Cocktails and Conspiracies

Epi 7: Was Marilyn Monroe Murdered?

Tessy & McDub Episode 7

Justice for Marilyn!

 WTF Moments: 

  • As a child, Norma Jeane Baker (Marilyn Monroe) lived in an orphanage and had 11 sets of foster parents, this was after her mother was institutionalized from trying to kill her. 
  • She was Playboy’s very first centerfold, in 1953. Marilyn had been paid $50 to model for the picture in 1949; Hugh Hefner bought it for $500, and thus the Playboy empire was created. 
  • Hugh Hefner and Mar never even met and are now buried next to each other... kind of creepy, right?
  • Marilyn's original toxicology report does not make biochemical sense- she could not have raised her blood toxicity level to the point that was recorded without dying and having her body shut down first. 

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Speaker 1:

Happy Birthday, Mr. President, Mr. President. That was very good. Thanks. Hi. Hello again. Hello again. How are you doing? I'm great. How are you? Good. Okay,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So today we're doing a very fun famous topic of Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn first. So one thing that we had set out to do is actually make themed cocktails for every episode, which we've not done at all that we're doing it today. We're doing seven. Okay. So you found something called what? Maryland's drink the Marilyn Monroe cocktail. So apparently Marilyn Monroe, she just left, she got fucked up. She loved to drink champagne. And so this was kind of her legacy drink. It's four parts. Champagne, one part apple brandy. So if you're gonna use like a shot glass or an ounce, four ounces champagne, one ounce apple brandy and a teaspoon of Grenadine Grenadines yeah. Yeah, one mixed it up already. And I just did one because we weren't like super pumped about the apple brandy. You've never had it. It's really pretty. That was, it's really pretty. Um, so we mix it up and I'm going to try it and I'll pass it to you. Okay.

Speaker 2:

I have. It's good.

Speaker 1:

