Cocktails and Conspiracies

Epi 5: Freaky Friday - with Guest Speaker, Tay!

September 07, 2018 Tessy & McDub / Tay Episode 5

Our first Freaky Friday special where we each share a crazy, weird and/or f*cked up story. 

Tonight's topics include John Titor- an alleged time traveler from the year 2036, a couple of ghost stories, and how the Mandela effect is making us all question life... 

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Speaker 1:

No, I feel like I'm being like, like interrogated, like if y'all could get closer to me, that'd be wonderful. You are closer to me last time. Okay, let's do that. Wait, wait, why are you getting all the way over there on one, two on one? I feel like I'm in a courtroom in a jail cell much better. Thank you. Oh yeah, it's a conversation now. Oh, I'm really excited about this one. Well, yeah, I am too because I have no idea what we've. We've all picked. I don't even know what I picked now. I do. So do you get. Are All getting here another angelic voice with us today? We have a very special guest. Probably. I'm curtis mentioned her as the titanic. Yeah. Our very first thought titanic was just the movie. Yeah. That's learned a lot during. So we're so excited. I'm excited. Our goal is like every time we name drops have any or like we talked about, some of you they need to come on and like everyone can be familiar with our friends because we named off everybody all the time. Oh, for sure. Well, first let's start off clique, clique link back to prosecco. For me, I've been drinking tea like the last few times and it's gotten pretty loosey Goosey at the end. I listened to one of Y'alls unedited and at the end you guys sounded like a bunch of idiots. What are we talking? Your camera is so funny. Last one. Last one was good. It was good. Yeah. What's the last one? Uh, oh, project lubbock. Alien. Galen. Okay. Yeah, for sure. Did you reference that? Unacknowledged? Obviously a lot of it. So it was basically a summary of it. Acknowledge. Oh, for sure. Yeah. As a question, what do I do? And I have to Burp. Go off to the podcast techniques. I feel one coming on and I don't want to just know. I mean I'll edit it out. It's fine. It's just like maybe give us a little warning like a bird. So I think so let's talk about how we know today. A nice surprise. I'm sure you guys sell it. Tastes I. Absolute, very best friend. First off, how many people do you think that know us that are listening in? Rolling their eyes in the back of the casing because they've heard this story. He smiles a million times. It's our favorite tale. Crazy. Met a tale as old as time. We got potluck freshman year of college, like randomly assigned roommates. So I went in with my friend from high school and she went in with her friend from high school and we ended up getting like put together. Yeah. And then we a note pollock is, which is shocking. So I'm glad you did that. Yeah. But yeah, so it was random but obviously meant to be and we were literally best friends like immediately and then we lived together for like eight years. Now we live like two minutes away. It's perfect. Yeah. She just got married last year and I was her, her Ma maid of honor. How easy it just finished. First bottle of champagne. FYI. We're about. I've been listening to this podcast and kick the first bottle. So the pace this is going today. I'm mine. Well my very. Let me just see this. It's so weird that neither, like I did not meet either of you guys in college. Super Weird. It's so weird, like I was only a year behind and we literally have so many mutual friends in common and, but I did not meet them until I started. Um, I interviewed for a job in Houston about a year after I graduated. I worked in Austin for a little bit and worked in Austin for a little bit. Was the first person that came to greet me and I remember you were like, do you want to go have a glass of water? We have the coldest water sales immediately. Just loves to be bubbly and then best water in town. Best watertown obs got the. And then she was, um, she was my account manager as a recruiter and helped me get promoted. The edited version of the story that's not, forget the mansion. We all live together and then our mansion and then we all solidified our friendship through living through. Living in the mansion. The grossest house. Fucking, yeah. Discuss discussing it, but they actually tore the place down or demolished right after everyone knew. That was the second place I lived in. That has been torn to the