth and their languages. That's not far from being relevant. They're doing right now. Totally. Think about it. Your computer knows your computer and your phone knows everything about you. So freaky. Yeah, like I want to ask really weird questions to google and I'll straight up tell tracy like, hey, google this. I don't want this on my google history, I don't know, but if you think about your phone can be recording your conversation at all times. Totally. It's so crazy. I know. So. Okay, so how. So the memories of computers, the store management, database, human humanize the alert. The rays would then interlace with their natural thinking to form what we call diffuse artificial thought. So basically what that saying, and this is my own interpretation of that quote, is like they're talking to you, but you wouldn't be able to distinguish it from your own thought. Like, yeah, you think you're just talking to yourself or you had a weird dream or whatever. Like it's not gonna be that intrusive. Like here's a picture of it. We'll post this.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I mean

Speaker 2:

the fuck is that true? Holograms all across the sky. I mean, could you imagine that? Like, no one's going to be like, it's a hologram, but it's going to be subtle as fuck. If this is true. Like they're not just gonna all of a sudden, like bombard you with this huge, like phrasing it like they're gonna groom, they're going to expect that. No, for sure. I mean after the very. Yeah, in step three, like they're going to make it seem like it's your own idea and your own thoughts even though it's going to be like a message sort of saying, okay, so step four technologies would be used in order to convince people that alien invasions and the rapture itself we're taking place that's making it easier for the powers that pete to take control of people that are scared puck because a scared society isn't easily manipulated society. So here's some other weird stuff slash like potential cause for belief. Like here's some other weird stuff that had happened around this project. Blue beam. I'm like, what the fuck moments? Yeah. What's here? I'm going to talk about Steven Greer for sure. Um, I like Steven Greer, sorry. So when component includes the phasing out of cash, I'm now, which we're kind of seeing now with bitcoin and all that, cryptocurrency mona said that the plan would be executed after financial crisis, quote unquote, not a complete crash, he said, but enough to allow them to introduce some kind of inbetween currency before they introduced their electronic cash to replace all paper plastic money. The 2008 crash was comparable to the great depression, cash inbetween currency, bitcoin, like a blockchain. All these crypto currencies are being made that aren't there, like, you know, separate from the government, from the federal federal reserve because they're not traceable. But what If there was well there for sure traceable, but think about from 1994, think about how much technology has taken over currency, right? Um, credit cards, online payments, all of that, like no one needs a credit card was with an airline. Um, and it was a yo, it's credit through an airline, like an airline credit card, first credit card that you use for dining and stuff. And I think it was like in the seventies or sixties or something like that. Um, but even in the nineties, like if you watch home alone, home alone too, whenever he goes to New York and they take his dad's credit card and they don't even type it on a computer, they take it, they put it on that thing and like trace it. And that was what that was in the mid nineties. I mean think about how far we have come in regards to that in 20 years, that's what this is, this object that we are going to revisit bitcoin about. Why was it created, who created it? And in some of the technology consulting firms that are now, they're literally teaching these huge enterprise, especially finserve like financial services. They're all into blockchain right now. And there are consulting companies that are learning how to introduce that to, for our enterprise companies to use. It's going to become more and more common, a 100 percent as well. And in la that, I mean it makes sense because there's so much volatility with the, with the dollar and what does that set by? And then what is the backed by a private company, the butter wars or will? We talked about this in our, in our confederate gold, our last episode. Yeah. The dollar means nothing. It's not backed by anything. You cannot redeem. Not anymore. Since the 19 thirties you cannot redeem a dollar for gold. Perceived value. Of course. Why wouldn't we try something in the digital age to get away with that? Like, hey, there's a lot of people like it makes sense. But then there's also the question of like, okay, really how was it really this? And this guy has like a kind of like japanese name and nobody can really figure out who created the first bitcoin. Like they can't find this person. But like really why was, why? Why was that created in the first pLace? Like is it really a free market or is there like intention behind it? That's you have to ask yourself. So here's some other things. Okay. Then there's this disputed story of nests. Death. Wait, did he die? Yes, he was. He did not know that. What the fuck? So it said he was reported that he died. Of a heart attack without any previous heart problems. and one of the methods of killing supposedly used by the project, blue beam was artificially created heart attacks. What? And he said that. Yeah, he said that. And then he died by that. But he was like, wow. So wait, but how would you artificially inseminate a heart attack? Oh, there's, there's so much. It's like, are they, are they actually like taking a heart attack or are they just saying he had a heart attack and third induced heart attack. Huh. Okay. So he died of a quote unquote heart attack, but it was artificially induce. He had no heart problems. Okay. So Steven Greer, a retired physician and outspoken figure in euphology in the ufr scene where most recent documentary and acknowledged was released on netflix in 2017. He's been warning that the government for a very long time, that the government will manipulate facts when it discloses information on ufos in order to consolidate power. