
Curl, aka Darren Marks - on life as a cartoonist and living with Aloha Barry

April 11, 2019 Smorgasboarder Season 1 Episode 19

Sit back and enjoy our chat with resident Smorgasboarder artist and creator of the Aloha Barry cartoon, Darren Marks, aka Curl, about the inspiration behind his work and why to this day he remains such a crap surfer. Please be warned this podcast has a fair dose of swearing along with references to alcohol consumption, drugs, vegans and a questionable dolphin named Kevin.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm getting to hear a sec die now inside. Is it any better? Oh No. Hey, we got it

Speaker 2:

to me now. Well, hello small spotters and welcome to the smorgasbord of podcast. I have to say this next chat with a good friend, Daren marks, Aka Curl, who writes our Aloha Barry cartoon in smuggest border is one of the most enjoyable chance I've ever had with it. It goes for close to an hour. I only wish you had the additional hour that we talked for. Um, he's a good friend. He's an absolute gentleman. He's a hell of a funny bastard. I enjoyed this chat so much. It just, uh, it livens up your life. It's, it's one of those things that, uh, everyone goes through their own trials and tribulations and I think it's, um, it's friends like this, chats like this that helps us all to see the brighter side of life. And I think in many ways that's, that's what he is. A, he is Cardone low heart. Barry does, it does for me. I'm does for, for mark and my business partner and smallest border. Uh, it's what it does for both fast. We piss ourselves laughing every time he's cartoon comes through for Smorgasbord a magazine and we've loved working with him for the last eight years. Absolute pleasure to work with him to be associated with him. And uh, all I can say as it hope, hopefully it continues forever on forever and a day for, you know, it's a great guy, Greg Chat. I hope you enjoy my talk with Darren marks. I Aki curl I Aki Aloha

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

it all sorted. You got this all sorted out. Yay. Yeah, I would just, I haven't used a lot of Skype before. Is it? It, is it a new thing? Well, I invented it a few years ago, but it catching on Dan and uh, Phillip Ball and now nowadays or I'm not too sure if it will ever be too popular, but uh, I will say

Speaker 4:

yeah, tin cans still a bit more popular down there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, usually I just tired, tired. I know to a pigeon's chest and send it off into the air I could reach as a destination.

Speaker 4:

Um, so you're, you're all good to go and you've got time and uh, yeah. Or Why am I, the dog wants a walk, but she'll just wait for a little bit. I think so. Well My, uh, oh, hope you're ready for this. I've, I've probed him private interview, so hang on. I've been a press record. That's always a handy one, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

We what up and shit. Shit again would be

Speaker 4:

sorry. Right. Regular Rep. Come on, get serious professional fucking regular readers of smorgasbord. I will now have come to die and hopefully love unless they completely devoid of humor. Yeah. Politically incorrect crusty old school hippie bag and Roger called Aloha Barry who graces out inside back cover and has done so for the past eight years. The incredible wit behind it is of a low hard Barry is a very dear friend of ours. Good friend called Darren marks who also goes by the name of curoil and uh, I'll have, I think I've plagiarized it from somewhere. So, but uh, yes, thankfully I've got Carol on the line for a bit of a, a Chin Wag and a before I get started. And go all George Negus on him. I thought I would send out a big thank you to the good folk at slipstream brewing for the liquid refreshment during this wants to be a marathon interview. So, uh, before I start, I will just get it happening here, right. Uh, what is this one? Excellent. What are you, what are you having that go

Speaker 1:

well, our drinking a slip slip stream, be it on the big toe cap on it. I hope I'm pronouncing that wrong. Bye.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

you've got to be impressed with that intro. I did it. I did it without slagging off in the slightest. Didn't even, I'm placed you're referring to as the Tulsa Tulsa total count. There is nothing but love for you. I have. Well that's good. You've been very generous in your hospitality when uh, come to visit and um, well I said, oh joy refreshing. I'll every time you come down to fill the ball and mine,