ground. Yeah. We just loved old shitty at places that they're in great locations, BC Dabs, but yeah, so we've all let the mansion. I think we had like at one point like six girls, two boys. My God, we have cas floater, floater. There's always one of my college roommate staying on our cows this year when I was 21, two. It's almost been 10 years that we've known each other. We've all known each other. Wow. Isn't that weird? Like. Yeah, 10 years. Sounds good for you all because you knew each other in college, but it's been overtaken way. It's been 13, 13 or anniversary. How funny is this? So. So tests. It's funny. I'm an email the other day that on her calendar she had put bff anniversary August 20th. So this is our anniversary. We met August 20th, 2005 yet. Oh, 13 years long ago. So we're to celebrate and go to dinner. Lucky number 13. I didn't even realize that. Yeah. Well so nice to meet everyone on the line. It's like an operator on the phone that those headphones on and I confronted. I feel like I'm on the phone. Your logo's a little switch. I get operators. Yeah. Love it dude. Operator snaplock. Cute pickup heart. Before we get to sloshed. Thank God I on lipstick. Oh No. This is real life. Real life. Real life. This is a freaky Friday that we're actually doing on Friday, which is real Friday. The episodes freaky Friday. We're going to tell you some cool story. Short little stories. Should I start? Go ahead. All right. So my story today is about a real life time traveler and his name is John. Detour deed or this is like a guy that legitimately says he traveled here from the year 20, 36 and he had to go back to 1975 to get some computer to save the world, but it's almost 20, 36 basically. So is. So is this back in 1975? So I will be. You guys were excited. I never heard of. I haven't either. I'm still on November second 2000. So let's go back to the year where we doing and we're all graduating sixth grade and remember we all at um, uh, at midnight in 1999. Y'All had at y two k parties because that's what we're going to die. That's part of this. Um, think about like the Internet. Whenever you dial it onto the internet it was like that you had to put the CD in it and you had to like click the little buttons like, cause you only dialogue where you could only do and it's like get off the Internet. I have to use the phone like so old school, like that's why I have my own phone line. Yeah. So aim. Yeah. I think AOL Instant Messenger game on aim. Let me just asl you age, sex location. Remember? So on November second 2000, a person with a username time traveler underscore zero later named John t dot or claim to be a time traveler from the year 20, 36. So remember this is 2000. The Internet is somewhat new but everyone, like the majority of people are using the Internet for like porn or like chat rooms. Right? So he posted this. I'm on a chat room, said greetings. I am a time traveler from the year 20, 30 secs. I am on my way home after getting an ipm 5,100 computer system from the year 1975. My time machine is a stationary mass temporal displacement unit manufactured by General Electric. The unit is powered by two top spun, dual positive singularities that produce a standard offset trippler sinusoid. I will be happy to post pictures of the unit. So there was a lot of people had questions and he was very like open to answer all of these questions. He posted pictures. He was like, this is what I'm here for. Let me explain to you. And it was actually like know back to the future. Yeah. So a lot like the movie back to the future. So this machine that he said was used to help him travel through time. They put in a car because it was too heavy to carry and that's how they traveled through time. So this is what he has to go back to 1975 to get this certain computer. It's an IB. I'm 5,100, but why? But why? Oh, he doesn't tell lie on why, what I'm about to tell you. It's just part of. It was a great segue. Yeah. Why would someone from the future needs such an old computer? Right? Because it's the beginning of technologies. Yeah. So in 1975, IBM released the 5,100 after the world's first personal computer hit the markets. The one thing that the 5,100 could do that other computers couldn't, was debug and emulate code between a variety of programming languages. We're both on it. So yeah. So you understand exactly what I'm saying? Yeah, exactly. But on the platform, it depends on where it goes.

Speaker 2:

Let me teach everyone something, but this is the weird thing.