Okay. It's good. Yeah, I know. Go. Yeah, y'all make it. It's good. It's good. We can split that. Share this one or do you want. You don't have a drink in front of you to you, you now that? Yeah, for sure. It's good guys. How exciting is a drink at first drain? It was. It's great though. Yeah. Yeah. I'm very happy. Good. Yeah. Yay. Good job. Um, okay. So yeah, kick us off. Okay. So everyone surely has heard of Marilyn Monroe. She's basically a sex icon. She really changed things for women. She's the first woman that had her own production studio and she was most known for being this dumb blonde. She had this dumb blonde persona and that's actually what drove her to create her own production studio because she didn't want to be in any of these movies anymore. And Fox was like domain, like assigning her, all of these done roles and she's like, I'm, I'm above that. I don't want to do that anymore. Um, but her story yet is very. And it's sad. It is really fast. That actually her early life, she grew up as Norma Jean. She was born June first 19, 26 in Los Angeles. She didn't know who her father was. Her mother was obsessed with like with the starlight and star life and the media and the of. She was a manager. She was definitely a manager, but she was so mentally unstable. So she was like, she had a lot of the crazy psycho manager. She actually named Marilyn Norma and she named her after Norma talmage. Um, she was a very popular screen idle during the early to mid 19 twenties. And then she would tell Marilyn or norma when she was growing up at her father was Clark Gable for the little time she did live with her mom. She would ask her all the time like, who's my dad? I want to know who my father is. And her mom was finally like, fuck it. That's your dad and Clark Gable. And so she would tell all of her friends at school. Like, my dad is Clark Gable and Clark Gables. That guy, he's. He was known as the king of Hollywood or something like that. He was the king, he was in, gone with the wind, that's what he's famous for. So Marilyn Monroe thought Clark Gable was her father. She was in and out of foster homes and she eventually married her neighbor, Jim Doctori when she was only 16. Apparently they had a happy marriage. She was very shy, and then he joined the merchant marines and was sent to the South Pacific two years later in 1944. So at this time she was still working at her first job, which was inspecting parachutes. So it's for the army. And she was discovered by army photographer, David Kahn over. He was at the plant where she worked and um, he was on assignment to shoot photographs of women working to aid the war effort and he really wanted to find like someone to boost the morale, like for the military. So he sees a norma Jean or Marilyn Monroe. And he's like, Oh yeah, this is a girl. And that's actually what started her career as a pinup model. So she started out like getting exposure through these little pin picture. This girl was going to be discovered no matter what she was wearing like overalls and like doing around here and that's when she. Yeah, she's. So then who started, you discovered her and so I'm David Kahn over gave her first job as kind of that pinup model. So. And then also she's widely actually so widely. This is so widely accepted that a hugh hefner is actually buried next to Marilyn Monroe and they've never even met. But she was so critical. Those nude photographs and then her grades, her being the first centerfold for playboys started boy. Yes, just started playboy. I didn't realize that she started playboy. Yeah, because he started I think in like 1953 and she just helped him just really take off. Well she didn't pose for them specifically. He paid$500 for the rights of that photo. That one nude photo? Yeah, the one nude photo. It's like the reds behind her and she looks like she's doing like this weird thing with her body and she's totally naked. Yeah. And like, that was he paid for it and that was the first centerfold and then it just blew up from there and like she was friends with like his brother, um, but he had only talked to her on the phone and, but he, he wanted to be buried next to her and so they're buried next to each other. This is what made Hugh hefner a billionaire. This one picture started playboy because he bought this picture and wanted to send it to his brother and they wouldn't let him. Yeah. The post office wouldn't let him because they said you can't send out news and the male explicit content. And he's like, well fuck that. And that's what gave him the idea to start playboy. Yeah. And she got$50 from this Tom Kelly guy never paid for