Our Voices Matter Podcast

The Ivy League Terrorist

Linda Lorelle/ Jesse Morton Season 1 Episode 36

I didn't know what to expect.  It isn't every day that one gets to sit down and talk with a  former recruiter for Al-Qaeda and ISIS.  What led him down that path; why did he ultimately leave that life; what is he doing now to make amends, if one can make amends for such heinous acts committed; and perhaps most important, what can we learn from him to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our nation?

The answers to these questions and more are revealed in this timely interview with Jesse Morton, a one-time suburban kid who became, in his words, The Ivy League Terrorist.   The conversation I had with him just five days before this 18th anniversary of 9/11, is part of a larger project Lorelle Media is producing about how to counter violent extremism.  Morton's chilling words about the divisiveness gripping our nation, and its connection to terrorist strategy, will stop you in your tracks.  At least I hope it will.    

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