Speaker 4:

well I just can't believe you found the address. That's the only problem. So I uh, led first I suppose, address the elephant in the room. Serious stuff here. So we were curious to know what one brain injury you did sustain to have a mind that thinks like yours. You know, there are some truly sick humor going on and in your low heart berry cartoons.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Well thank you very much. Not An eye where, where it's sort of come from. No, not about the, it's probably the company I came to tell you the truth cause it's just a, um, I suppose a bit of a mixture of, of different people that you know from, from down this way. I think every, every community's got the really, I haven't, I slightly eccentric. I'm probably

Speaker 4:

probably a little bit more eccentric down there. We, I mean we were possibly thinking it was one too many, you know, those ice cream headaches you have down there. Those what parts and Phillip Ball.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah. It could be. You've got to sort of wonder why, why you do live in this cold area of the world. But um, yeah, I'm not touching it alive. You do? Yeah. I the the um, yeah, they are. Yeah. It's terrible tongue tied at the moment. I guess this, uh, interviews getting to meet Dave, it's not, not very far enough. Fast enough. Slipstreams right. You just get to know the people that you're hanging around with. And I suppose a drawn towards, uh, yeah, Nadia. Nadia. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

I mean, tell us about Barry. You know, you started creating barriers, I guess. So what's, you know, and that's what you are already fairly, people would call it creating. Um, you created a low hard berry for our awesome magazine way back in, in 2012 I think it was the autumn edition issues number 11, if I recall correctly. I was just curious tonight, why back then, did you, did you think he had struck it rich,

Speaker 1:

hit a rich buying of golf? Just kind of never stopped giving back to tell ya? I started actually, um, I did it, I think the first couple of Barry's, I did work for a magazine, Dna Code Coast magazine. Um, and I was just something that I thought, uh, on our guests, yeah. That need to draw the one to draw or the, you know, the ego fulfilling feeling of being published in a magazine. Um, was,

Speaker 4:

so you basically shopped it around and we were just a

Speaker 1:

right and sort of enjoying for them for a while. And then I did pick up your mag. I'd been a way, I've been a Western Australia for fees and I'll pop back to Philip on for a bit of a visit and picked up one ear mags and was a, I was impressed and I'll just, I think I first started talking to, uh, to mark about maybe doing a bigger form as the cartoon because it seemed to have your, the berry sensibilities I guess. Um

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Rough around the edges and uh, and yeah, now I suppose we just, obviously the money you pay to was obviously a large draw card for

Speaker 4:

exactly. I was just curious on the money side of things and I just, you know, I, I somewhat disappointed some eight years on that. You still don't own that villain and the mal dodge we promised no doubt. Do you understand? It's simply due to the fluctuating exchange rates. So that's it.

Speaker 1:

I've to with that caught a few things. Being a cartoonist, I guess hide. It's not, that's not the most, perhaps not the most profitable, the most profitable professions that's official. But now, I don't know, I guess it's just one of those things that you do well, this is what our Cape telling myself. It's just for the fun of it. Um, yeah, no, I don't know why I do it. To tell you the truth. Why, why do I do it?

Speaker 4:

So I'm, I'm kind of guessing day, you know, the, the first time meeting mark and myself and it was probably a bit of a life changing experience. I'm kind of thinking I did demo people swipe left or right now days,

Speaker 1:

a life changing experience, like sorta herpes or dementia. It has had an effect on she chimes are lost. It's um, I don't know. Like I, I think I was, I was impressed by what you guys were doing. I saw it. Yeah. The spirit of the magazine, and I do say this genuinely, I think the spirit of the magazine was, was it was raw. Pardon my, you know what a man jobs, he might try to pay paypal too much money or not. I don't know. It was um, yeah, I dunno. I think it just sorta suited a lot of people, um, and their experience at surfing, you know, not everyone's going to be a professional surfer or um,

Speaker 4:

what are they going to pick me up?

Speaker 1:

That's right. That's right. There's a larger proportion of, of of crap. Seth is at the edge is your average jazz. It just in enjoy, uh, enjoy the lifestyle that a surfing provides.

Speaker 4:

Speaking of which we've got to bring that uh, world, uh, crap surfing champion here to Australia. I think that's, that's the next, the next mode for a smorgasbord or we got to sponsor an event and it's definitely the world crap surfing challenge. So

Speaker 1:

yeah, I'd be looking for an invite for that said, don't worry, you'll beginning. Thank you very much.

