Mornin Bitches

Celebrating Love and Self-Worth: A Dive into the Golden Bachelor Premiere and Valuing Freedom at Any Age

October 01, 2023 S.J. Mendelson Season 3 Episode 5
Celebrating Love and Self-Worth: A Dive into the Golden Bachelor Premiere and Valuing Freedom at Any Age
Mornin Bitches
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Mornin Bitches
Celebrating Love and Self-Worth: A Dive into the Golden Bachelor Premiere and Valuing Freedom at Any Age
Oct 01, 2023 Season 3 Episode 5
S.J. Mendelson

Ever find yourself reminiscing about your youthful days while staring at a classic 1965 Mustang? Or perhaps you've reflected on your own body acceptance journey amidst a sea of golden-clad bachelorettes and bachelors? Join us, as we take you on a whirlwind adventure to the premiere of Golden Bachelor! Get ready to dance and chat with the charming bachelor, Gerry, and hear our candid reflections on Steve Lopez's portrayal of him in his LA Times article. We'll also celebrate the importance of companionship and love for older adults, challenging the notion that the twilight years should be anything but golden.

Does pickleball, motorcycle rides, and a confident lady revealing her beauty, spark your curiosity? Brace yourself as we dive into Gerry's intriguing preferences and share our admiration for those who freely embrace their beauty at any age. Buckle up as we champion the idea of love and freedom at all ages and encourage you to always remember your worth. So, whether you're contemplating joining the Golden Bachelorette or just want to shake your booty a little, remember, you're loved and accepted just the way you are. Let's toast to the golden years of love and life together!

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Ever find yourself reminiscing about your youthful days while staring at a classic 1965 Mustang? Or perhaps you've reflected on your own body acceptance journey amidst a sea of golden-clad bachelorettes and bachelors? Join us, as we take you on a whirlwind adventure to the premiere of Golden Bachelor! Get ready to dance and chat with the charming bachelor, Gerry, and hear our candid reflections on Steve Lopez's portrayal of him in his LA Times article. We'll also celebrate the importance of companionship and love for older adults, challenging the notion that the twilight years should be anything but golden.

Does pickleball, motorcycle rides, and a confident lady revealing her beauty, spark your curiosity? Brace yourself as we dive into Gerry's intriguing preferences and share our admiration for those who freely embrace their beauty at any age. Buckle up as we champion the idea of love and freedom at all ages and encourage you to always remember your worth. So, whether you're contemplating joining the Golden Bachelorette or just want to shake your booty a little, remember, you're loved and accepted just the way you are. Let's toast to the golden years of love and life together!

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Speaker 1:

Morning bitches and dolls. If no one told you they love you today, then I love you because you are. You Today's a special podcast because I had to talk about the golden bachelor and my experience with him. Yes, I had an experience with the golden bachelor. I was invited a few weeks ago to go to the premiere of the golden bachelor. So I got my invitation, invited my husband to go with me, of course, the Vuh-Den right, of course, right. And then we went to Mel's China on Sunset Boulevard, in the Sunset Strip or on the Sunset Strip Fabulous place. We pulled up the valet, took our car, we walked in I was wearing red and gold Tic-Tac-Bubbies color and we went. The place was a dream. It was all full of gold, gold, flowers, you know, gold, everything. Because, after all, gary is a golden bachelor. True, of course, true, right? Yes, I stood in front of this fabulous gold Mustang, a 1965 that looked like, you know, with the top down. Oh my God, you all didn't know, but I had a 1965 Mustang. I got it in 1980. And I had it for many, many years and then sold it. I was an idiot, I agree. I don't know why I sold it, but I did so.

Speaker 1:

There I was having my pictures taken in an in-walks Gary Turner, six foot three, gorgeous, drop dead gorgeous ladies and guys and ladies, and I was waiting because I wanted to meet him in person. After all, I'm golden, I ain't no bachelor, a bachelor red. I'm 76 years young, but I wanted to meet him because he's a mensch. You know what a mensch is, a man, a respectable person in Yiddish. You know what you all know I am, I'm a Jewish grandma, which is called a Bubbie. So I waited until he was interviewed and then I walked over to something. You know, I have more nerve than brains. That's what people have always said about me but I have brains too, but I have more nerve than brains.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so what happened was I walked over to him. The music was talking, playing, whatever. I got nervous talking about him, and then I started. I pulled him into dance with me. We started dancing and you know, I started chit, chatting with him and talking. And what a doll, what an absolute doll. Then, at last, comes on, you know, that song At last, my love has come along. Anyway, as soon as he heard that song I guess that's his favorite song he asked my husband if we could dance. See, that's respect right there, and I love him and I understand how so many women are interested in being with him. Okay, so you know I was very excited to watch the premiere of the bachelor, the golden bachelor, which I watched. Okay, then I come to read this article by Steve Lopez who I do love from the LA Times. But this is what he wrote.