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. in a blog post, he wrote quote unquote, strictly speaking, the military just and warmongers itching to kick some alien. But as it was said in the movie, independent state, well why is he quoting a movie that's ridiculous. Dependence day. Come on mate. Okay, let me go back to him. Did in independency, may actually only want a pretext to justify their existence and get the world to eveNtuAlly Spend huge sums of money on A perceived it's contrived threat from space. The theory also involves religious fanatics attempting to instill, initiate an armageddon. He sent a bUnch of tweets after that times piece came out about the 22. So there was this us a New York times article that said the peNtagon spent$2,000,000 on a mysterious ufo analysis program. So Steven Greer, after that times piece came out, he sent a bunch of tweets talking about how even though an acknowledged was the number one documentary on netflix in 2017, there was no media reporting on it. There was nothing. It was crickets like no media picked up on it. Nobody talked about it. So the last thing I'll say about this blue beam in like, not supportive it, but like who is kind of referenced it or referenced aspects of this. Hey, I think this monastic guy isn't fucking off his rocker, like absolutely and shit like that, but there are things in our history that have not, it will, obviously his came later, but like that kind of support some aspects to his so related to the power, the powerful beings and how they want to control us, control the narrative and special, a great way to do that. So ronald reagan in the real world, let's just say that, um, he said an alien threat, quote unquote, would be the solution to uniting a hostile world. Like you were saying. Yeah. Yeah. So numerous like conspiracy theorists, most notably former naval officer, William Cooper, aka bill cooper, he's the author, author of the famed underground book, behold a pale horse, speculated that reagan's speech was an expert positional public, quote unquote debriefing to prepare the public to accept global government as an unnecessary response to an alien invasions ticket. Let's take a feel of the temperature. Let's see how this. He was the one that suggested that the us government had been working on a fake alien invasion since the 19 thirties. Yes. Like, well ronald reagan said that, but like he said, even back further, like they've been working on a fake and the alien invasion like this bill cooper guy that and then he, he talked about orson welles. We're the worlds broadcast. That was an experiment to see how the populace would react to such an event. Um, so this guy cooper hosted a radio talk show on which he predicted they gradual and preplanned world economic collapse. Most of his information has proven to be accurate. He blew the lid off of the Oklahoma city federal building bombing and the rates on waco, like he predicted those things really happened. Yes, he was lambasted by both bill clinton and rush limbaugh as quote unquote, the most dangerous talk show host in America. What? Wait, who's this? Bill cooper. Bill cooper. Okay. This guy was shot in front of his home in Arizona. Bill cooper. Okay. With. No, that's weird. I'm sorry. That's weird. I know. So, so to conclude like basically the point of that conspiracy is that the government will use our lack of knowledge around these basic principles of science, physics and understanding all of this to slowly leak if real or not, but that an alien invasion this time unite the world ties into so many other things like the media, like why are we so obsessed with reality tv? We're getting dumber and dumber and the government doesn't really care. Like they don't want us to be knowledgeable. They don't want us to make new innovations to study the sciences, study physics. like they don't want that because they want to stay in control. And if we don't know what we don't know, if we say stupid and ignorant then we'll be able to control us. And whether you believe it or not, I think without all the crazy hologram shit. Like that's what project blue beam is saying is like, you know, there's a potential theory that the government could use our lack of knowledge and a mob mentality of fear to unite the world. And that's really like, that's the big question. Like why don't we know more hooks back to the new world order. Yeah. That would be a new world order. Yeah. Everybody came together to fight. You're both. so if you watch that documentary in the documentary, there's a commercial and it's like, you know, like the armed forces, the military commercial, it's set up like that. But it's the national space defense. Oh, the, the United States of America space army basically. And there's, they've actually shot commercials for that. So they're getting ready. I mean they're slowly dripping into our hats and like, this is the scary part, but it's not going to be that weird whenever it happened. Here's, here's the sides. I think that I'm being just completely neutral. I'm sorry. I'm burping as I'm talking, but I didn't burp and I'm just like talking word. I'm done. Okay. Did you burn? Yeah, well, it's talking. Just fun. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I couldn't even tell I was talking her. I thought you were yawning, yawning, and talking. No, I wasn't. Not. Okay. Let's just say you a hundred percent believe in extraterrestrial life and that we've all, the ufo sightings have been 100 percent real. Then you could look at this as like the government is trying to filter to like kind of tell us about stuff like with ronald reaGan kind of disseminate information, but they don't want to give us everything because of nasa stereo. Like the average american. They won't make good decisions. People will freak the fuck out so you can look at it that way. If you can look at it from the opposite way, like, no, you don't think that aliens are. Your photos are real at all, and then all of those stories, all the sidings are planted. Then you have to believe that they were there for a reason, from a governmental standpoint and maybe that this theory about a new world order because of a fear of an unknown him an enemy. Yeah, but night people. Absolutely. But that's the whole basis of the unknown. Telling us there's degrees in the middle, but those are the two extremes that I see. Either you believe everything and then you think, well of course the government wouldn't tell us about these things that exist out there because the average american slash earth citizen can deal with this. Like, you know, especially in primitive areas like, oh, and especially with how huge religion is. Like people would be like, no, you're the antichrist. There's the religious aspect. And then like I said, just with the natural disaster in new orleans, people became the worst versions of themselves. Yeah. At a time of tragedy. So like you see that human behavior to loot, to do all these things, to steal, to run, to rape, to like that's human nature. So that's. So if you're on that end of the spectrum, that's why the us probably is it telling them every telling us everything they know because we would do that 30 year mission that someone was taking a person. Maybe I just, maybe it was a movie. I don't know. I could have sworn that was real though. I don't know. I think it's so fascinating and like, um, what's that movie with matthew mcconaughey? Enter interstellar. Stellar. Freaked me the fuck out. It freaks me the fuck out too, but I believe that that is more how I'm thinking it has to do it, and then what we like, what ancient civilizations probably saw themselves in different planes or whatever. Yeah. You know what we're not physicists know, but it's just so cool to think about and like who knows what happened$500, billion years ago maybe there was a very advanced civilization on another planet. So I've talked to tracy about this. I think some technology was lost a long time ago. I think there was like technologies that people in ancient cultures had that will kind of last years, but then we've been rebuilding them in a different way. Like we have technoloGy they didn't have but lost knowledge that I think they were as primitive as we think they were.