Speaker 4:

So why back in[inaudible] 16 2017 now we're going to get a plug in here, which you can incidentally read online that smorgasbord Dot. Au. You can also have a lot of back issues. I thought I'd give that plugin. Um, why back in addition 16 2013 you attempted to take the piss out of mark and I and made reference to the Menagerie of exotic based and I was wondering if that was inspired by Mark's pension for pink flamingos.

Speaker 1:

Pink Flamingos. Has He got, he's got walled. Well, it's nice.

Speaker 4:

Oh well I might decide. The guy does have a bit of a Menagerie. He's got bloody dogs and cats and rats. And as a consequence of that, snakes and Axolotl Dino at x models are

Speaker 1:

yeah, toe walking fish.

Speaker 4:

I think anyone who knows what an actual axolotl is this Mike ride too much headache? Gigi, is it? I've got an,

Speaker 1:

well no, it was a friend of mine. The story that the actual[inaudible] now I'm on my knees. Where was it? Dinner with it with a friend and he had caught a few beers and I'm sitting there with me. He had three sons and wife at the time and, and it was a little birthday dinner and he's cracked the shits about something and time. The food was so bad he wouldn't feed it to his acts. A lot of Tom's of sitting there gobsmacked. They can, what the fuck? What is an axolotl? And then the kids started realize her on this, on the drive home. The car that was an ash actually it Mexican and Mexican walking fish and walking. I think it's God when he's stoned is combined a fish. When it's just a party trick. He's pulled it. I look what all knocked up today.

Speaker 4:

Um, I, I might is, yeah, it's got everything. It's got that. He's got a 90 frog. He's got bloody army and Geckos. He's got, he's got handsome men, which incidentally, Huntsman is plural for hansman lands of them jumping in his place is a bit of a bloody, so he's a lover in that very car teen. Your, uh, your alter ego. Aloha. Barry mentioned he wanted to kill you. He wanted to milk the surf scene like a cow. And I was just curious how that, how that worked out for you. And is that part of the reason you're now a Vegan? A lack of

Speaker 1:

Vegas is very, very touchy subject if you're Vegan or vegetarian or what it was. Well, you know, a pretty, pretty interesting vegetarian, no spas, sorry. He's a bit catchy like up in Queensland wide. The other the other day we protest about everything up here. So on our list in Melbourne or Victoria, there was a big vague and protests, no chain themselves to blog posts and there cause caused quite a ruckus down here. Made editing. But editing people took to social media and numb and discuss it at peoples lifestyle choices I guess. But um, I couldn't go that far. It's a pretty big commitment, I guess. No cheese, no chocolate, no eggs

Speaker 4:

coming back to the question and no milk. So how do you know, how did you know? That's kind of ironic because it she once milk one exotic Millie

Speaker 1:

legal, exotic milking practices. Dave, I think Mark Chapman,

Speaker 4:

deldot Gothic, um, you know, I, I didn't think that was very altruistic or ethical. I mean, you know, taking the surf industry for all it's worth, you know, who, who on earth before you in this industry would have done something like that. So,

Speaker 1:

but papers, I want to try and to try and take, uh, take advantage of the surf industry and an associate at byproducts. I'm sorry, I'm just, you probably just hit me get up. I'm just going to the beer to get an ice cold and refreshing slipstream beverage.

Speaker 4:

No, you're good. Thank you. Thank you to the face and slip stream. Heavy. Heavy. Got to be yet so, so getting back getting, we'll get that. So you probably won't listen to the question anyhow. Getting back onto the plane by a village, I think. Yes, I was curious. Is that, is that a common thing? You know, like you don't eat animals in the hype. One of the eyes, big frigging wide pawn is in your parts doesn't beat you in return. That's part of it, I guess. Say That's our main is fair. He's not going to mistake you for a seal though. Is it drug? Very, very skinny, sickly and aquatic draft. Perhaps for those unaware curl is, is it seven for 10?

Speaker 1:

No, six, six. I told this.

