Cocktails and Conspiracies

Epi 6: The Worlds Wealthiest Family

September 09, 2018 Tessy & McDub Episode 6

New Reality Show Idea - Keeping up with the Rothschilds.

 WTF Moments: 

  • Driven by their quest for money, the Rothschild's have been said to assassinate US Presidents, and to create virtually every war since the 1800's, in order to finance both sides. 
  • In order to keep the money in the family, intermarriage was not only accepted, but it was common - sick.
  • In 2011, E.L. Rothschild, LLC, purchased Weather Central, a global provider of professional weather news - and they own all of the data that is released by ALL weather providers. 

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Speaker 1:

PSA announcement, we are not experts and we do not know what we're talking about a lot of the information that we get is from Google or wikipedia and I'll do some reddit threads if I'm feeling real adventurous even though I really don't know how to use that website. There's a lot of stuff, right? It intimidates me. Have you tried Quora? Nope. Oh yeah, Quora's Cool. Hello. Hi. Hello again. Hello again. Cheers! How are you doing? I'm great. How are you? I'm good. I'm good. Ugh, fizzy in my mouth? That's a really fuzzy. What does that mean? If it's fizzier does that mean it's cheaper or bubblier I guess... it's cheaper. Have no clue. Not. Not a Sommelier, which I wish I was. You said that real nice though. Thanks! Was that pretty smooth? I would have stuttered... like I don't even know how to. I'm not going to say it... I'm not going to repeat it one and done. So this is going to be our, is it the sixth episode? Six. Okay. So this is our episode six and a little bit of um, I don't want to call it housekeeping, but really like, hey, help us. Like we're trying to get our name out there. So I posted that were, now you can find us on itunes. That was so hard. Everyone cares about. Yeah. Yeah. So you can look on the podcast. I'm little APP that just comes on your phone and Google play spotify and then you can go directly to our Buzzsprout. But um, yeah that was a bitch trying to get the it really. Well itunes was. I know that's very confusing. Now it's up. It's going so go and give it a listen and all. We always want me to rate us, but only if you like it, if you don't like it will give us some good ratings please. I thought you were going to say give us a chance. Give us a chance. Yeah. So, but we're always open to suggestions. And one thing that we really wanted to do was once we get started is have a place for like crowd sourcing. Um, yeah. Give us some ideas. I mean, we're coming up with this top these topics on our own, but if we get a collective, um, you can either direct messages on Instagram, on twitter. Our email address is tessy and mcdub at Gmail. Yeah, that's t e s s y a n d m c d u B. Yeah. I can spell. I felt like it was in the spelling bee. Does that. Okay. I only did one spelling bee when I in maybe fourth or fifth grade and I hated it so much. I suck. at spelling. I misspelled on purpose. Review R E v I e w did you really do it on purpose? Yes, I did because I didn't want to do it because I didn't want to sit up there. what was the winning word that year. Do you remember? Oh yeah. Apprehension. Fuck A p p. nope. already wrong. out. I was thinking of application. Yeah, totally different word. No. So I, I've totally gotten horrible at spelling because of autocorrect on literally everything that we type on that damn little red dotted line. I wait for like, I start typing something and I wait for it to tell me the word that I'm looking for. I was like, Yep, that one. The worst is when there is no replacement found, and then I started with the wrong letter crap. So. But yeah. No. So those that are listening, please send us like a topic or something you've heard of that you'd like to hear more about or you're just too lazy to do the research you want to research. We'll totally do it because we're, you know, we have ideas but we're running out of all of them. All the ideas, all the ideas. Absolutely. But yeah, no, so that was just like some podcast-y stuff. Please subscribe and rate us if you want to hear more. Even if you don't want to hear more, just don't be rude, and just rate us five stars. please. okay. we're asking nicely. Really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Yeah. Well I'm excited to talk about the Rothschild's today, which I fucking hate saying their last name. It's, it feels like a tongue twister. I think that this is a really interesting story. Not only the conspiracy is behind the family, but the history behind them and you know, honestly, the only recent reference that I've heard of them was Nikki Hilton marrying a rothschild and I was like, oh, that's a big family until I started like doing some research and stuff. So no, he's Kinda