The Portion

Ki Teitzei: Sins & Sons

September 12, 2019 Aaron Roller & Rabbi Jonathan Bienenfeld Season 1 Episode 48

This week's Torah portion is chock full of mitzvot but we ended up going deep into just a few of them, particularly the laws surrounding the yefat toar, the war brides that Jewish soldiers are permitted to capture and marry. Commentaries portray this law as a rare accommodation to human passion, which, for the soldier in the heat of battle, might be too strong to overcome, and so the Torah provides a framework for allowing what would otherwise be a sin. But is this law an isolated occurrence, or does it have something to tell us about the nature of all desire. Aaron brings up a provocative passage from the Izhbitzer Rebbe, leading to some very interesting back and forth about how (or whether) sin can be constructive.