Speaker 4:

Oh, okay. Yeah, that makes me a pygmy on the taller side. I tell me in coming back to my original question that are so far completely far dies. What, what was the inspiration behind the low heart berry[inaudible] character in many ways he reminds me of myself, you know, we didn't meet you and I until it'd been up and running in the mag, sir.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I don't know. I think it's h town's got the eccentric characters is probably a, it's probably a mixture of, um, the three local guys down on a, on the, on a fella named Moon Fella named dogs z and a, and a, and a fella named Casey are all men dogs in Casey[inaudible], Kelsey. They're all the, they're probably the three, uh, drug, I suppose.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

The drawing, the image of him. Yeah, I dogs the dogs. He's, uh, probably the beard cases that the ponytail and go on. I nine was probably, there's a picture of him with a, with a head band back in the 70s, and[inaudible] sort of a weird and very[inaudible] bunch. He Bark is the one who always is. Sorry, was that my part? Um, I think, um, yeah, I dunno. I don't talk very too seriously. Maybe is a little part of myself. Uh, I'm not too sure. All right. But, uh, Hey Dan, this is why I suppose is it was just a few different sort of cats. They get a bad thought or pay homage to them. Speaking of Hamas CNC me intellectual here, I wanted you to explain a little bit of the artistic process you undertake when creating the counter. Yeah, I'm not too sure whether it, um, sometimes it'll just be a little lock, a little idea or spark from a certain situation. I mean, the last, the last issue was, I think I just picked up today on surfboards stand there at Thompson Avenue. So we doing, they're very good. I love Ireland. I just thought I'd say that Ireland, surfboards, fantastic. What's, then they go, don't make fantastic surfboards. Uh, what I think, yeah, I've got a couple of days actually Greg Huggins, you were saving a whole heap better the last time I saw you because you were on an island so forth. They never got to believe that the aquatic giraffe, let's get back to it. The last cycle of the song that came because I've got a really nice pair of thongs at the moment. So I guess that's the artistic spark that brought that along. I think every the one before you and Barry was in a pair of undies in the back of his vein. So you're telling me I'm not going to lie, we're talking about road trips and you think, well that's a sort of fun and games you get up to on road trips. Maybe people look could, could relate to that. Drinking a, I never had a happy meal since. Happy meal since. Um, then obviously that one a bit. You and mark wanting to milk milk the surf industry. That's obviously, you know, I come about through your blight and greed, exploitation exploration podcast where I'm meant to be talking about slip straight, B or and Ivan Ivan Body. They Slip Stream Beers I sent down to you in the past. I don't know, I haven't checked my mail for Catholic. I must've, I must and left the mall. I'm sure they'll turn up at some points. That's for sure. You say most, most most. Sorry, again, getting back to it and I read about why I guess h h a each of those cartoons I was bit, if I looked at and you forget about them because I've done a few of you guys. You will remember what brought each one on like this. I think there was at one of the, one of the surf, you know like when you see a photo of yourself and you think here, uh, that was one of my fantastic absolute fiber. It's saying this a picture of you surfing dive. I love that. Well I think one of my next questions, which was the money shot, the money shot, which what it, well, what do you mean?

Speaker 4:

Well, he said, well, I've gotten 2014 it was actually, it was our first edition in the new landscape format that when down with readers like the titanic, it was, oh, you win some, you lose some. I remember it was essentially a character of a guy. He thinks he's the Shit when he surfing and at the very moment his mic captures him on film and he thinks, what is the money shot? Yeah. Trees reveals, you know, with these arms and legs spoiled. He's in fact a crab and I made it. It made, I kind of thought that was inspired by that. Knobhead I worked with the South African mark and then, and then he tried

Speaker 1:

outlives truth. Truth is truth is quite painful at times, isn't it?

Speaker 4:

Well wait, he actually, it can't be hidden because the guy and they fight. I was actually standing up and on film a few times doing that. So he said it can't possibly be made. It has to be. Yes sir.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think too, not that I've ever seen all of the photos of herself, but luck. You assigning you about the aquatic giraffe. You pictures you have in your minds, our minds, are you picture yourself quite different to what reality was, what the reality of the situation? Well, I think everyone's been faced with that from time to tome. That's a, it's a great leveler. It's a great ego pop out, that's for sure.

Speaker 4:

So I what has been some of the, you know, the major influences on your style and at this point you must be amazed at the in depth questions I'm asking. You know, you probably think I'm Andrew Denton at this stage. I actually stole that question from mark.