cute too. What's his name? David? I don't know, he's kind of cute. Okay. So who are the rothschilds why are we so fascinated with that and how did they get to where they are? We all know now that the rothschilds are known to be the wealthiest family on the entire planet or that's what they're kind of famous for. Right? Their wealth and their power and for their banking dynasty in the 17th century. Right. So it all started with mayor on Chell roths child. Good job. Did I do a good job? Because I never said that out loud. I know a disclosure, there's gonna be a lot of stumbling around some names and words today. I made all the names easy. There's some Jewish terms in here that I am not going to know how to say. Okay. So Mayer Rothschild is the one that started it all. he's the top of the dynasty and the kind of ironic thing is that he grew up in extreme poverty. So his dad was a silk and coin trader. They were in Frankford. They were in like the ghetto Frankford. So he grew up in extreme poverty. His Dad had this little tiny workshop that he worked in and the crazy thing is he was one of 30 people living upstairs. So he lived in a 10 by 11 room. That was how big his dad's trade shop was upstairs with 29 family members. Wait, what? How? they would just stand up. I think so honestly, because I don't know, 30 people would fit in a room like that, but they were extremely, extremely poor. Right. So he always grew up like, well, and you know, it's weird we say that he grew up, but his father died really early when he was. When Mayor was 12, his dad died, but he had some connections to royalty. So he was doing some coin trading for Prince Hess and he was taking care of his silk trading as well. And so when he died, mayor stepped up to the plate and um kind of took over the family business at that age. Okay. So I think like back in the day was like a 12 year old, like a 20 year old. Yeah. Okay. It's like dog years. Life expectancy was so short. It's like you're an adult by the time you're 12, you're in your mid thirties and you're successful. You start working as soon as you can walk. So crazy. So. Okay. Let's see. So he took over his father's business. He started working with those connections and then got more connections into royalty. And in 1770 he got married to gutle schnapper. Ooh, hot. Is it Gutle?, G, U T L E dot. Yeah. Okay. So let's see. He marries oodles and this is back in the day when fathers would get like really generous dowry s to their future son in laws just because to basically thank them for taking the burden of their daughter off their back with one less mouth to paid. Yeah. Because women were worthless back in the day, unfortunately. Trading stock, whatever. Um, so this is what actually helped him flourish his banking business, right? The dowry, then they start going to pound town and have so many kids, one after the other. He's like, I need a fucking basketball team. Well you don't know whos going to survive. So you got to... The odds, right.. 8 Survived. Well yeah, I knew it. did you? well no, but I figured but not all of the 10 would be there though. He has 10 fucking kids. Five boys, five girls. Okay. So I think they kept like trying to have kids cause he wanted to have men to carry on his legacy. Right. Okay. So he has 10 fucking kids. No one cares about the women. Um, with his large fortune. He really, really like from the start, starts teaching his kids about banking. So he spreads out each of the sons throughout Europe and has them start their own banking empire within their city. His five sentence Amsel, Solomon, Nathan came in and Jacob Am Sheila, Solomon, Solomon, Solomon, Solomon, Solomon pro, whatever am shell isn't a Frankford. Solomon is in Vienna, Nathaniel is in London, came in as in Naples and Jacob is in Paris. So think about that. They have someone hubs in Germany, Austria, England, Italy, and France. Yeah. His son's, you know, establish these banks across Europe. They started coordinating their activities amongst themselves and they eventually developed all of these banking rules and interests in what we have today. So to your point, all the kids get pretty much assigned to the city and they made friends with all of the ruling elite in each city. So for example, Carl, he grew very close with the Italian noble family, the metechi and we know that was a crazy family like back in the day. Yeah. Well, influential families, they're the ones that family what? I can't even say. The metechi. They're the ones that started banking. The concept of banking. Yes. And the concept of credit and interest. Yeah. So how, I mean, and that's what James and I were talking about because he goes, how are they related to the metechi? And I had never even heard that. I was like, what the fuck are you talking about? Is that Italian family? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, for sure. So that was Carl, that was. Carl. That's just one example. Okay, so Carl, the Naples one, the Naples son was friends with the metechi. and the metechi family is the family that started banking like in the 14 hundreds from the Crusades. Right. It's really smart and sneaky. Oh, they're all very smart for sure. Okay, so I'm going to talk about nathaniel for a little bit because I have a couple of things to say about this nasty fuck. Nathaniel or Nathan? Nathaniel, but we call him Nathan. I mean, I'm sure he went by Nathan, but. Oh, Nathan, nate. Now we're going to talk about mate. So a lot of people think that he got his fortune, at the battle of Waterloo. It was part of the Napoleonic wars and the napoleonic wars. We're basically a continuation of the French revolution. So this is the power struggle between France and Britain. Napoleon was over France and he wanted to take over all of Europe. so nate. oh nate. nate. He had founded the London branch and so he obviously wanted Britain to win. it was going to make more economic sense, it was going to be better for him in the long run. He was all for Britain, so he funded a lot of the war on their side, so one of the theories is that he had spies and he got the news of Napoleon's defeat before the mass media did, but she took all the British stock out, which made it look like Britain lost Right. So it looked like Napoleon won, because remember this was back in the day, this was back when it took four or five days for someone for the news to get back. Oh sure. They weren't like filming it live. You didn't have the Internet, you didn't have phones or anything like that. That just took for fucking ever. So a lot of people think that nathaniel had spies looking and told him about Napoleon's defeat before the mass media knew or before the public got out. Yeah. People see the founder of their bank, of their city taking out all of his bonds and selling them. They're gonna know that something's wrong. So ever selling all the government bonds. So they go crazy. Everyone starts. um like the. All the prices fall. They drop like crazy because he's selling them all at once. So people suspected that this meant that Rothschild knew that British lost. So then as soon as everyone sells off all of their shit, he buys them all back the next like day before everyone knows that Britain really won. Right. And so whenever one found out Britain really won, guess what? The motherfucker did, he sold them back at a very high price and that's how he made so much money. But so one thing that's interesting for a rebuttal for that is in 1846, three decades after Napoleon's for geremy had been think, wished in what is now Belgium by British oppression and Dutch force, a political pamphlet signed. Satan went like the 19th century version of viral. So it was an independent London newspaper recounted the story of the pamphlet a few years ago under the headline, the rothschilds libel, and basically this guy Satan that signed at Seton was a left wing controversialist called Georges. George. It's a plural George. So I just think it's. George has actual. Does that sound good? Okay, cool. Georgia is dare vail. Let's just call him George D. G D. So he was like, she do? Yeah, because he was a huge antisemetic did not hide his loading for Jews and the Rothschild's in particular, he was not a. So it's been proven that Nathan was not even at Waterloo or even in Belgium at the time. There was no channel storm and he made no great killing on the stock market. Like I'm sure like it was like, because there's no checks and balances back then. So basically it would be like today the fake news going unchecked. Like there's no, there's no way to verify any of these claims. And so back then you could send out a pamphlet and say, Hey, this is. They were right. Yeah, sure. Because. So that's how bad has it been? But also nathaniel was like a skeezy like asshole. Oh, for sure. I mean he's been, I don't want to read this quote. Let's see. Okay. Okay. So this is a quote from Nathaniel. I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British empire and controls the British money supply. This is a direct quote from them, so he knew. I mean, you kind of knew what he was doing and another sick fuck thing about nate. All of his daughters, he cut off financially. As soon as they reached a certain age, he totally cut them off and basically encouraged incest in her marriage. Yeah. To keep the wealth within the blood line. He was only. Daniel had four daughters and three of them married cousins and one of them married and uncle. Yeah, there's a, there's a saying for that and I term for it. Yes. Avenue Q, late at avunculate marriage, a wii U, N C u l a t helping me at all know Ivanka lit marriage. So that's where an uncle can marry a niece. An aunt can marry the nephew