Speaker 1:

So the IBM 50 slash 100 had a secret program and could basically transcribe this code that they needed to restart the computers, but it wasn't publicly announced. So. But that is real. Like they straight up said like, yes bob do. Beck is an engineer who helped design it, confirmed that this feature existed I think in 2002 or 2003, but John t dot or set this, you know, when he was here in 2000. It was weird. Just wait till I get to the second part. So he announced that capability bef like years before it was actually like confirmed for the first time. Yeah. We only know what are two like major conspiracy theories around John t dot. I mean obviously that's kind of a conspiracy theory, right? But one is that he prevented Y2k, the y two k panic because you remember everyone thought the computers were all going to explode and the world was going to come to an end. So weird that everyone actually thought that they would reset themselves because we call it the millennials or y two k bug that would basically. And we went on the water. I know. Did y'all really do? Yeah. And we. And then I had a slumber party with all my girlfriends at that night and we stayed up til midnight and, but like this is it girls like we all thought we were all together and then we woke up and that's the thing. So it's almost a little disappointed. Yeah. Something happens. Water cells on it for sure. Totally exciting. Okay. So that's one of them. Hey, are you guys ready for. Don't look, look away. Look that. Look at me. The second theory is the first y, twoK, so yeah. Yeah. Self upon. Yeah. Donald trump is John t dot or what is what bombshell lightning bolt picture. When did this kind of Donald Trump is the 2000, 36 time traveler. John t tour the last person ever. I would have thought more of like a serious person, maybe a Johnny Depp. I Dunno. Like mysterious or like James Franco. So a bizarre theory claimed to link the US president to the mysterious time traveler from 20, 36. Um, so now an image has emerged of lightning hitting the trump tower in Chicago, which has fueled an unbelievable theory that Donald May have harness that energy to run a diamond shape. Hold on, hold on. Okay. Many claim that trump had links to Nikola Tesla, the mad scientist. He supposedly developed crackpot theories on how to travel through time. Well, I would, let me say in defense of Nikola Tesla, he created an approach that would essentially make all electricity free for everyone. Like that's actually an episode we're going to do. Yeah. Like Nikola Tesla is an amazing, amazing person. Like how was he killed? Mm hmm. Days. One of the most impactful thing that I ever read was the fact that like, he back like hundreds of years ago or 100 or 200 years ago, 150,000 and I believe Tesla was like in the 19 forties. Was it? Yeah. That's 100 years, but close enough. But yeah. No, you keep figuring out. Okay. Way to supply free power for every household. Yeah. So yeah, and he was like screwed over because it was such a, it is a billion dollar industry, I think of all the power companies like we're doing. We're doing. We're going to do a couple of episodes on there. This actually, but to sum it up, Tesla's work was mainly involved with harnessing electric energy. Many believed that John Trump, who is donald trump's uncle may have found plants to work at theoretical time machine because John Trump was good friends with Nikola Tesla. They are just in his. Okay. So now photograph of lightning hitting the trump tower on a crucial day during Donald's campaign has fueled speculation that he was successful in creating Tesla's time machine and altering the course of the election, which is so extreme, very bizarre theory, which recently appeared in a four Chan Forum claims to be a compelling explanation for Donald Trump's shocking victory in the election last year. It was shocking. It says kind of was. I mean it says that trump's uncle John saw tesla's plan for a time machine while investigating his work in 1943. So I'll share Peter explained trial time traveling and that's what I want to know. Everything that could happen does happen in a parallel universe and that all possible alternate histories and futures are real. So basically, yeah, Mandela effect. Is that what you're doing? Yeah. So this is all connected to the Mandela effect. You travel back in time that you will travel back in time. You're in an alternate universe. I'd make it here