Speaker 1:

Great. So you're the, you're the party last night. The Silver Fox. I wish I was my hair. So major, major influences on your style? I think that's just mostly from, yeah. Growing up. How was he, Kevin? Good vibes, you know, was, was the first real eyeopener as a young, as young impressionable chap. Um, you know, all the, all the stuff that sorta man by I did probably in the, in the early years, um, served any, any surf's up. Surf's Carter, you just sort of left laptop, you know, Rick, Chris and Robert Crumb. I, Fritz the cat, I'm sure a lot of you, uh, a lot of your viewers, listeners, readers, whatever you want to call them, uh, if, if they haven't Rubens, it's, I haven't seen Fritz the cat. I mean just Google that one up. Um, uh, yeah, I'm not too sure, but it's, it's, it's, uh, April's is, are everywhere, I guess. Usually. Usually the crude bad Batman, you know, pull stuff.

Speaker 4:

I mean, yeah, I suppose the cutting to the chase, you know, what, what is life like as an artist, you know, is it, is it all light eyes and berets as they say or

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

I mean the incidentally, how many berries do you ride?

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, barrows. I had no barrows. Yeah, I dunno. No, not really. Well, obviously I'm not trying to do, it's just something that they forbid a farm that's not something that um, be good to make. Yeah. I can make a couple of bucks a year and a bit. I don't, you know, so certainly not something that I can, um, you know, count on that to put my children through school or feed the dog or anything like that. But it's just announced that it's just that creative kind of create economy if you're, yeah, if you crowded person, yeah. It just kind of suck there to create. And I guess having a sense of humor or twisted sense of humor is probably, um, you know, it's good to, it's good to let that out rather than because of the Kate that all bottled up, that's for sure.

Speaker 4:

Exactly. Live stage show idea to have a bit of a Giggle, which always done. I've got to say, I was looking through just all the magazines the other day, you know, your whole body of work and it just puts a smile on my face every single time. But I, I'm gonna say my favorite, my all time fibroid and in one that kind of rises a, a real, uh, probably a a point of concern for me. And that was what happened to Kevin, the Dolphin.

Speaker 1:

Hello Kevin. I'll fuck up kid.

Speaker 4:

He was issued 19 the Gold Coast.

Speaker 1:

What have to do a bit of a, a bit of a lock and carer to fair follow up with Kevin just for the sake say what is going on with his life now? Save Kevin Mike Good or uh, or uh, things spiraled out of control for plural and Kevin,

Speaker 4:

I was just curious if you, if he got into trouble with any animal activists on that one.

Speaker 1:

No, I think, I think he goes, you're doing a, it was, uh, it was an issue on the Gold Coast and I think on that picture, I think that while I'm sitting there, so just after a few words, still it or something like that, I don't, I don't know where that one come from. Actually. Poor all poor old Kevin.

Speaker 4:

I liked this in fairing that a dolphin just because the house from the golf guys has a pension for pole dancers and getting on the piece. I just thought it was probably probably pushing this stereotype or the gold taste gold coast. Just a little too far. I thought that's true.

Speaker 1:

Well, I suppose as you, as you can see up there, the rods are fun parks. They, they crash every now and again. That's not, um, it's not, not all wise then. I was I and the brushes that place up there, it can be a minefield. The all sorts of a strange and wonderful, oh it is.

Speaker 4:

No, I know. It was, it was a ripper. I think it was that one. And um, I mean the money show, it was a ripper and big gym. Big Gym was definitely one of my favorites. You know, it was a big gym. I know. I can't pronounce his last name. What'd you call him? Big Jim. Kyla. Hi. Hey Ali or something.

Speaker 1:

Killer. Killer. Killer. Howley. Yeah, that was for, yeah, that was another thing in amazing here.

