Mornin Bitches

Echoes of Kindness: Navigating Global Unrest and Fostering Love and Peace in the Middle East

October 21, 2023 S.J. Mendelson Season 4 Episode 7
Echoes of Kindness: Navigating Global Unrest and Fostering Love and Peace in the Middle East
Mornin Bitches
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Mornin Bitches
Echoes of Kindness: Navigating Global Unrest and Fostering Love and Peace in the Middle East
Oct 21, 2023 Season 4 Episode 7
S.J. Mendelson

Have you ever wondered how a simple act of kindness can ripple out and impact the world around us? Journey with me as I share a poignant personal story about the struggles and fears that have resulted from the current global unrest, particularly in the Middle East. Discover how it's touched my own family, and how small, seemingly insignificant actions can bring about unexpected change. I'll take you through a touching encounter that showcases the transformative power of genuinely caring for others, even in the face of anger or frustration.

On a more uplifting note, let’s explore the immense power of love and peace in combatting these challenging times. Listen as I share my thoughts on how cultivating respect for different beliefs and acceptance of one another can pave the way for unity. We'll delve into fostering a harmonious environment amidst the chaos, underlining the imperative need for love and peace. But remember, it’s not just about global harmony; it’s about recognizing the beauty in everyone around us. As we cap off the episode with a heartfelt message of love and peace, remember that you, yes YOU, are special and loved.

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Have you ever wondered how a simple act of kindness can ripple out and impact the world around us? Journey with me as I share a poignant personal story about the struggles and fears that have resulted from the current global unrest, particularly in the Middle East. Discover how it's touched my own family, and how small, seemingly insignificant actions can bring about unexpected change. I'll take you through a touching encounter that showcases the transformative power of genuinely caring for others, even in the face of anger or frustration.

On a more uplifting note, let’s explore the immense power of love and peace in combatting these challenging times. Listen as I share my thoughts on how cultivating respect for different beliefs and acceptance of one another can pave the way for unity. We'll delve into fostering a harmonious environment amidst the chaos, underlining the imperative need for love and peace. But remember, it’s not just about global harmony; it’s about recognizing the beauty in everyone around us. As we cap off the episode with a heartfelt message of love and peace, remember that you, yes YOU, are special and loved.

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Speaker 1:

Morning bitches and dolls the new liftoff. They love you today and I love you because you do. You're probably wondering what happened to your TikTok buddy the last time I had my podcast with my friend, the wonderful and incredible Michael Hollingsworth, the guy who does all of the food for famous stars. He just wrote a book. October 3rd and October 7th, the debacle happened in Israel.

Speaker 1:

And just so you know, although I'm not taking sides, but I am I am Jewish, I'm a proud Jewish woman, a lot of my close family lives in Israel and I just can't imagine what it must be like. So that's why I've been frozen Frozen for the last two weeks, because now it is what's the date? The 21st Frozen since it happened, though I just could not do a podcast, I just could not talk about anything. What was I going to talk about my dating life, right? What was I going to talk about LGBTQ plus? Of course, I would always talk about that, but I just can't speak. I just can't talk about anything right now. It's been very frightening and scary. I have my niece and her husband and their five kids, my nephew and his wife, and there are six kids, and I have a lot of cousins there. Of course you know, when you leave America and you go to Israel to start a new life, a beautiful life, a life where you can grow along with everything and raise your kids. And of course, my cousins have lived there for 50, 60 years, so it's a whole different story.

Speaker 1:

So what can I say? It's a terrible time in our country. It's crazy. It's all over the world. I just am somebody that believes in peace and love because that's the way our generation was. Our generation was peace and love. All we are saying is give peace a chance, but the world just can't seem to give peace a chance.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying I don't know why, why we can't all get along. I don't know, I just can't figure it out. I don't understand, you know. I don't understand hate. I understand love. I understand what people would say.

Speaker 1:

You don't like me for a reason because you know I'm opinionated. I'm an old lady with a lot of opinions. As you all know, I have a big mouth. I speak my mind most of the time, you know, and I've always been in a relationship. I'm one of those. You know, serial monogamous from the time I was 19 years old. So I'm not somebody that lives alone for a long time. It's just the way it is Married to this spouse, ed, for 20 plus years now. We'll have known each other the end of this month, 21 years. I'm just saying so. You know, I try and get along with everybody and see that everybody needs love.