Speaker 2:

cross. So

Speaker 1:

Nathan, nate, nate married his brother. Carl's eldest daughter.

Speaker 2:

You got a sick fuck. It's really gross. Duh. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So No. Yeah, whenever you said that, I knew I had to look that up because it is a thing and I'm never going to say that word again. That's great. One more time. Avunculate avunculate. Avuncular. No, I'm not a boon of merit. That's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So,

Speaker 1:

I mean a lot of these things have been debunked and, and, but also then, but that's the point of our podcasts. Like we're just talking about it, right? It's not like we don't believe one thing. Believe me. Yeah. You don't believe everything you read on the Internet. And that's another really important thing about conspiracy theories is there's always little, little tiny bit of truth to them. And that's why I think the history behind it, it's so fascinating because they really came from nothing and then they came from nothing to basically owning and having power over half of the world. Right. It's crazy. So another conspiracy theory about the Rothschild family is that they are controlling the world through debt and you Surrey in that this plane was centuries in the making. Um, wow. You know, and this is pretty well known there. Rumor to own the Federal Reserve. Um, and just, you know, just to lay this out in very layman's terms, the Federal Reserve is a, is the private bank that lends money to the US government at an interest rate. The end result of this is that the average citizen gets poorer and poorer by the day under the guise of saving the economy, when in fact, it just makes things worse for everybody aside from the many lenders obviously. So a lot of people think that from the bank, going back to the bait conspiracy, that is blatant a robbery that has ever taken place. It's robbery, it's robbery, like this is what our government or our livelihoods are founded upon is a private company. Yeah. It's not a government, you know, that's what they thought of the idea first they did. So they have all the power. So here's, here's the kicker. So$21,000,000,000,000 of us debt is ultimately owed to the owners of the Federal Reserve. And guess who owns the Federal Reserve? The rothschilds now. Oh, sure. Yeah. So other Rothschild's conspiracy theories are that the Rochelle's sank the titanic because a lot of the people on the titanic where it got ordered to staff up the Federal Reserve, they're associated with a lot of assassinations. That's another full circle moment. Full Circle. So coming back to the original to episode one, titanic, that's another conspiracy behind the titanic and other one is that they are a group of interdimensional reptiles were inhumane clothing. So this is actually look up their pictures is weird. So I think in the Khumbu episode I mentioned a guy named David Eick. So he's the father of like the reptilian elite theory. He loves it. He thinks that everyone that's rich as a reptile so that the global leads are all aliens in disguise for like the new world order. So I have another full circle to make. Okay. This is kind of going back, this is about, is that confederate gold? So in 18, 61, Abraham Lincoln approach the Ross trials to try and obtain loans to support the civil war. Oh, the rothschilds were already financing the south and we know that a man circle, Abraham Lincoln once said against the south, obviously he was against slavery, so the rothschilds were basically financing his enemy right through various agents. They agreed on the condition that Lincoln will charter another US Central Bank and would pay 24 to 36 percent interest on all monies loaned. So Lincoln was furious about the high level of interest. He decided to print his own debt, free money, and inform the public that this was legal tender for the public and private debt. So after this happened, the rothschilds published the following story in the London Times. If that ms dot gvs financial policy, which had its origin, and then North American republic should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and will be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized governments of the world. The brains and the length of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe. Who said that? The rothschilds published that in the London Times. So the Rothschild are also linked to the chief. Of course they are assassination. So President John F, whose dog is that? Oh my God. That's terrible. Have you never heard that before? This one a little bit. Oh my God. So upsetting. Anyways, it's star two or president John F Kennedy, yet he executive order one. One, one, one zero. Cool. The first one, 11 slash 11. Zero on June fourth, 1963. So basically at the Ross child's bank from loaning money to the US government with interest. So pretty much guaranteed that the Rothschild Federal Reserve Bank would suffer greatly. Right? The order gave the Treasury Department the means to create an issue money backed by silver without needing to go through the rothschilds. Privately owned bank Ganga what, what? Five months later