Speaker 4:

Wait, do you see the, you know, for those who can't afford, what was it? The tropical island holiday you get to, to pay big gym to near drown you, punch you in the face and ribs and insert upon apple in your ass telling you you're a good for nothing. Coke. And I'm like, is that based on a real life account when you are holidaying and tomorrow? I think it was or

Speaker 1:

it was odd. I went to, I went to Hawaii when I was, when I was younger, I was probably a bad, I didn't even know what I mean. And Oh, I had, I don't, he said that they were out of Judah a car crash and, um, it was this sort of lock on the back roads of this Hawaiian cane field and not had a car crash with this kid turned out to be 15 and it's stolen. And He, we crashed. We crashed into each other. We'd sort of locked, locked up the road and all my, he, he sort of shut himself and he just ran off. And I'll say, well, what am I gonna do here? And I'm so we're stuck there when the tracking spot both wise in the sort of their ride. And, um, and then all of a sudden this, this turns out with those five bloody huge Hawaiians all pop there. They've gone, what have you done? You my car stolen his old man's car. That's not, I know you see yourself as a, Warren's can be quiet. It's a very intimidating place. I don't have to be playing. There are not often spend a lot of time. I'm certainly not in fairing that I'm the, you know, Hawaiian charger or anything like that. That all went over there. Was he out like shut me pants and I don't think I've ever, I'll think, I'll think it was all just a bit too much for me. But

Speaker 4:

no, I mean that's a great place. Yeah. I've been there. I've found, I think I've served, uh, Waikiki when it was a good solid,

Speaker 1:

that's, that's a foot and a half one size, which means I was probably, it was probably three, four, which was massive by my standards. That's a different, that's it. Certainly it's a different place now. It's, um, yeah, yeah, obviously, yeah, the home of surfing, you know, as, as we know a lot of tradition and a lot of, a lot of hype and a lot of, a lot of everything over there might, you know, it's, it's quite a, quite an of an amazing place. Yeah. So I think it was 2017

Speaker 4:

no, the big challenge for you, you know, we, we moved to our current format and you became, you appeared to become awesome

Speaker 1:

spiritual spirits. Some that would say that you lost your sense of humor. Has, has that returned? I think it, pardon me. I think it has, sure. I'm just trying to think. I was probably going through a divorce and at the time, uh, there was obviously there was a, uh, there was all sorts of stuff going on with it at this six months period where, uh, I'm not too sure though. All sorts of stuff was going on in my life that wasn't particularly pleasant. So you might be, I did do a little bit of inward thinking,

Speaker 4:

I think. Uh, yeah, don't for one second worry because I think I'm the, if I'm pronouncing it correctly, then Bradley, Uber Machine,

Speaker 1:

some parents and camera issue 40. Yeah. And I think there were 10 of curl and my life so much. I think a little bit of PS, couple of droplets pop. I quite literally wet my pants. I just that that's one of the best part from Kevin the dolphin. That was an absolute ripper. Yeah. Well that's, that's good. I'm glad that I'm glad they can find humor in my time to dive Marco sign. You know, like you go through life or different situations and they uh, I guess I affect you in a certain way, good or bad. So, um, yeah, probably wear my heart on a sleeve a little bit and it's beautiful. Like it's it, you know,

Speaker 4:

you kind of look at the contents and I mean it quite literally it is. Maybe it's my sense of humor, my sixth sense of humor, but ever since day one, your kind of humor has with mark and I, but it has resonated with us and we've absolutely pissed ourselves laughing every time something's come true. And times when everyone has looked at us with a blank face and wear is like, I, I, the very first time I saw dateline with Bradley Obgyn, always trying to read it, her people, and I think it took me five guys before again, we shut up. You're not even getting through it. I was like, I'd read two lines and being teased and weigh myself in the beginning. I can't even understand what you're saying and I just couldn't get it out.

Speaker 1:

That's what I suppose part of the blow for me, one of the hardest things that you sort of try and artists but yeah, when you're doing stuff, I'll usually do a lot of my drawing or writing or whatever pretty early in the morning. He said he's sitting there by herself at maybe four or five o'clock in the morning working away and you think it's funny or you, you're trying to make it I guess is humorous is um, as what you can and you and, but there's not a real sort of fade back from it. You know, you don't really know if you, if you really starting to lose the plot a little bit or someone that they will find something funny and then you spend all this time writing it, rewriting it, drawing it and all that kind of thing. You start at the second thoughts about it and then whether it's funny or not,

Speaker 4:

the May Day cartoons and it shines is the hall Diane. I've literally got to the point sometimes where I think, God, I'm having a crap die and uh, and are going back through a few additions and it just kind of have not, you know, they say that what does it cures all ills and it surely does it mean that, uh,

Speaker 1:

okay. It's a dive. I'll talk trots out of a few jokes for today. Sorry, I was trying to be funny then.