Speaker 1:

Not all viewers are falling in love with this cringy bachelor. I don't think he's cringy. One thing we learned about 72-year-old Gary Turner in the first episode of the Golden Bachelor is that, if the opportunity arises, he's ready to make out. Well, first of all, he was married to his wife for 43 years. I'm sure he misses kissing his wife. I'm sure he and in our generation we made out. That's what we did. We went to people's parties and we went to people's basements and we made out with our boyfriend or our girlfriend, and not just a little peck on the cheek but sucking face. So there's no telling what we're going to be in store for once, he actually gets to know the women vying for his affection, most of whom were not bashful in the least. Well, our generation, we're not bashful, honey. We were at Woodstock in 1969. Free love was our thing, right? Peace and love.

Speaker 1:

At one point on Thursday night's premiere on ABC, while 21 of the gold and bachelor's potential forever mates were hoping he'd look their way, turner grabbed faith that's the girl I'm voting for, a high school teacher by the hand and they left the room Moments after we saw the grieving widower in tears. He was canoodling with someone he'd just met, ok. In the same episode, turner asked Theresa, a financial services professional, what she'd do if she got cupcake icing on his mouth. Theresa did not hesitate Go, theresa, go. She leaned in and took care of that little problem, which meant that the golden bachelor was already being unfaithful to faith and that my wife was bent overhead in hands as she was through much of the one hour premiere. This is cringy, she declared. Well, that's my generation. Are we cringy? I guess you think we are. Oh well, maybe so, but we've had two decades of young people that's right embarrassing themselves in the bachelor franchise and it was high time to let old's adults turn a private yearning into a public spectacle.

Speaker 1:

I had wanted to hold out hope as the golden bachelor. As the golden state columnist said that the golden bachelor might be something of a stereotype, busting experience giving the extreme ageism that exists in this country. That was the case to a degree and the show also touched on the isolation and loneliness dealt by so many adults, older adults. I get it, I'm very lucky I have a partner, but see, I've always had a partner, so you know. But some people haven't and it's lonely out there, especially when you're a senior, you know. If you lost your partner, divorced, never married, it's lonely. Anyway, let me get back to this. I think it's wonderful to have a show that acknowledges that older people want love, connection, said, oh god, let me be good. Okay, I gotta go back to this page here. Okay, let's read the thing. I'm just looking through the page, forgive me. All right, there it is Okay. Here let me just turn the page. I know I'm going. All right, I Love the LH finds the paper, the actual paper, okay, that they are zestful and adventurous and interested in dating.

Speaker 1:

Man Bauer Maglin, the author of gray love stories about dating and new relationships after 60, told me before the first episode hey, at Thursday night. I agree that this is not high-york. What'd you expect? Huh. Nor is it about true romance as much as it's about a network digging for gold and contestants hoping for a moment of fame. It's reality TV with your tic-tac Bobby love Sheila. Reality TV, funny and as much as it's about a network. Okay, I said that.

Speaker 1:

And you have to suspend your disbelief that a handsome widow, or in good shape, apparently, couldn't find a date and decided his only option was to appear in a nationally Televised bake off. So what if I was single and they needed a golden bachelorette? I Would vibe that part too, honey. Okay, I'm going to find the woman of my dreams very shortly. Turn a set after Deserting his his hearing aids. So he wears hearing aids big deal. I wish my husband would wear hearing aids. Honey, I have to say why I Said this. I said that so many times. It's like a broken record. A 78 Figure, that one out folks, okay, all right. So I hope I recognize them. Well, you know I'm buying for faith. I say that ahead.

Speaker 1:

So we got one woman after another arriving at the bachelor pad, ranging in aid from 60 to 75. And it occurred to me that sexism, not ageism, might be the problem. One did an awkward and suggestive cheer with pom-poms, one pretended she was about to strip naked, One told Turner her eggs are still fresh, and another poured out of what must be a clown car, because it was the one suitor after another and another. They all seem to be instantly smitten and ready to drop everything to be with a total stranger. Wasn't that the best in our olden days? Who didn't go with a total stranger at a bar? I know I did, okay. Anyway, it didn't sit well with Steve's wife. Oh whatever, they're dripping with desperation. She said Well, some were a few. I am yeah Wondering if the winner will pull up stakes, say goodbye to friends and family and move into the dream house the golden bachelor had just built with his wife before she died.

