The Gardenangelists: Flowers, Veggies, and All the Best Dirt

Japanese Maples, Vacation from Your Garden, and Chipmunks

June 18, 2019 Carol Michel, Dee Nash Season 1 Episode 33

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Carol and Dee discuss Japanese maples, which grow in both Indiana and Oklahoma. Dee suggests several varieties and provide tips on how to care for them in hot climates. They also talk about what to do with your vegetable garden when you leave it to go on vacation so when you return, the garden isn't overtaken by weeds or loaded down with overly ripe vegetables. They wrap up this episode with a lively discussion about chipmunks and other pesky animals in the garden.

For more information on Japanese maples, we recommend: 
Japanese Maples, the Complete Guide to Selection and Cultivation
by Peter Gregory and J.D. Vertrees.  

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