versus. But y'all are talking about your stories. Wait till you know, mine is really lighthearted and like I'm, I'm listening off all the examples of the Mandela effect and they're silly as fuck, so, but what he's saying is like, so every time we'd go back in time and anything little changes as a parallel universe is created because you change the outcome it okay. Okay. So it's a totally different path. This theory suggests that changing the past is impossible. It's basically a. He said that he's trying to shape an alternate alternate timeline where the chaotic events, because remember he said he was coming to get this computer because because of y two k because it wasn't happening and so then he just along the way he said that he was trying to create an alternate timeline where the chaotic events of his own timeline did not happen and that's why a lot of things that he predicted, like we might have a civil war in 2004, 2014 or something like that. Never happened because he stopped it and he changed the timeline. And so that's how, that's how he interprets time, traveling parallel and parallel universe versus common. The civil war was, so we're not going to publish this part, so Adam and I went to know Adam and I went to see no Adam to watch every fucking avengers movie. Any marvel movie. I haven't seen a one. Are you kidding care? I see them all. We actually saw one when we went to Asia. We went and saw infinity war and for D in Bangkok and Adam was actually watching it as we speak right now because it came out on DVD yesterday. He already bought it and he said he will watch it more times this weekend that I've ever watched any movie of my life combined. Anyways, when we went and saw the avengers civil war, he was like, because you know that everyone loves to like question, give me a little history questions because I know the world. And so we're sitting. We went to a boy, that Mexican restaurant and the movie theater. Yeah, cafe job. And that's to Edwards. Oh. So we were in capital. We're slamming Margarita and they're strong and he's like, so, um, what's a civil war? I was like, what do you mean? He's like, what was the Silva who fought in the civil war? And I was like, Mexico and Canada. He's like, are you fucking kidding me? He's like, Taylor, a civil war men 31 second shutter at gold episode. You would have known that we're not embarrassing. Yeah. Okay. So we'll get back to your civil war example. No. Okay. So that's my freaky Friday story. A real life usually quick. Yeah. Well mine will be someone's not five seconds. No, but that was a great one. Chocolate. Well, I want to look him up now because I've never heard of this person. Maybe we'll do an episode on it. John Tanton tidied John John Tit tour to tour. Okay. Spell tint or a Dick to Dick. Ever heard that? I just made it up. I thought it was a thing. He says it my turn. Okay. So that's my story yet. I'm done dropping the Mike. Yeah, no, that's totally treat the floor. Okay. So this first story, and it's actually a freaky Friday also is very scientific, but my interest is straight up tail, so, um, and it has to do with my childhood, but I remember this. Okay. Okay. So I'll get right into it. So I'll tell you the story for us. I'm telling you how it relates to me. It has nothing to do with me actually, but I will start with the story. Okay. So it is a story of the haunted or railroad tracks in San Antonio. Have you heard of him? Like deb? I have heard, but I don't know. Details. Okay, I'll wait. Tessie, you've heard about it. I've heard kind because really? So basically. So if anyone lives in San Antonio Again, Warren Houston's we're not far. So growing up we always went on field trips to San Antonio for like the Alamo and all that shit. They of course the riverwalk. Can I tell a story about it really? So quick, quick, quick. So in sixth grade we went to the Alamo and this when I was little, like I was boy crazy in kindergarten like that, but I didn't want any attention. No, I didn't. I ain't hard to get, didn't you? Oh, I didn't want them, like I didn't want the attention, but I liked liking them. So this boy that I had a crush on for like two years, bought me one of those rice necklaces with like your name written on the rice kernel in a rose and a pearl in it in San Antonio at the Alamo. And I cried. He smokes? Yes. Um, and, and he gave it to me and it was like I wrote about it in my diary. I was like, this dream come