Cocktails and Conspiracies

Epi 24: Freaky Friday - Corporation Coverups

Tessy and McDub Episode 24

How is Mattress Firm still in business? And what is up with Chuck E. Cheese?

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Speaker 1:

How I know rose high fucking leather. Heyneke Dan, I've missed, well, our little snow bunny. What are we drinking today? Oh, just straight up to you. Those clips. It cause it's gonna retire because we're tired when we're tired. It's a freaky Friday. Today is freaky. Friday we're going to give you two really gay to big corporations. Yeah. Freaky Friday stories. Um, before we get started, we're still looking for Q and a questions. Yeah. Our next freaky Friday we will be doing the Q and a thing. We've gotten a few. Yeah. So if I'm of whatever you want to know. Yeah. Okay. Whatever. Yeah. Whatever. So we are, like I said, we're covering some kind of weird like big corporation coverups when you think of a big corporation cover, uh, what do you think of like insider trading? I immediately think of Disney. Really? Yeah. Is that weird? God is that, but I get it. Yeah. There is something going on there. Well, well the first thing I think of big Pharma, which we covered. Yeah, that's what, that's better. That's better. Live entertainment. I'm sorry that's a mistake. But I also think of it like inside of your training. Like have you ever watched that? Um, that show billions. I haven't you lucky you got good a good dude this weekend, like three seasons of greatness. It is awesome. So it's about like, it's about um, like hedge funds and like how people, you know, figure out what other industries are doing and make money before they can learn. Yeah. So I know a lot of people out there have probably watched house of cards, but I'm a Newbie to it. Your all and o m g what season are we going? Um, I think I just started season three, but I like just started this series so it kind of jumps the shark in later seasons. I've heard is that season third season for like, do I have, I was pretty good for like, yeah. Well Kevin Spacey wish you weren't such a creep cause he couldn't finish out the last season. But that's seasoned sex. Yeah, I know. But it just, no three is kind of the last good season. The first two were the fucking grade. I couldn't stop. I could not stop. So the first season to me was mind blowing. I'm like, oh, this is how it works. Yeah, for sure. Yes. Yes. So sketchy. Our governor, so sketchy, but all governments are sketchy. Ours is really sketchy. Sketchy. But it's also like, I mean, well think about all those dictatorships, like countries like those are just insane. Fucking nuts. Yeah, ours are. Okay. So I feel like our government tries to portray a certain image and the elements don't give a fuck. Yeah. They were like, this is how it is. Yeah. We own you. Yeah. Yeah. You can watch three channels looking at China, the debris and then like obviously Korea. Are you hitting people in North Raleigh and North Korea? They watched part of the Candida. Yeah. All Day. Nobody knows what they do over there. Yeah. Sketchy as thought. For sure. So anyways, today we're talking about are our own shit. So, okay, I'm going to start this one out. So this one is about mattress firm. What did we say? Welcome to cocktails and conspiracies.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Welcome to cocktails in conspiracies. Everyone, if this is the first one you're starting with, I'm sorry, go back and do another one back in the middle. That's where we got her first episode to listen to go way back. Yeah. I'd make dad and that name Taffy Taffy in this cocktails and conspiracies and as a free Friday, freaky Fridays are our days to do a short little snippet cause you miss us in between our big ones and these are just like weird ass stories. Like they don't have to necessarily be conspiracy. There is random I think crazy ones and we're both going to bring one to the table and it's just like a little like a, like a mini mini-sode many asset. Yeah. This one is actually, we're actually doing conspiracy theories on our freaky Friday, which is horrible. But that's the cap. It's okay. Yeah. Cause we do whatever the fuck we went. Yeah. Yeah. Leave us alone. Whatever we want. This is our hot pass. It's hard. If you don't like it then Leah. Yeah, it's interesting. It is. Yeah. We promise. Let me get an interesting real fast. Okay. Um, mattress firm, if you aren't familiar with it, it's a large specialty mattress retailer in the u s some argue that the company has too many stores. Sometimes in the high concentrations. There's a comment on reddit that suggest that mattress firm was laundering money and it went viral. Um, but has since been removed. Okay. Okay. Well if we just think about it, a mattress purchase, it's not an everyday purchase once in every seven to 10 year purchase. If that, I mean, I feel like we stretched that eight year mark. Sure. Right? Sure. For sure. It's a major purchase. And look at us now. What are we doing now? Buying fucking everything online. Find those box. That's one thing that Tracy and I talked about is like the caspers, the um, what's the other one? Starts with an l like uh, uh, tuft and needle. That's the one I have and they're good. And the, the purple mattress, like w I think he's called purple mattress. Like there's all these other ones out there that like they come in a box, you unroll them and they, they're really, really comfortable with my parents. Have one of those like in their pool house. And it is an awesome mattress. I have win, that's my, my king bed. Like my actual bed is, I think it's the tuft and needle. But anyways, so keep that in mind. Just let me start this. So mattress firm's parent company recently disclosed accounting