that bullshit. I knew it makes it exciting for her, but you know what I feel like that happens so much. Like back in the day with like, especially women, like, oh my God, yes. There's so many people that were profiting off of, but we were never compensated so. Oh yeah. No crazy. So weird that he is buried next to her that I know well that just goes to show like how like grateful he is. And that was like in that is like cementing the fact that yes, it, we would not be who I am without this woman. I have to be next to her and plus my gosh, out of all the thousands of women he's probably been with, who else is he going to be next to? Exactly. You know, it's just so weird that they've never even met. I know. It's crazy. So run through the conspiracy. Let so veristy yes. So let me get like a really quick summary. August fifth, 1960 to Marilyn Monroe is found dead of an apparent drug overdose in her la home. She's only 36 years old. Her death was ruled as a probable suicide. Yes, but the evidence does not line up and there's a lot of sketchiness involved with our deaths. Okay. So first let's look at the evidence. So she was found face down on her bed with her hand on the phone, clutching an empty pill bottle, which she had gotten the day before from her psychiatrist, Dr Greenspan. No water glass or any beverage or any drink of any kind was found in her room. Okay. So she's taking like 40 pills. She took that all apparently without one sip of water. Have you ever taken a pill? A dry pill? Yeah, it's the worst feeling. Just taking one. So an autopsy determined not Monroe died from an acute combined drug toxicity, chloral hydrate and Nebia tall. She had taken enough to kill 15 people. Her toxicology report does not make any sense. So there's a biochemical problem here. She could not have raised her blood toxicity level to the point that was recorded without dying. And your body shutting down first. It's physically impossible. So in Layman's terms, what does that mean? Like. So in layman's terms, before she was able to finish taking all those pills, she would've died. She physically couldn't have done it. Yeah. Her body wouldn't have allowed her to. Wow. Okay. So apparently she died from nembutal and the manufacturers of nebby tall say that you cannot eat enough of these pills. It's physically impossible. So there's another point. There was no residue from the pills in her throat or stomach. What? There was also no undissolved capsules in her stomach. In addition, the capsules had a yellow dye and there was no dye estate in her stomach. They're also should've been vomit from all of the perpetuity. So the notion of oral intake of the barbet to it's, it doesn't scientifically stand up. There's something off here. So I'm. The large intestine was discolored. It was a deep purplish color. This indicates that the barbiturates coming through were from the use of an Enema, a, another mystery was the lack of testing on the stars body. So the coroner originally did not want to sign the death certificate because he was like, I don't agree with this. And um, and he admits to this later in an interview that he was forced pretty much forced to. Okay. So the coordinator reportedly took samples from her stomach and small intestines and asked the toxicologist to perform the tests. So he reopened the case several times that was going to determine how exactly the drugs entered the star system, but the tests were never done and the biopsies were eventually lost. So I think she was definitely killed already. So who would want to kill her and why? I think the most obvious one that everyone goes straight to his, the Kennedys, Maryland was known to have had affairs with both Kennedy brothers, so jfk and Robert apparently she like, was really, really obsessed with JFK and would always call the White House and you know, he had to break it off with her, but then she ended up somehow seducing robber and got pissed off. She thought she was being used and so she, um, apparently was going to expose them and expose a few things. So in 2007, uh, partially redacted FBI document from the Warren Commission files. So these were the files that went over JFK assassination and that they were part of the 2,800, like recently classified jfk files. Yet. So this suggested that Monroe had threatened to her affairs with both Kennedy brothers. She was also thought to have records of highly confidential government information and like a little red book and was threatening to expose them to the public, so things like area 51 Ufo, the crash in Roswell, so okay, so this theory, it has kind of two sides to it, so it's the CIA and