Speaker 1:

Gary is in great shape. A contestant named Natasha said I'm not going to need to resuscitate him if we have an intimate moment. I hope not, but I'd love to watch that. I'm just saying that would be an interesting show, wouldn't it? Natasha's occupation was listed as aging coach. I asked my wife if that's meant Natasha was, say, a soccer coach who's getting older, or it meant she coaches people on how to age. We may never find out, but we do know that network TV executives have figured out, in the era of streaming, the only people still watching prime time broadcasts are older adults, true, so if the golden bachelor is a hit and the advertisers line up, it's a safe bet. The golden bachelorette isn't too far off, which I said okay, along with leisure world, rascals and golden girls gone wild. So what's wrong with that? Golden girls gone wild okay.

Speaker 1:

During the broadcast there was an ad about night sweats. Okay, I don't have those anymore. Severe to moderate eczema. Never had that. And another number about arch supports. Well, I do wear arch supports in which a somber looking man shares the news that his feet hurt so much he asked the good Lord to take me. Well, my feet hurt and I haven't asked the good Lord to take me. It can't be long before the golden bachelor himself is talking reverse mortgages. So Tom Selleck does.

Speaker 1:

Before the first episode I reached out to a few older adults and asked them to share the reactions with me after tuning in. Look at my nose. I'm glad this group of seniors is having their moment with the golden bachelor, said Marilyn McLaren, thomas, an email pal who liked Turner and gave the show generally good reviews, although she called one contestant's birthday suit gimmick, cheap and not classy. Wow, who cares Sheep? So she's chipping drill Whatever it takes, honey, don't forget. I got a tattoo replacement on live TV on bad tattoo on A&E. So in August, while researching a column on golden year romance years, I met Roz Walanka at the nest, a popular Indian Wells nightclub. Walanka, 76 and single, told me back then that she had applied to be on the Golden Bachelor but after watching the first episode Thursday night in Indio she was glad she never got a call back.

Speaker 1:

Sour grapes, these women, oh my God, they were not impressive at all, said well, I think they look gorgeous. So I'm just saying that first one in that gold dress, oh I loved her who hosted a watch party with three other girlfriends. A couple of them were sleazy. So judge, ye, judge, ye, not less, you be judged. It was me out there and my son was watching me behave that way. He would have been totally embarrassed. So big deal. You embarrass your son. Who cares? Let him be embarrassed.

Speaker 1:

Carl Carol Carota, 81, said she thought four or five of the women comported themselves and seemed to have caught the eye of the bachelor. But Maureen Dean, who's been married for 62 years, was less generous. God, these people. I think we all feel the same way. Dean said we find it a little sleazy and there were too many boobs hanging out. Well, if you got them, flaunt them. I got them, but I hide them. Mine are big and I hide them because I got those for my mother and my bubby.

Speaker 1:

So well, longa said she's not sure she'll watch views future episodes. Okay, that one girl asked him if he liked to dance and she starts gyrating in front of him. That's not how you attract a man like that. Well, longa said, how do you know what attracts? And maybe it is one of her friends? John did. Maybe I'm doing the wrong thing. Well, longa said, reconsidering, maybe I'm not gyrating enough. I saw her dance at the nest, he says, while she was quite elegant and definitely too classy for a certain TV show.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so let's continue talking about this because I love the golden bachelor. Isn't it about time that we don't judge each other for the way we look or how we dress? Why not? Our generation was free, loving and fancy, free and pick people up and what's your sign and all those things. So you know, I appreciate the fact that there is a golden bachelor. I really do. I think that it's about time. Exactly how many years have been watching the bachelor and the bachelor red and now bachelor in paradise.

Speaker 1:

Talk about young people gyrating and wearing bikinis. I can't wear a bikini anymore. The boobs never fell, but that fupa of mine after I had my son look it up, just you know, is a little too much to wear a bikini. I was gonna get my stomach fixed in 2003 but I got scared because in 1999 I had half my stomach removed because I had a twisted colon. So I have don't have feeling in one part of my stomach. Is that more information that you needed to know?

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I Adore the Golden Bachelor, gary. I'd love to interview him on my podcast because when I was dancing with him, of course, he didn't tell me anything. I asked did you find your love? And he smiled at me and he said does this smile tell you what you need to know? So I'm figuring he did find his love and I love his daughters urging him to go on the show why not? And his grandchildren, ah, would I give anything to see my grandchildren again. You know what a Bobby is the one to give advice and love no matter what, and Bubbies love their grandchildren. I know my Bobby loved the heck out of me. I was a favorite grandchild I was the first.

Speaker 1:

But let's get back to the Golden Bachelor. He was classy. I love the fact that he asked my husband if he could dance with me, and he was adorable. So, whatever happens, the women enjoy the ride. You're living in a beautiful place probably I don't know and you'd look gorgeous. Every single one of you dressed to the nine. My favorite, though, was the woman, the old lady, who came out with the walker, with the wig, and then she took her outfit off, her old lady outfit, and she was beautiful, and I said my favorite, I guess, is faith, who I really like a lot. I love the fact that didn't you write up on a motorcycle? You know he rides motorcycles, he loves that and that he loves to play pickleball, which is the thing.