Speaker 4:

Very serious subject. No, it's beautiful and just, uh, cheers mate.

Speaker 1:

It's not, that's not, uh, you know, all right. That's that probably, yeah, probably. Yeah. You get upset or frustrated or, or uh, or you know, funny about life and what's going on. But as soon as you can find, find a funny side it, that seems to make everything just sort of feel better, man.

Speaker 4:

Wow. Yeah. I mean you, you've, yeah, we know each other well. You've had, you sign Charleston to be licensed.

Speaker 1:

It's just through ups and downs, you know, it's so good.

Speaker 4:

It's a great leveler, isn't it? United to be able to have a laugh and I know every time that you and I catch up, you know, we have a couple of beers and then that's what I love so much. You know, I pissed myself laughing and then, uh, everything seems great again. So,

Speaker 1:

yeah. Yeah. I think humor does help my absolutely. Yeah. And I suppose it's, yeah. With, you know, doing what I do or don't do is uh, you know. Okay. How do you put up at some, yeah, it's just a wave of getting it out of there, I suppose if people, you know, if it gives people a bit of a small for, for five minutes and it's all worth it.

Speaker 4:

So, I mean, coming back to Bradley who I love Bradley, I just thought yeah. And just ease, ease. She, yeah. You was just so innovative. It wasn't he, so I was just curious, you know, he was the brainchild behind the wax and um, you came across this raw material being a, a byproduct, I think it was over his body waxing service and oh, that's right. He undertook the process. You referred to in the article is deep cubing to ticket the dish TV of the wax. I was just curious if you could explain that process it a bit more detail.

Speaker 1:

I have to peeving taped leaving the wax is sort of log. If you find a block of soap in the shower and notice as try one. Let's try one. They're not too sure where it's come from. Not too sure. I'm not, I, I, I sort of vaguely remember what I think that was an ad. So rod and obs, I'm attending off in tangents. Dave, some old people from the, from a nursing home in the, in the winter of their lives. We're sitting up there plucking out cubes, cubes, promote wax, which I injured myself. So actually speaking of the Knob, Seth

Speaker 4:

writes, you know, we've had, we've had since uh, received my royalty check say that, but I kept going there in the mar, their worry along with, well actually speaking of the Knob Syphax, you know, we've had requests since then. Two more characters. Black specks. Yeah. And the t shirts. You know, as I think about, you know, the characters we had featured on, on the Teesha, you did the sea creatures. Oh, that's right. Which is, which is also incidentally available on smokes, porter dot. Gone Dot. Aa Your one stop shop coming up with his Christmas. Right. I'm just curious. Yeah. The inspiration behind some of those characters that are absolute rippers, you know, like easy as someone who springs to mind or is it

Speaker 1:

they're just people that you sit at ball the page long enough, mate. You say those people float in and float out. Oh, I guess. Or um, yeah. You know, you can, I'm a bit of a people observer. You might have a little story. You'll, you'll say someone ivy wonder what their story is and maybe make up a little, you know, a little story in your head is to, you know, where they're from, what they're doing, what they're up to certain.

Speaker 4:

There was a, the, what was it? Uh, the northern highlands pink mystic. She's going to be Vegan for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. There's so many, so many papers signed in the Caltrain stop. I can't really remember. I think it was a, there was a god taken a selfie actually.

Speaker 4:

Hmm. There's a few of those people out and about people. That was the golden European Tulsa.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. The BAC packet talks and there's the uh, oh, I used to be all sorts of people at the beach mode. It's a, it's a wonderful community. Yeah. Brings people from all walks of life.