true, but I hated him giving it to me in person and I cried and my teacher had to like talk to me. You're embarrassed. So embarrassed that he gave it to me. Any idea? Can we do an episode reading her diary? I have, I have my diary from the ages of seven through eight here in your apartment. Yes. I stole it from my mom because it was so funny. All right y'all. So whenever. This is kind of a little dark but not really because it's funny. So whenever tests and I went to Brent for grandma's funeral, we found her diary for. Did you get to read some of it? So sweet. Literally from like when she first went my pop ball, like oh I love, I know eight years ago, but he was in the army and he sent, he was able to send grandma pictures and there was one of them that was like from behind like his butt and she put in the diary and wrote about it, like look at that buttocks or something was like 1912 or something. I don't know. I don't love or not that old. Probably in a titanic way. It all comes full circle. Circle back to the gigantic. Alright, let me get back to the haunted railroad tracks. And it's funny because all my notes, the title is on at school bus school bus. But that's not what, that's not what it was about. I don't know. So for anyone who's in San Antonio, this is at the intersection of San Juan mission or it's near San one mission at the intersection of Villa Maine and Shane road. So in the thirties or forties, I'm a bus carrying students back from a field trip. So the story goes, there was a nun that was carrying 15 to 20 students back from a field trip and they sought out on this real baby students like Logan Elementary. Yeah. Um, and they came up, it was late at night. They came across the railroad track at the intersection of Melamine and Shane Road in San Antonio. And it got stalled out. And before I guess train came crushed it killed all the kids. I'm the driver. The nun driving it got thrown out. She lived, every kid died I think having like she got, she got thrown out because it was like kind of her side was on the front and the kids were in the back. So she driving the bus, who's driving the bus? So back in the thirties. So like if a non driving a bus at a 13 kid, like in the thirties, probably so old. Totally. Yeah. All 13 kids died. The nun survived. She couldn't live with herself. So the next week she went and parked her whatever car, whatever on the train tracks. So tranquil herself, tried to kill herself, couldn't do it. Well she could. She tried, but she's on the tracks and the train is coming and her car was pushed over over the tracks with their car park. So she got out. She just pushed over, just pushovers, moved, moved, moved off the track. So she got out, was in park, she was in part, but anyways, hand prints all over the back of her car. Little hand prints, baby hamper. So now you can go. So people go all the time and if you put baby powder on the back of your car and you put your car in neutral, don't try this at home because I feel like somebody is gonna fucking actually die, but no one's died yet. People actually put their car in neutral on these train tracks and their car will eventually get pushed over and if you get out and see little baby hand prints of the goose. So where this relates to me, my parents and I, when we were little, my mom's best friend Jamie took her kids, freaked them out obviously. Um, so my mom took tanner and I and she was going to take guys and she said, fuck it too scared. Don't want to take the kids out. Don't wanna freak myself out. So they just canceled the trip because it was just too freaky. That's crazy. So what we could all do, I'm totally down to go and try it down. So that's my or freaky Friday. So I actually as a child and prayed to God that I would never see an angel, that I would never see anything supernatural. Yes. As a kid like freaks you out. Oh, 100 percent. So I prayed my whole life kid too. We not everybody gets to security. What do you want to know it, Deb, in what's today? In two weekends. I mean at Granbury lex frank. That was my next door at my parents lake house in Granbury. There's a ghost, so let's do a ground floor going next week on a girls trip to Tase Lake House. We do it every year. It's called the Boyd Olympics and the Grand Island area. The grandparent and Steve boy like gives us all nicknames and actually makes up like, what is it called? Events. Haven't we make events and we compete for prices and