President Kennedy was assassinated in Texas. Yeah. So yeah, so people believe that his, um, interference with the Rothschild's Federal Reserve control over us money is what caused that. So the next one is kind of nuts in it. It just was in the news this year is the weather control theory. I'm so excited to hear about this. Okay. Yeah. So a DC city council member, and this was back in March of this year, posted a video claiming that a recent east coast snow fall as a result of wealthy families controlling the weather. Okay. So there was a blizzard on the east coast in DC says that people are controlling. Name is trey on white senior man. Come on man. He posted a video to his facebook page in March where he explained that the snowfall was a part of a climate control conspiracy orchestrated by the Illuminati, which Duh. Of course the rothschilds are tied to the Illuminati. Yeah. So. So basically like he, he did this facebook post and it was crazy. Like this is tyrone, right? Yeah. He goes, man, it just started snowing out of nowhere this morning, man. You all better pay attention to this climate control man. This climate manipulation. This is a video and DC keep talking about we are a resilient city. So remember that word, resilient city and that's a model based off the rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters that they can pay for to own the city's man. Be careful. So immediately resilient Houston from Harvey. So basically, let me talk about first is climate control real? Yes. There's experimentation currently happening with technology that can alter or simulate what weather effects and there are even scientists who are working on technology that could change the climate of a region over time or what's called Geo engineering. None of none of this is actually like on the market today or like courses on the market or like being employed. Like this isn't happening. These are just happening in lab tests since the and things like that. Why are they happening in lab tests? Well we don't. Well at least we don't think. Why would you ever like conduct an experiment like that? So let me give you an example. In the United States military, did they cloud seeding experiment during the Vietnam War when it artificially made it rain over Vietnam and Laos Co two caused flooding. So they did a rain experiment. Yeah, they caused flooding in Vietnam. So why did that guy think like the rothschilds? I don't know why he thought it, like he kind of sounded like a raving lunatic to me and then immediately apologize. It was just this whole thing like the sky and I think he makes total sense. So in early 2011, a branch of the very rich Rothschild family bought a controlling stake in whether central, a provider of weather forecasts you, hundreds of broadcasters. What as, whether it be. Wait, is this real? They really bought this weather. Yes. One hundred percent. Yeah, in 2011. So here's a quote, as weather becomes more extreme around the planet with greater human and financial ramifications, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild said in a news released, we believe that whether central will play a major role in mitigating damage and improving lives. So this was big news. Wait, hold on, hold on it. Yet we believe horrible leather. We believe that the weather central like this, this company, you know, there's oil and gas data companies that like they do independent studies and they sell the data to like Exxon and Chevron and like, but it's like public knowledge, right? And so whether central does that for whether to hundreds of broadcasters across the US, but they own it, but they're doing the research. They are doing all of that. Right. So this was fun. This was big news and Meteorology and broadcasting circles. It appeared that the rothschilds wanted to take on the weather channel to expand its media holdings. So conspiracy theorists had a field day with this. I am having a field day right now. This is crazy. I had no idea. So to them it seemed like the rothschilds with their history of wealth wanted to control the weather and profit from the natural disasters. That's so crazy to think about. Something like Harvey, which was so devastating, so devastating, impacted so many Houstonians and impacted our entire study. The fact that that could have been manipulated is so insane to think about. I mean, I don't believe it, but it's crazy to think. Yeah, I think nate data.

Speaker 2:

Duh. Yeah. Yeah. Neat. We can talk about it.

Speaker 1:

Are we fighting? We're not fighting. Never fight. We're just talking about therapy for us. It really is. It's therapy for me. Oh, for sure. Yeah. Alright guys, thanks so much for listening and hopefully by this episode people are still listening, I hope for sure. Well, or like maybe this is the first episode that you were listening to and hope you enjoyed that. Hope we go back to the first one. Yeah. But you know, that's a little bit more, but it was still a good topic to learn. People aren't. We brought a few things full circle. So 100 percent. This is a good one. Alright. Alright. Love you. God bless you. Trust no one be. Our glasses are empty anyways. I gotta go.