Speaker 1:

You know, like this morning and me we went to Denny's. You know we love to go to Denny's why? Because we're seniors, we get the AARP discount. Come on, I'm 76. Fucking years old, that's just what I turned 76, okay.

Speaker 1:

And there was this man there. You know he was by himself alone. He was angry, good to see. He didn't like the fact that they didn't give him his hamburger and he was really upset about that, very upset. So what did he do? He got angry, okay, he got angry, very upset, and he was yelling at the server. You know, and these girls they worked and guys they worked so hard.

Speaker 1:

I don't call anybody a waiter or waitress. Have you ever been one? I know I've been a waiter, waitress, waiter, waiter, waitress, whatever. And it's a tough job, you know, pleasing everybody. Some people leave you a great tip and others leave you a dime. That's what I got once at the server, a dime. Okay, not bad, all right, at least it was something right. Ten cents, ten cents a dime, that's all they pay me. Lord, how they weigh me down. That's a song I sang in my cabaret. Yeah, okay, I love that song by Helen Morgan. Oh my God, what I'm diverting from different things I'm talking about here. Oh, she was the greatest at Helen Morgan, severe, severe alcoholic. By the grace of God, I'll have 38 years in November, november 12th, oh my God, 1985. Great, great, great day for me. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Anyway, so that's my story and I'm sticking to it, right? So it's a tough job being a server Today. We call them servers, we don't call them waiters or waitresses, okay, whatever. So he was yelling at the Y where's my hamburger? Yelling at her, and I'm thinking, wow, wait, he's pissed off. Yeah, he's pissed off. So, anyway, I looked around at him and I smiled and I said good morning, how are you doing today? I'm doing fine.

Speaker 1:

You know, all you have to do a lot of times is look at a person with so much anger and hate and frustration it's loneliness and just say how are you doing you okay? Is everything okay today? Because I'm thinking about you and I'm sending you positive love and that's the most important thing you ever look at a stranger walking down the street with such hate and anger and frustration and loneliness and say, hey, how are you doing? Is everything okay? Have you ever done that? Probably not. I do it all the time. I probably think I'm crazy, but, like that man, all he wanted someone to do was turn around and say, hi, how are you doing? And that was it. As simple as that. Right, of course, right. So I mean, that's what it's all about. There's so many lonely people in this world. You know, it's just a darn shame.

Speaker 1:

So, like I said, I've been kind of frozen with everything right now and I just wanted to come on here and tell you all my message of love, peace, and I hope everybody in the Middle East gets along with each other and everybody gets along with everybody, because isn't that what it's all about, that we should all live in harmony together. I'm just saying, shouldn't we? That's my prayer for peace in life, in what's going on in the world. And wow, here I am.

Speaker 1:

It's Saturday morning, october 21st. Mother would have been a hundred years old, my mother, on the 17th. I didn't get a chance to go to her grave and I have to do that, maybe tomorrow, because I had an audition, a big audition for something. I'm not gonna say what it was, but at the end of my listen to that, there goes the alarms, the fire engines, the police sirens. I'm looking at the mountains in La La Lin with Hollywood, california, and just sending peace and love. But she would have been a hundred years old and at the end of her life she had blood cancer and she had Alzheimer's aphasia. She had all those things and my husband and I were able to be there for her.

Speaker 1:

So I'm just saying, you know, it's a wonderful thing, it's all I'm trying to say. It's like if I have any message for anybody today, it's peace and love to all of you. Because what else can we do? What else can we say? What else can we do Accept, love each other and put our arms around each other and say I love you, I love you because you are you. What else can we do? Hate, sure, we can hate each other if you want, but I'm not gonna hate you because if you have religious preferences and what you believe in, you have every right to be who you are, whatever you believe. That's my philosophy of life. So your TikTok Bobby wants to say that this is gonna be a short one. I'm starting to pick these up again. I hope you listen to my love and my peace of what's going on today. I hope you do because you are wonderful, you are loved, you are special and there's nobody like you in the whole wide world. And that's it from me. So I'll be coming back on Tuesday, okay, love ya.

Reflecting on Current Events and Promoting Unity
Love and Peace in Middle East