The Gardenangelists: Flowers, Veggies, and All the Best Dirt

Tea, Rosemary, and Holiday Plant Care

December 25, 2019 Carol Michel, Dee Nash Season 2 Episode 7

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Dee and Carol discuss tea which reminds them of C.S. Lewis. Helpful links:

The movie - Shadowlands, which is sad but has a great Christmas scene in it. Also, Becoming Mrs. Lewis was a book both Carol and Dee Enjoyed

Links to some teas you might want to try:
Jubilee Blend
Royal Blend   
Taylor of Harrogate Earl Gray
Teas with rose petals

An electric tea kettle

Spode dishes.

Book:  Botanical Shakespear: An Illustrated Compendium of All the Flowers, Fruits, Herbs, Trees, Seeds, and Grasses Cited by the World's Greatest Playwright, by Gerit Quealy


New botanical name for Rosemary 

Decoding Flower Meaning in the Garden.

Previous Christmas Plant Episode

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For more info on Dee, visit her website.

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