if I can make dab always land on him because she's not bitch. I'm practicing as a ghost at my parents house and the guy that lived there before them died, he slipped and fell in the shower and busted his head open, but. And he was a big creek apparently. He would sit out on the dock like, but naked and like, Ooh, my parents' neighbors. I mean you've seen it. They have like a million grandkids and children, all kinds of kids. He's like tap that we all take. Bob's did not. It's our bathroom slipped and fell and that. No, my parents never knew about it because you don't have to disclose it unless it was violent and he was and he was a drunk. He slipped and fell and died. Accident. Um, he lives there now. We were calling them frank because we didn't know. We made it up. Frank originally and he was still turning on or off the light. It's like he turns on and off lights. He slams doors. Like my mom will be there by herself and like, my mom's don't want to bullshit. No, Tam doesn't bullshit. No. And she will be in bed by herself, the Lake House because my dad will be in fort worth and she'll like hear a door slam, like a light turn on and then it'll turn off and close back. Yeah. Horrible. So then we renamed him fronk thinking maybe he hated his name and you'll, he hasn't come back since I'm having a good time. Like honestly I think with 10 girls, like how crazy we get whenever my mom hasn't hurt. Like whenever she's there by herself, since we renamed him the last Granbury Olympics this time last year we renamed him from UNC and he has an effect because we power a names. Well we thought maybe he would feel safer with like a more prominent strong name like frog. He loves it. He appreciated it. So rip. So we're going to have to see him two weekends so you can see him or not because I prayed to God. Maybe I was the one that drove them out because I prayed I trade for 30 years. Well y'all like c was so scared at Mcdevitt. Terrifies. Like, oh, I thought there's been a lot of requests here. So now I think it's time to hand it over. One more little story. Do you want this Jesse? No. Okay. So, um, the Mandela effect is what I'm going to talk about and it can be a really in depth conversation, but I'm going to keep it a little lighthearted by giving you examples of the perfect. There's a whole list. So, so excited. I love them. And della effect. If you've ever heard the official description of the official description, basically this theory says that at certain points in time, the universe, the universe we know shifts into an alternate or parallel universe without us noticing, but sometimes a group of people may remember certain things from the previous universe that may not be the same today, but there's a certain group of people that are conscious of that change. Basically, that's what they're saying. Um, I got it. I have a whole example. So you'll, you'll totally get assessed by them by the end. So according to the theories, such memories are accounted for by something such as a time traveler. Uh Huh. Or y'all pick these up. This is kind of freaky Friday. I know y'all had no clue what y'all are going to pay. Roll in with a ghost story. So there's a no, but yours is awesome. Accounted for by something as a time traveler. Changing. Yeah. History. And then creating alternative realities. Some of us. So here's the, here's why we are conscious of this effect, because some of us have moved between those realities, hence remembering things that have been written out of our current timeline. Let me give you an. The most famous example is the Berenstein bears. Yes. Do you remember the parents? Of course. That's the one thing I can relate to. Like I watched the cartoons, like we had all of those, like what were those, the gold like with the little gold foil on the spine of like all those little books. And I was like, well, tiny. Yeah. So the everyone now is the Berenstein bears, but nobody knows the berenstain bears because that's actually how it has always been spelled. S T I a n z. So it's berenstain bears. So every single piece of merchandise, if you look at it today, videos, books, merchandise, say berenstain. Not Berenstein, but nobody remembers Berenstein bears. That's weird. Seriously. Like we all remember berenstain bears. Yeah. No, it's, it's completely wrong. Yes. It's always been that. So that's an example of how we, in our hearts and our minds seen bears. Yeah. But it's berenstain what? Yes. Let