then the government, the CIA could have, you know, on behalf of the government and the fact that she was going to expose all of these things to the public, could have had her murder or the Kennedy brothers could have because it was the reputation. I read that like in 1964, the FBI sent then eternally attorney general Robert Bobby Kennedy, information about a forthcoming book reporting to reveal his affair with Marilyn Monroe. It was a 70 page book is sold for$2 a copy and the in the fact that like the FBI actually made him aware of it before it was. Why would they do that if they weren't like worried about it? Right? Yeah. Food for thought food for thought. So another weird thing, Dr. Greenspan was taped, stating that he could not tell the whole story and that those questions about Maryland's death should talk to Bobby Kennedy, and I heard that tape. He actually did say that a couple of people close to the investigation, the Marilyn Monroe investigation, where later given high profile, new jobs in the government and never asked about it again. Yeah, so she could have definitely hurt the Kennedy reputation. That is a possibility, especially with her exposure of her popularity. Like if she said something a million people would listen. I would listen. One hundred percent loved Marilyn. Okay, so that's the Kennedy's. This is where it gets juicy. Who Love it? The Mafia. Okay, so the mafia theory. So Sam Giancana was boss of the Chicago Mafia. Okay. It is speculated that Giancana orchestrated Monroe's first big Hollywood contract in exchange for her seduction of powerful men that he could then black male. So he basically used her for her sex appeal against powerful men. Giancana supposedly grew concerned over what monroe knew because she had been hanging around this crowd so much and she had relationships with so many powerful people so she could be telling the Kennedys, the mafia's gossip. And the weird thing is bobby's Kennedy main stance was to convict and put away the Mafia and organized crime. So conflicting interests for sure. So, um, then it was said that they had her house bugged by famous wire tap or Bernard spindle. Like, wait, how do you become a professional wiretap? Just like, like have a passion for like sneaking in some ways. I know what a horrible, passionate to like bag it at. Let's do it. I get my kicks from bug and I don't care what they say. The Mafia had Bernard spindle bug her house. The FBI had bugged her house. The government had bugged her house and the CIA had bugged her house and there was also rumors that Monroe had bugged her own house because she was scared that she was going to get killed. Okay. So spindle after her death and they start interviewing him, he claims to have heard Kennedy and monroe fighting on the night of her death, but these recordings were said to have been destroyed in 1966. So according to some reports at what was thought to be at the time of her death, you could hear a loud bang on the recording of Kennedy, followed by silence. And then it's also widely thought that Giancana ordered a hit on men road to keep his secret safe because she had threatened to blow the lid off of their operation. In this theory, it's believed that five mafia men were responsible for her murder from the order of Gian Connor using a wash cloth drenched and chloroform. I'm then stripping Monroe, giving her a perpetuity at noma. Virulence drink is pretty stiff, right? All tipsy. I know she knows what's up. Okay, so let's see. Um, okay. So the weird thing is the mafia were actually Kennedy supporters. Some believe that Joe Kennedy, JFK, and Bobby's father paid and hired the mob to get more votes so jfk could win the election and eventually become our president. The ironic thing is, again, that JFK, his brother Bobby was a huge advocate for prosecuting those involved with organized crime, right? So it's all conflicting interests again, again, and they also think that, well, what if the mob got pissed off after they had done all of this for jfk and he's finally president and they were huge supporters. Then Jfk, his brother, who's his, um, uh, the, uh, the, um, general attorney, general counsel, general something. Attorney General. Thank you. Yeah. So I'm Robert Kennedy who was his attorney general. It was kind of like a backstab, you know, he's like, uh, I want to put all of you guys away and stop this organized crime. So we don't know. And they felt like she could be a pond. Yeah. It's also thought that one of the Kennedy's could have hired Giancana as men to kill. And we don't know if it was Giancana was it Kennedy? Was it, did Kennedy Higher Giancana like.