Speaker 1:

I have never played pickleball. First of all, I don't like pickles. Well, not those kind of pickles. Anyway. My grandmother used to make pickles. She would like take the cucumbers, put them on the windowsill in her apartment in Brooklyn and her apartment, and then she would age them, or whatever the hell she did, I don't know. I could never stand the smell of it, which is why I stopped. I never. I tried pickles here and there, but they're not my. Have tried them. I Never liked pickles and the filter fish and she made those two things. Oh, she was a great cook, she was phenomenal woman, she was a Force of nature, my Bobby, but those kinds of foods I never liked. So, anyway, where did I get off on pickles anyway, whatever? Oh, pickleball, that's it. No, I've never tried pickleball, I don't know, it just doesn't interest me.

Speaker 1:

It's that he likes pickleball. He likes to ride motorcycles. Okay, that's good, because I love being a passenger on a motorcycle. I guess he likes. He's daring. You know, I'm much more than my brother. I dressed his soul was the daring one. He always tried everything physical. I've tried everything like scutting on a stage, talking to a lot of people. I don't know, that's my thing. But physical things, well, I have tried many physical things, like the riding in that Fast car, you know, at the speedway, different things like that. But good. So he should find a woman and I hope he did who loves to do a lot of those same things that he likes to do. My husband's in the other room Watching television. So that's what he likes to do sit on the couch, watch TV, do his crossword puzzles and fall asleep. So we want to get to do some things today, but I just had to bring up how much I Love the golden bachelor that.

Speaker 1:

Gary Turner, you are amazing and I really hope that you found your lady love, which I'm saying you probably have, and I just Wanted to make that mention that I know you probably have you know, have gotten together with your dream girl, and that's a wonderful thing. And you know, I I know that if my husband passed God forbid, would I find somebody else, would I look for someone else? Probably because I'm not the type to ever be alone, since I was 19 years old, I always had a boyfriend or a husband, so I am not the type to ever stay alone. So you know, being alone is not my thing. So there you go. I like companionship. I'm that kind of a person, you know. I like telling someone what to do, which I do. So I'm just letting you all know that.

Speaker 1:

So you know, watch the golden bachelor on Thursday nights on ABC, because You're going to find a lot of things interesting and you know what A lot of women showing their wares. Why not, you know? Why not show what you're made of and what you look like? Isn't that what it's all about at first, and then you grow into something else, you know, you grow into love. But besides that, there's always the physical. You know, as Olivia and John sang, let's get physical, physical, I want to get physical. There you go. So that's part of what it is.

Speaker 1:

So it's just TikTok Bobby giving your opinion on a Sunday, because, you know, I interviewed the Chasinators son Anthony, yesterday and it was amazing. And Tuesday I'm interviewing my friend, Michael Hollingsworth, who is the caterer, was the caterer to the stars, every star that you could ever think of, who's now passed, like Don Rickles, elizabeth Taylor, you know everybody. Robert Evans he did everybody's parties, taking a sip from my TikTok Bobby cup, my morning bitches cup. So he'll be. I wrote a book and he's in the midst of writing his other cookbook, so I'm going to be interviewing him on Tuesday morning, which I'm very excited about, you know, and just be yourself, enjoy your life. You only have one life to live, so enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

If that means going on the golden bachelorette as a woman and dressing the way you want, why not?

Speaker 1:

And if you're going to be, there's going to be a golden bachelorette, why not? Right? Because we deserve love at our age, at 76 years old me. I deserve to be with somebody and I am who respects me, who loves me, who puts up with my baloney, you know, and wants to live with me. Don't we deserve that at our age?

Speaker 1:

We've gone through a lot, haven't we? We've gone through the fifties, the Eisenhower era, which they all want to go back to today, Ha ha ha. We've gone through a lot the sixties, where all of a sudden everything became free and then love and all love and peace. And we've gone through so many decades of so many different things. Why not go back to the way you know you were, when you were feeling free and easy in your twenties and thirties and you thought you could conquer the world? And why not? Why not, right? So, tiktok, bobby loves you. She loves you for who you are. She loves you for all you do and all you say you do. And if you want to go out and shake your booty, why not? Because if you don't do it, who's going to do it? If you want to cloister yourself up, you know, in your ivory tower and waiting for, like Mr or Ms Perfect to come along, it ain't going to happen, okay. So I'll see you Tuesday. And if nobody told you they love you today. I love you because you're you. Bye.

Golden Bachelor Experience and Reactions
Golden Bachelor and Personal Preferences
Love and Freedom at Any Age