Macro Micro Michael Marco & Startups at the Edge (M4Edge)

Mobility Miniseries part4: Mike Granoff of Maniv Mobility Ventures, rounds out our miniseries

September 12, 2019 Marco Annunziata and Michael Leifman/ Mike Granoff Season 1 Episode 22

We cap our mobility mini-series from a different perspective: that of Mike Granoff, Managing Partner of Maniv Mobility, a venture capital firm that specializes in...mobility and the future of transportation. As an investor, Mike has to look at the entire mobility landscape, and his success and reputation are not... 'riding' on a single solution.

We kick off the podcast with our trademark "why on earth are you doing this?", and the answer will surprise you. It will also explain why Mike takes a very broad and strategic view of the disruption to mobility and transportation. The code word, he says, is diversification: different ways of powering vehicles, shared transportation, buying miles traveled rather than cars, leveraging different modes of transportation. A broad-ranging, digitally-enabled transformation of a transportation model that had remained static for over a century.

We discuss whether ride-sharing platforms like Uber and Lyft are actually adding to traffic congestion and whether they will continue to do so; whether the hype on driverless cars is too far ahead of reality; cybersecurity issues; and how to address the biggest market failure in this space—the failure to price road space appropriately.

It's a fascinating, broad-ranging conversation that ties together the ideas, innovations and disruptions we discussed in the first three episodes of this miniseries. A brilliant way to take stock of how mobility is changing, and what the future of our mobility will look like.

Enjoy the episode, and please share it on social media and with friends and colleagues!

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