me give you a full list of a whole list and there's one and there's one that freaked me out. So bad. Um, I researched this for like an hour. This one I'm still stuck on the Berenstein bears. I know, I get it. I totally get it. But why did no one realized the effect? That's weird. That's a weirdness. Crazy. Well, actually it got its name from Nelson Mandela because there's a huge group of people that swear up and down that he, they remember him dying in the eighties in prison, but he actually died in 2013, but there is a huge percentage of the population that, where's that? They remember all the TV stuff, like everything about him dying in the eighties. So this is how it got its name. Um, so I will go down the list. Okay, y'all, I'm excited about this. Second is, these are the pictures and examples. So the second is the Ford logo. So they know exactly what it looks like. There's a curly q at the end of the middle slash in the f there's a curly q, there's a pig's tail. And it's like the, you know, obviously Ford is the letter of the most recognizable, you know, um, car manufacturers out there. I asked tracey about this and he's like, no, it doesn't. I was like, yeah, there's a little curly cue on the Ford logo. Did you ever notice that before? Like, would you have thought it looked like that or that? Oh, the bottom one for sure. Now it's the top one. That's always how it's been. But nobody realizes that there is that little pigstail on the cross. On the APP. Okay. So, wait. Okay. The monopoly chairs or what? The monopoly man here. Rich uncle pity bags does not have a monocle. Like the top hat and a monocle and everything. Like he doesn't actually have one. I always thought you did too, until I did this research. There's not one on him. Wait, but he's not wearing glasses. No. Wearing glasses. I know everyone. You see him with the little circle circular glasses? Yes. That's what everyone thinks. He looks like what the monocle. But he actually has no monocle on. Okay. Darth vader does not say, Luke, I am your father. That's a lie. He says, no, I'm your father, James Earl Jones. Now even even remembers him saying, Luke, I am your father. That is not the line in the movie at all. No. Do you know who we should have right now on this other podcasts? My husband. Isn't that shit? Yeah. I can't wait for him to listen to this then loves darth vader and I bet you a million dollars. He said, what is, what does he say? You need to look at your father. But he says, now I've got some good examples. So next one. This is the one that I literally had to sit there and really think about. Okay. Do you all remember back in the nineties, that movie when he was the genie? Suzanne here. I bet this is on this list. It never existed. Wait, what? No, that movie does not exist. It was never shot. Okay. Well, okay. I, I totally remembered it. Tracy remembered it. I have this memory of watching that movie and Sinbad himself like went on an interview and was like, I never filmed that and, and I do not get it confused with Kazem, which had Shaquille O'Neal in it. I saw that one separately, but I have like very vivid childhood memories, Shizam movie, Sinbad of, of that existing. And it doesn't like I can remember scenes from the movie like this one. I do remember. I remember this movie. It never existed. No, it was never made so that, that I sat there for a very long time for ageless. Yeah. I'm like, no, it's fucking weird. Okay, so let me keep going. So now I know it did exists. Are you kidding me? That was the. That was the one that got me to do this list. So next one. Hannibal Lecter never said hello, clarice. Hello clarice. Yes, he did. He said, good morning. Wait what? Nac. And looked yes. Doesn't. And he'd never says hello, clarice. Hello clarice. I know it's the most well known thing. Yeah. No, he does not say that. He said, good morning. This is crazy. Right. Sworn on. Like if somebody said, I bet you a million dollars. He didn't say that. He said it. Yeah. Um, okay. And then the other one was like, sally fields. Remember her Oscar acceptance speech. She's like, you like me, you really liked me. That's not how it goes. I don't remember that though. It's one of the famous quote up and then we'll go, this is blowing my mind. I'm like, kind of freaked out. I know. It freaks me out to the actual line. Is You like me right now? You liked me? Not you like me. You really like me. That's been quoted in movies