Speaker 1:

No, but they do have proof of advanced civilizations back in the day. Mainstream scholars agree that given our current knowledge of earth's history, complex life appeared on our planet at least some one point seven, 5 billion years ago. So if complex life could have existed on earth in the distant past, why is it so improbable and unlikely that advanced civilizations flourished on earth? This is suggesting that there was life almost 2 billion years ago. The dinosaurs were alive since then. Yeah. The dinosaurs didn't come into existence until, uh, 230 million years ago. So like we're. Was there some sort of human life before the dinosaurs. What do you think about going or store? what do you think about retail? Yeah, sam now. But that's just so crazy to think about.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know.

Speaker 1:

What do you think about aliens and project blue book? Well and project blue beam. I don't think the story will ever end. So this is one of the episodes that we might be coming back to because without dates, like a bonus, like people are. People are talking about space now and talking about the universe and aliens and especially

Speaker 2:

like in, in the commune episode we talked about the private company getting funded by google to get sarah once private companies can actually go up to the moon. It's not going to be government filtered. We're going to start doing a lot more if, if the government allows private companies to go do that, what theY're proposing, but they've of course jet. Right, right. Yeah. But I'm sure there are some crazy like that or does well, everything's gonna have to be filtered out before it gets. But, but, but thAt's what I was saying, like if it's a private company, it just have to. It can do whatever it wants because it's private. It's not public, but don't they have to go, they get approved, they got approved to go. Okay. So that's exciting. And it'd be interesting is if the government tries to filter their findings. Yeah, I guess that's tbd.

Speaker 1:

There's still so much that we don't know and this is the fun part of like conspiracy theories and

Speaker 2:

we're crazy as they are. They can be true. They could be true.

Speaker 1:

We love about conspiracy theories is there is a little bit that's the trail and there's a little bit of that. So fucking ridiculous. And we want to talk about all of it. Yeah. And we didn't talk about what you're drinking today. Definitely have been drinking today. We have, so we always slower at the end of the podcast, we started out so like bright and cheery and then the end. We're like la. Well I just like, I'm between a jewel fruit medley pod and topo chico and tito's again. I'm having a great time. What about you? I don't know if my weird ass paid. That's fucking expensive and it's not as good as a jewel. I think it's delicious. It's mango. It actually is mango like with a dream sickle. So it's like yum. Yummy. So that's what you're smoking and then just having them. Ms. Yeah. At like 8:00 at night. Which is weird. Does it feel weird to have a mimosa this late? I don't ever had an a mimosa at 80. No, it's okay. So it's not like a real mess. It a champagne with a splash of as fence. I mean that's okay. I mean it's kind of weird drinking that after having chinese food, but I feel good. Yeah. Good.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

okay, so hope you guys learned some something. Yeah. Um, we don't know. So I know some people that have had that have claimed to have first hand experience, you know, actual people. Yes. No, I don't know anyone so that our next one. Okay. Well, little teaser. Yeah. Come back and listen to the next one. Yeah. Okay, cool. Alright, I'm excited. Wow, that's good. Thanks guys for listening. I love you. God bless you and we love you.