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was it the Kennedy's? Was it Giancana and his men, the mob? Who Was it? These two theories to me are the most. There are some other ones, like people believe the CIA killed her because she discovered secret intel about area 51 and that kind of has to go with the Kennedy thing, but some people believe that the doctor is accidentally gave her too much medication because she lied to them about what she was taking and that's the doctor is covered up the death as a suicide. That freaks me out. Now let's talk about now that we know kind of the story. I just want to give you a few like little blurps that happened since then because there was like a curse here or something. It's really weird. So Marilyn Monroe dies on November 22nd 1963. About 15 months after the death of Marilyn Monroe, President Kennedy was assassinated. Two days later after JFK was assassinated, Lee Harvey Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby. Unfortunately, we know Sam Giancana as men. Yes. Jack Ruby was was one of the, as men in Dallas. October twelfth, 19, 64, JFK, his mistress, Mary mayor was murdered. Oh my God. Mistress. Mary mayor was murdered. That is so much alliteration. That's crazy. That is so hard to say. Mr Schmidt, mistress. Mary mayor was murdered. Wow. Five Times fast. There's no. I'm not even gonna. Try. Um, James Angleton, who was CIA director at the time of Monroe's death, was found in her apartment in Washington and The Washington Post publisher I'm Angleton, said he was looking for her diary[inaudible] sure. Spindle reportedly spindle secret tapes of Maryland's home on the day of her death would have answered all the questions. Authorities, quote unquote, lost the tapes. Bernard spindle was sent to prison for illegal wiretapping, which we know he died in prison on June six, 1968. Robert Kennedy was assassinated just after winning the California Democratic primary for the president on June 19th, 1975. Sam Giancana was assassinated, shot seven times and then neck and had six weeks later, July 30th, 1975, teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa, who was Kinda like a Sam, um, counterpart, disappeared. His body has never been found. One year later on August ninth, 1976, Johnny Rosellini, Sam Giancana was man in Hollywood and a friend of Marilyn Monroe's was killed and stuffed into an oil drum giancana his mistress' Judith exner died in 1999. A reluctant witness who stated that jam, that Sam Giancana confessed to her that he had Marilyn Monroe eliminated as a contract killing. Yeah. I love that smile. A lot of stuff, a lot of stuff. So. So obviously there was that first investigation immediately after she died in 1982, they reinvestigated everything. Okay. They reviewed the case in 1982. You and still did not find any evidence to support any of those theories and they didn't disagree with the findings of their original investigation. So let me go through that. Yeah. So they. Did it get an 19 ago. I wonder if this was before or after Eunice. I'm interviewed. I know that they officially did it out of the Attorney Attorney General's office in La, like again in 18, two and still stick to the story. Okay. So one of the in this is really compelling. I mean, her mother was mentally ill, we had to try to kill her. Her mom tried to tell Marilyn. Yes. And that's why she got sent to the orphanages and foster homes and stuff like that. So when she was on the rise, she was advised to tell people that her mother was dead. I did not know that because it was just such a crazy badge. Insane. And I, it's not a good look like, no, no, no, no, no, no, you're, you're trying to get up there. You don't need anything to like bring you down. And a mother that tries to kill you would a hundred percent a dot. Like nobody wants crazy. Everyone like wants to be taken out of crazy. You know what I mean? With the crazy. Yeah. Um, so that, you know, she's had to lie and say over and over, her mother was dead. And then that, along with the fact she never knew her father, it made her really isolated and she wanted to have a family so, so badly, so badly. Um, she desperately wanting to become a mother. Um, she conceived several times, miscarried each and every time she had endometriosis. Oh, did she? Yeah. So she was just like throughout our life, like the one thing that she wanted, like a whole family she never got and she was married and divorced three times and for several years heading into the early 19 sixties, um, she'd been dependent on amphetamines, barbiturates and alcohol, and she experienced very various mental problems that included depression, anxiety, low self esteem, and chronic insomnia. So for years she was experiencing all of this stuff. It's well documented that she had mental issues and she needed help with her depression. Yeah, I mean, that's, that's a fact. So, um, and then along with her career, like the rising star thing, like, yeah, you have this wonderful life. Then she was always late for showing up to anything. And so she was really weird because originally she was very punctual. She's very professional. But like as she, as she started doing drugs and drinking a lot, I started to affect her. She was never punctual and she had a acquired a reputation for being difficult to work with. She frequently delayed productions by being linked to film sets and then she couldn't remember her lines ever. So this affected her so much that her, she was not able to complete anything else even though she started on another movie after her famous last movie, the misfits with Clark Gable. So that's what something's gotta give. Something's got to give. She tried and she never. She died that for it. Yeah. So this is all in to support the fact that she did have motive for suicide, but to your point, her death was officially ruled a probable suicide based on the precedent of her overdosing and being prone to mood swings and suicidal ideation. But think about that. It's like probable means probably. Right? So it's like something on your desk certificate thing. Probably Cancer, probably a car accident, probably older. Like that's, that's not an answer. So one thing that they, even though like based on the findings that you discovered about her lower intestines, it's still documented that there was no foul play. No evidence of foul play was found. Like I guess around the room, like this was all official. Like this is the what was officially reported, so the possibility of an accidental overdose was ruled out because the dosages found in her body or several times over the legal limit to your point and had taken in one gulp or in a few gulps over a minute or so. That's in quotes at the time of her death, her Monro was reported to have been in a depressed mood and uninterested in maintaining her appearance. So to that point, if you're not feeling yourself, then why would she wear a Bra? Like that's true, you know, why would you do anything? Like we've all been in that state where we have been like all the crazy tire crazy stressed or like, or how do I get out of state? So they said that she took all of the pills in less than a minute. Yeah. How do you do that without drinking anything? And how do you not have any pill residue like in your body? Let's just call it like it is, like haven't we all had like a breakdown when we are so crazy? Like either like I've done it when I've been so mad at somebody and I've gone nuts like you are so not yourself and you don't care, you don't give a shit. So like what if she just out of your body just like fuck this. Like I'm out. Like I'm so sad. I, my whole like, that all adds up. But it's scientifically like the forensic evidence does not add the throat thing bothered me but not the king. I'm hoping it. That doesn't bother me because like if you were so out of your mind, I don't care. I didn't throw up. There was no smell. There should have been like a smell from her breath smell. I Dunno. I Dunno if, if we can prove that a 100 percent of the time anyone takes that volume of pills, they always 100 percent threw up then I would believe that. But I don't know. I don't have it. But they have proof that she took enough of that Nebu tall to kill 15 people. Right. But how would we know that she would throw it up? Because that's how much. That's how many. That's what her toxicity was stating like the barbiturates in her blood count, so, like, so high that it would have been physically impossible to kind of digest that without throwing up first to absorb that without throwing up first. Okay. So yeah, it's just an, of course like this was back in the sixties. So like, it's really hard for us to get like,