Speaker 3:

like people have been repeating this line over and over for decades. However, the sally fields who said, you like me, you really like me existed in another reality in this reality. We have a sally field who said you liked me right now. You liked me

Speaker 2:

and I can't deny the fact that you would like to me. Right?

Speaker 1:

That was Madonna. Bill Clinton, Chris Rock, Kelly Ripa, you, tracey Walter, Robin Williams, Michelle pfeiffer over and over and over, and now they're saying she never said that. No, I'm not ready to hear more. Okay, let me go down. I'm blown away. Harry Houdini's death. So it is a really popular belief that Harry Houdini died during one of his tricks, his escape tricks. But nope, that's. Nope, he died. So who is Harry Houdini? He was a magician that specialized in escape tricks and so a lot of people, and there's like a. I mean you can see videos of him and stuff. There's a lot of people that believe he died in this like tape trying to escape it, but in reality he died when he. One other thing that he thought he could do really well was take a hit. Like he'd always have people punch him in the stomach and like he trained himself to take a hit and all this kind of stuff. And one of his students when he was not on guard, hit him in the stomach and it ruptured his, um, I don't know what, what happened to him, like spleen ruptured appendix after one student's punched him and he died from that. But there's a shit ton of people. I thought for sure he died. Right? There's no not at all and they're probably making me question life. Very nice. No, I know. So those were the most interesting to me. There's a whole list of stuff. Oh, this is interesting. But you saw the picture. No, it's okay. I'm not going to say anything. So how many people were in the car? Oh yeah. Asked me what car? JFK assassination. How many people were in the car? Five. Well, I guess. Oh, I, I was straight up while ago because I thought for like, I could see only for people like in my head, but there were six p five. Three in the front, two in the back. Right there. Okay. And she rose? It was the, yeah, the fruit loops. Froot loops. Yeah. So it's actually. Oh, fruit loops, not this, not you. It, it's r o, t,

Speaker 4:

yeah. Wait, so

Speaker 1:

that's another one. I'm not raising that. So this is basically proving that time travel. Israel or just will not or that there's parallel. Really what this focus is on is yes, parallel universes. And then there's some people that remember an alternative paths and like to this day like, but what's crazy is it's so many people to say Oscar Meyer when. No, we are the champions. We are the champions of the world. They never say of the world. Oh yes, they do. Plenty of times on guitar hero ended on. We are the champions of the world. Yeah. No. Tom Says, because we a third champion. BOMP bomp. Ah, yeah. That news flash. There is no of the world in the song. Now at the start, middle or end, the song ends that we're at the champion just like that. No, it's so. It's weird. So there's another theory about this called and instead of it being so like Scifi. Yes, it's called him. He, which stands for a second. What's weird about this theory is that none of us knew that you were going to talk about this, but we all three remember the exact same thing. And that's not real. Like it's so weird. Now the queen and Snow White never said mirror, mirror on the wall. Do you know what she said? Magic Mirror on the wall. So, so like it's basically like I'm misreading something but never fact checking herself and that's just like what you. But for so many people to think the same thing. Yes. That's what's so weird. There's a lot of lists. I didn't think any of these were good. I don't think that one's good. The flintstones versus the flint stones because everyone like flintstones flintstones that. See, that didn't strike me as being weird. Like I'm like, whatever. I don't remember. Here's Looney Chan's. Yeah, it's not t o, n s it's to you in. But I kinda remember that too. Like, yeah, like this. Like that's nice for breeze is spelled like that. Not that no 100 percent. No. Like, that's wrong. I have some. Do you want me to grab it? Yeah. Now you can get it in a second. But I'm like smokey the bear. He has never called smoking. I knew that to the smokey bear. Never smoked weed, but I don't remember that either. Yeah. So that's why I didn't like list some of these because I only listed with sex in the city. No city and the city. Yeah. It's a of the city, not in the city, but you knew that. Yeah. No, I think I thought it was sex in the city as you. I don't know. Yeah. So that's. Those are the ones that are just weird examples. The Sinbad one freaked me the fuck out for a long time cause I have memories of seeing that and then to like see a video of him saying I never made that movie. I feel like crazy person. No, no. Like you look at it, it's the fact that you can look up sinbad movie and there's pictures of a minute, but then he said he never did it. Right. Who is the crazy one? Maybe he's fucking with us and there was a little movie poster right there. Then batch am, but it was never made. But they think it's this one. No, I remember. I remember Sinbad in it a hundred percent yet that I know. So freaky freaky Friday because I'm officially freaked the fuck out. Happy Friday. Well guys, I hope you got freaked out on a Friday night. I'm fucking freezing. You're scared. You're scared. Happy weekend. Sign us off. Oh my God. Okay. Great weekend. That blast trust no one. Oh yeah. That's what tests he. His mom always says, love you. God bless. Trust. No one. Perfect y'all. I drank. Yeah. With the Mandela effect.