Stepping Up for the Working Mom

The unspoken workload of motherhood

Nikki Gingrich Episode 85

It feels like we do so much more than our husbands or partners, now the statistics show that we do. Especially during quarantine! 

A study done at the UCL Institute of Eduation and Institute of Fiscal Studies showed that 47% of mothers hours doing paid work are split between that and other activities (like childcare and housework). 

The proof is there that our attention is split. Our brains are trying to focus on work and on kids. But we can't do all that. Our brains don't function that way. We might like to say we can multi-task, but honestly when we try to multi-task something falls short. Either our parenting or our work. 

Mama, you are not alone in this. Your overwhlem, your anxiety, your burnout is all justified. We are doing more and expected to do more right now. We also can't sit by and allow this to just be. We have to ask for help, speak up for ourselves and let our feelings be known. 


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