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well, and if you have the CIA and the president behind this, they can do whatever they want. So. Okay, let me go, let me go on for those that still think it's a suicide and like all this stuff is perfect. So,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

um, so she was uninterested in maintaining her appearance, which is weird because she always was put together like beautiful. Yeah, yeah. Um, no suicide and it was found, but Dr Litman stated that this was not unusual, who's Dr Litman? And he was one of the original psychiatrist that helped on the coroner's case. So he said that even though there was no suicide, note, that this was not unusual because statistics show that less than 40 percent of suicide victims leave notes. So. Okay. So I'm just going to talk about this just because it's so and it kind of support some of the details of that. Her spiraling down. Is The misfit movie her last week, the cursed movie? Yes. So I love that it's her and Clark Gable makes a full circle. Totally very cool. The misfits just in general, it was a really difficult shooting location. It was in Arizona. It was really, really hot. I'm the director was a nut, like he and Clark Gable did not get along and Clark Gable was like the most solution, a solicitous like kind patient person ever. He did not like the director. Um, and she at the time was married to Arthur Miller and he a, I believe one of the producers and their marriage was crumbling so they were going through a separation or a divorce. They got divorced during this movie. So even though it was a great, great movie, it's more known for all of this crazy behind the scenes, like shitty stuff happening. And it was the last and final work of both Clark Gable and Marilyn Monro and nearly the last appearance of Montgomery clift. Who was like one of the leading actors in that movie. Yeah. So Curtis Taylor, who was the son of Frank Taylor, who was the misfits producer, uh, was interviewed and he had kept footage in a locked cabinet since his father's death in 1999. Producer's son had secret footage. Yeah. Okay. So in a love scene with Clark, this is just fun to know. Unless the scene with Clark Gable Monro drop the covering bed sheet and exposed her body, it would have been one of the first, if not the first nude scenes by an American actress and a major production and the sound era of film, if it had made it to the final version. So it was just groundbreaking, right? Yeah. Just, she's just putting it out there. Literally. I love her. I really do. So she was constantly, constantly late to this. Um, it, it was increasingly stressful for her to film this movie. I think they last like$2,000,000 in leads, just from her being late or something like that. Yeah. So it was a vicious cycle for her. So like she would always be late and then Arthur Miller had this habit of changing in making these complicated rewrites the night or the morning before a scene was shot and then that changed, like she would show up and of course she'd be late so she would have to like immediately get on set. But then it was radically different from what she knew it to be that through her in a panic and she couldn't sleep because of it. So this is interesting. Even though Marilyn Monroe thought of Clark Gable and she slept with his picture, like underneath her pillow, like because her mom said that was her father. She was terrified of the thought of filming with him. Um, so the, just because she felt like she had fantasizing about her whole life, she thinks this guy is her dad at the time that. Yeah, that's just so ironic to me. So the night before their first scene together, she couldn't sleep without a large dose of Nimby Nimby Tall, and as a result, she was two hours late getting to the set. And then here's an example of car. She was, she apologized to him, he simply said, you're not late honey, and letter aside to talk. And so he always treated her with her to see like she's her own worst enemy and all of this. But that happens when you're spiraling, right? I mean, if you logically think about all of the different medications she was on and all of the side effects combined with stress of normal all day life, obviously she's going to be in a different headspace. So, so, um, her, uh, so arthur had also started seeing the photographer. I don't know how to say this name. I N G N G and gay. Inge and inge. I Dunno, elegant gay who was documenting their production. He actually ended up marrying her. Yeah. Arthur Miller. So whatever he was a dick. So yeah, he was a deck back. You Arthur? Yeah, for sure. So just, I mean if you, if you had to just take the other side and say what would lead somebody to not be themselves as poor girl has no family or no family family stable support system whatsoever. And like I said, her professional life that she had probably used as a crutch because it was so good and she did so well was falling apart. I completely thought it was a suicide. But I'm wondering about the forensic affidavit evidence that you just talked about. So I know we usually don't give opinions, but like for this one now I want to get my opinion. She was murdered. We're gonna. We're gonna find. There's a lot to think about. Yeah. But if you look at the facts and you look at her story, it still doesn't add up so that. But that's my question is like, okay, if she didn't do it, who did it? Yeah. Well anyways, so we don't know who guys. Just trying to keep you up at night with all these pondering thought fleet. No, we have pondering thoughts all the time. Okay. Okay. Okay guys. Well that's Marilyn Monroe. Hopefully that's mayor. We got it justice for Maryland. Seriously. Justice from Maryland. Yeah, for sure. Okay. Well God bless you. We love you. God bless.