Speaker 4:

I still want the salmon, they seems to Instagram. Know a lot of the berry cartoons. I was one of the ones that are noted on that tee shirt. Was that inland redneck guzzler?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Well I guess living on a coastal town, you, you know, it's uh, heroin, put it. People want to, people want to get down to the beach and a and start surfing for a few weeks of the year. You know, I suppose it's quite fashionable VSF of it. Certain, certain times of the year. So yeah. So you're a, say you were a surfer. My kitchen mortgaging a little bit more attention at the, uh, this guy.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. I mean, looking at that. I mean, there was, I just loved it. That's one of my all time favorite tee shirts and it's just so many people stop me and the person themselves laughing and you know what else was on there? The, the fat Gatton to case tog on the pimple NYSED been af and all that. W would there be, I don't know. What did we have there? We had one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. I'm looking at the tissue now. What would they be? New Characters there? Do your dad to that listener?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm sure. I'm sure there'd be a whole, so she could borrow my phone. Fine. We'll put on there. I guess it's just a matter of, uh, looking who's scratching the surface and going a little bit deeper, I guess it's, um, is all, oh, people from all walks. All you got to be politically correct. I think inclusion is a, is a, is a huge word equation. You got to shit on everyone. It doesn't matter where you're from, what your calories, you know, gender, gender neutral, gender proactive or whatever the bloody hell. Yeah. When we opened, we opened. Yeah. We uh, open their arms to people of all old oh, different sot it's smooth as Borda magazine

Speaker 4:

on that point in and thinking about next edition. And then additionally the news hit, uh, you know, all the media today about the election and all that. And then not, I'll still thinking about it. And then I looked at that slogan that you write for our smorgasbord. I a lot of how Barry Kastigar, which was drink more peace, give work and miss. You know, I thought it was a rebound.

Speaker 1:

I was all about economy. I heard. Oh exactly. I just thought is the why the economy, the economy will be good. We've got wonderful economic figures. We've got wallpaper in work. Yeah. Just come on Skype. Is that the one that wins the, you know, how to do Australia party the next federal election? If they take on board that one was that one night should bring it, bring up bill bill shorten and it'll be, it'll play like the new what, what was, what was golf golf with lemons phrase when he, when he got into power. I don't. I, I know what his phrase was found. Was it God save the Queen bed? God may say, I don't know. I'm not, I'm not a political person I guess. Nah, that's awesome. My Diet. I honestly, I can't thank you enough for your time and for the chat and as per usual a bit of a gear. Just awesome working with you as a pleasure talking with you as a pleasure. It's always fun. So no ours. Well I haven't listened to any podcast or one was just put together one of the shittest ones. We've just listened to it. Well you're not going to get that hour of your life. I was just having a bit of a bit of a look at the one that Mitchell rise down with these all talking about spirituality and and, and the car was pretty deep and then here we are talking about it. If we have a couple more beers, I reckon I could be quite spiritual in terms of two pizza anyway. He's the slip be full service you've provided denied. Wonderful, wonderful log. Yes in this that it is. I'm glad you brought that up and thanks as well to Ireland surfboards, who helps to make as well as what it does. An elegant according to RAF. No.

Speaker 3:

Well as I said you said

Speaker 2:

earlier, we're just so much fun, so much fun. Um, uh, I hope you enjoyed my chat with Darren marks. Uh, are cartoonists who does a low hard berry for us. Just fantastic to work with such a talent and um, yeah, hell of a lot of fun. I had a ball as, as always do a chat to him. Speaking of having a bowl, I also had a ball with uh, these um, slip stream brewing, uh, the Seb Rose Strong pile out and I tell you what, he is a strong Pilau but it is I very, very enjoyable pile. And um, for these deep and meaningful chats, it's uh, certainly it gives you the gift of the Gab. Had an absolute ball. Thank you. Slip, stream brewing. Thank you for listening into the Smorgasbord, a podcast. And remember, if you want to hear more, get down to the smorgasbord of podcast on apple, iTunes, Spotify, data you, you would've heard me talk about the magazine, you would have heard me talk about the t shirts. Remember that? You can get all of Do they you, you can ban lied the lightest, a digital edition. You can read it online. You can order a home delivery subscription, whatever you like. It can all be done. And you can even listen to this podcast on Smoger, dot. Aui so get on there, enjoyed a until next week. By all means, get out there and get wet. Have Fun. Uh, choose the board you want to ride. Um, just enjoyable. That's what surfing is all about. Fair. Well, see you next week.