The Gardenangelists: Flowers, Veggies, and All the Best Dirt

Black Locust Trees, Square Foot Gardening™, and Gardening Failures

Carol Michel, Dee Nash Season 2 Episode 25

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Dee and Carol discuss the two sides of black locust trees, Square Foot Gardening™ and some of their personal gardening failures.

A few helpful links:

Dee purchased milkweed plugs from  Monarch Watch Milkweed Market 

More information about Black Locust Trees:
A interesting article on black locust trees in Live Science
Missouri Botanical Gardens opinion of this tree.

Veggies:  Square Foot Gardening™ 

On the book shelf:  Get any edition of the square foot gardening book to get started with this method of planting.

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For more info on Dee, visit her website.

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