irregularities. So if you've ever wondered why there seems to be a mattress firm on every corner in your city, which is true, you're not alone. Yeah. But one explanation for this phenomenon is more extreme than you might expect. So like I said, there's a comment on reddit claiming that mattress firm, the largest specialty mattress retailer in the U S is a money laundering operation. Um, mattress firm is some sort of giant money laundering scheme. I remember seeing four mattress firms all on each corner of an intersection once and there's no way there's demand for mattresses. Yeah. And who's that? That was a, the Reddit user that this actually has been deleted, this whole thread. Oh Wow. Um, so multiple stores equal more places to shuffle, many between and more sources for fake money to appear to come from the South African retailer. Steinhoff bought mattress firm for three point$8 billion and 2016 that's a huge fucking pervert. Purchase. What? Okay. I did not know that. How is mattress firm worth almost$4 billion? I'm sorry. At the time analysts were skeptical about why Steinhoff forked over so much for a business increasingly threatened by new starts. That's just Casper, right? So towards the end of last year, which is 2018, Steinhoff stock price tanked as much as 62% in one day wiping out$15 billion of its market value. This is by uh, routers and the company postpone publishing. It's full year's account siding, accounting, irregularities, and it's two top and chairman have resigned. Mattress firm did not immediately respond is that this is a business insider article that I have a, they didn't respond for like requests for comment. So, and this post gets deleted off reddit. So the first one like speculating that it's a money laundering scheme got deleted and it's the Pr, the stock fell 60.2% in one day. And then the topics that you gives left because of accounting irregularities, which is fucking sketchy. Yeah. So, so yeah, we don't know. Well I asked, I asked Tracy cause they are doing work with, with mattress firm and we've kind of talked about, so they, a long time ago they made the decision not to do online retail. They're like, no, we want people to come into our stores and try the MMM. Try the mattresses out for themselves. And that's actually a pretty, an obvious and a lot of these, uh, companies that make that decision in other industries, especially for retail stuff, they do make the decision to stay brick and mortar versus terrible online. It's a bad business decision. So you could say like, okay, this is sketchy. Something is going on. Or like, no, they just made bad business decisions. They went bankrupt and came out of like they did go bankrupt and then came out on the right side of it. No Way. Yeah. As of 2018 there's 3,304 mattress firm's stores in the U S and they're trying to like shut them down. Well that's a little sketchy, right? So I think what you may, that's a lot. Yeah, mattress firm is sketchy as fuck. Um, and they never responded for comment but they were trying to like meme it off. Like all right, roll profesh so think what? You may still file for bankruptcy and now they're like a fairly profitable so actress farm. Where are you guys up too? Sketchy ass. Okay. Are you ready for mine? I'm so ready. I know nothing about this. Okay, so this is actually like relatively new. It's been in the news, I think it was released like last week since last week. And it's about checky cheese and they're fucking pizza sky. Shane Dawson has this like conspiracy video series on youtube. I watched it and it's pretty good. Yeah. Yeah. It was actually kind of impressed. I watched it and he had this theory that all Chuckie cheese pizza, it's basically reused pizza. And the justification behind that is because there are pieces those are never like perfectly round and they're never cut. Um, so like straight up regular like mismatch. It's all irregular and mess match though. I'm going to show you a few pictures before I start. Say here's line. Oh yeah. A little cobbled together. Yeah. So when I first heard about this theory I was like, oh that's not that weird because I thought of Chuck e cheese as a buffet. Like you go up and that's what the face do, right? Like they put together pizza, right? This is completely different. This is the same Turkey. She know this is them bringing you a piece of that you ordered. And so the alleged[inaudible] theory, and I'm going to say a legend so we don't get sued, but the allege it theory is that they take leftover pizza that's not eaten and they read it, they read butter the crest and they put more cheese on it and then they put it back in the oven and then serve it to two fingers touched it and then put it back. Yeah. So none of the cuts like lined up to look like a normal, like a whole pizza and the edges don't match up. And so Chuckie cheese, like they claim it's because we hand make our dough every single day and we use like everything's like homemade and that's just going to result in not a perfectly round pizza but you just saw this and we're going to post these pictures up like it looks super fucked up. So yeah. So this guy like does this conspiracy theory like kind of documentary on this. And they go and they order a pizza from Chuckie cheese and it's no joke. Super fucked up. And they're like, oh my God, I know. So this has been very, very controversial when we were little and went to Turkey cheese cause I bet. Thank you. Hear it. When they walk through Chuckie cheese with a party full of kids are out of their mind and they're just like, oh my God, just what this two hour party get over fast like funeral her. Well, so this got me thinking like chuck e cheese is fucking disgusting. It's mascot is a big rat. So it got me like this got