Stepping Up for the Working Mom

The mindset of losing weight

July 09, 2020 Nikki Gingrich Episode 95

It might not be the fancy topic to talk about, but so much about losing weight is around mindset. In this episode I'm sharing with you that 2 years ago I made the commitment to lose 20 lbs, and here I am 2 years finally starting to see the physical changes. 

What you don't see is the inner work that needed to be done over those 2 years. Making peace with the fact that my body is now different. I'm not 20, and I've had 2 babies. I've been on birth control for a number of years at this point, nursed 2 babies for at least one year each, stress has increased ten-fold, and I quit my job to become an entrepreneur. 

So yes, I was working out consistently and thinking about food, but I also had some other things to do first before I would see the physical manifestation of the work. I had issues with getting on the scale and a huge fear around that number that I needed to work through (and still am right  now). 

If this is you, and you know you want something, you're doing the work but you're not seeing the physical manifestation of it yet. Just know you are on the right path, keep searching and keep doing the inner work. Your results are there within you, keep moving forward!!!