The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

Powerback 18: Be the Same Person from 9-5 as You Are from 5-9

Laura Wallace | Worx Graphic Design

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One of the most exhausting things we can do as humans is to pretend we are somebody we are not. You know how it goes, you get up in the morning, look in the mirror, put on your work clothes, and head to work. Then all of a sudden you go into this different persona, this different personality you are not. You talk differently, act differently, change your clothes accordingly. Then you find yourself surrounded by people that are a reflection of who that person is.

Think of it as putting yourself inside this tiny little box you don't belong in. Yet, this tiny little box is an enormous part of your life. I mean, let's face it, we spend just as much time (if not more) time with our coworkers and clients than we do our families. So 40 hours of someone that you're not is freaking exhausting by the time you get home. You can hardly wait to change out of those clothes. You start talking the way you talk, listen to the music you want to listen to, and all of a sudden you snap back into the person you were this morning.

This week, I want you to take your #powerback by embracing the same YOU from five to nine as you are from nine to five.

You might be thinking, "Laura, seriously, I work in a place that just doesn't embrace my stuff. It's really straight-laced or really conservative and I just have to be this person and it's really not that bad. It's only a short amount of time and I can deal with it."

I want you to get real with yourself and think if you have to be this other version of myself for the next 20, 30 or 40 years, how does that make you feel? Now, if you feel comfortable with that, then more power to you. But I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that's not the space you want to be in. And if you're working at a place that doesn't embrace who you are, then that's not really the place for you to be.

So my best advice is to always show up as your authentic self. Bring your character, your style, your natural corks. No, it's not going to be for everybody. And guess what? It really shouldn't be. But what it's gonna do is get you closer to the right relationships that add value to your life.

Picture a world where you go to work every day. You're working with a team that resonates on a level you can't even wrap your head around. You're working with clients that love the natural little corks you bring in, the humor you bring to the meetings. You're open, honest, creative, or whatever beautiful set of characteristics defining who you are. And guess what? They appreciate and love working with you.

The more you get to feel that, the more you bring out, which means the more of those types of people you're going to attract. I mean the power of being yourself unleashes so many opportunities for your life to align from nine to five as it does from five to nine. And what that boils down to is you always - whether at home, a party, a networking event, a business meeting, or just running your day to day life - you get to be yourself. Not what someone else expects you to be.

Somewhere along the line, we were trained to impress people by being another version of ourselves. But join me in this concept: Maybe people can just enjoy being with you because you're you? You deserve to be happy, but that decision will always begi

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