me just fascinated on Chuckie cheese as a chain and the history of it and like other weird things about the restaurant. So I just did some deep dig in. When was it established? It's been around for over 40 years, so it's oldest fuck. Um, and it has kind of an interesting background and history. So the restaurant Chuckie cheese, it actually has a tech background. Okay. Right. Which kind of makes sense, but one might not immediately picture like this fucking big ghetto stringing ass rat, rubbing elbows with the tech giants in Silicon Valley. But the restaurant was a side project created by Nolan Bush. Now who's the founder of Atari. Oh. Which is interesting, right? He quotes it was my pet project. Um, I started at inside of Atari, my objective was to vertically integrate the market. We were selling coin operated games at about 1500 or$2,000 a pop. And in their life they'd make about 15,000 or$20,000 a pop. So obviously, you know, it doesn't take rocket science to say that. Right? So what he wanted to do to make the most bang for his back was to create locations for the Games for himself. So basically like arcade slash. Restaurants. Okay. That's her food. Pizza was seen as the most logical option. He thought as long as the cheese sauce and dough are good and there's very little to mess that. And I'm going to post a video of like the old Chuckie cheese commercials are so creepy. Oh, terrible. Um, and the animatronics, do you remember those? I hate him. Oh my God. And one thing that really shocks me, the animatronics, like why won't you update those with the technology that we have now? Like they are so outdated. Still the same. They're still the same one. Okay. Well when you're sober, but like have you seen the new like animatronics that Disney's doing today or they just, it looks like an animated movie you don't have like, like Nimo and all that. It looks like that, but it's in real life. Yeah. Like that's how good they are. Yeah. I think they have, I think they have a mother. Oh God. Yeah. Yes, of course. I remember those. Um, so believe it or not, the animatronic animal band were originally for the parents shut up. They were actually created with the parents in mind. So when children ask to go to the arcade, parents immediately thought of spending money. If a child asked to go see a robot band play that was free with a meal. Like okay, it sounds a lot better, right? The founders of Chucky cheese, like they wanted the parents to have something to amuse themselves while the kids were in the game room. Yeah. So if you listen to the dialogue, it's kind of fun and edgy, kind of like toy story or like Pixar movies, like they kind of have like adult TMR. Right. Um, so they decided to incorporate that and with the tech background of the Atari founder, like it kind of makes sense. Right. Um, the restaurant was almost called rec rats. Cool. Gross. Right. Because I don't know why they were so like fascinated with rots and like they wanted to have a rot as a mascot, like a rod in a restaurant for an effort to take the focus off the rat theme. The friend decided to name the restaurant, chuck e cheese and the e stands for entertainment. Um Oh and the mascot USV all like a lot rougher around the edges. Like he used to smoke, check the rat, whatever used to smoke cigars. Oh my God. This is what he used to look like. Oh look at him. He looks like a drunk and I'm looking at the Pizza Guy Stone.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Not Yeah, before e cheese is a good tire playing mouse. He has a tired looking rat from New Jersey. Beck. Accented rodent was often seeing snacking cigars and promotional images. Um, okay. So there was a species change and 2012 they changed Chuckie from a gross rodent rat to like a fun, cool mouse and checks and balances that scooter. I know they really are, but don't you love that he's wearing checks? Yes. Um, oh the voice guy changed too after like 40 after. I think it's after like 35 years. They change cause he had looked this old like raspy was a rough voice. Okay. So a big problem with Chucky cheese is that they serve alcohol. Um, yeah. And they're lucky cheese since I was probably six years old. They're vintage. Some straight up like fucking fights solo. Sure. Yeah. I mean, could you imagine if walk people walk fight where there's alcohol, right? Yeah. So this has raised, I mean, so much speculation like Chucky cheese is all over the news. I think they should use it as a publicity stunt, like use it in their favor. But the only thing they have responded back was, so the conspiracy theory is basically like what? Like they, they raised, they recycle pizza. Yeah. This is their response on Twitter. Uh, the claims made in this video about Chuckie cheeses. NRP unequivocally false. No conspiracies here. Our pizzas are made to order and we prepare our Joe fresh and restaurant, which means that they're not always perfectly, you know, farm in shape, but they're always delicious. Well, I'm sorry, those pictures are not just like a new pilots and pizza, like handmade and like a wood fire stove. Like it's literally different pieces of pizza that's overdosed. I'm hungry. I'm hungry.

Speaker 3:

Sounds good actually. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Guys, why don't you phrase certain weekends? We know we'll, we'll be I now, so if you want pizza, be careful. But if you have, okay, so if anyone's worked at Chuckie cheese or you know, any more information. Yes. Now Dms, I wanna I'm very curious. I love to be in the know. It just sounds like a really filthy place flooded, so, yeah. All right, well guys, have a great weekend. Yeah, not the best day. I have the best weekend. We love you. God bless and trust. No one, especially the rat rods, Latvia. Bye.