The Work From Anywhere Podcast

How to Get a Job

Christian Martin Season 1 Episode 34

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A lot of people don’t understand what It means to get a job. They think they can just put their resume in a stack of other ones and that they stand a fighting chance. It’s just not true. They’re going to get destroyed because life is a competition. If you do things the same way that everyone else does them, you’re going to blend in and be ignored.

To land an interview you need to submit a plan, not just a resume. When I’m hiring, I don’t even look at an applicant’s resume until the second round of interviews. Submitting a plan is what will make you stand out.

Most interviews are more about cultural fit and commitment, and less about skill. You should ask questions about the company. Many people are so nervous because they have to talk about themselves that they just focus on what they’re going to say. That’s a big mistake. Focus on the company and act like you care about it.

In the post-interview, the employer is considering all the applicants that they have talked to. By this point, they’re sick of talking to applicants because it’s a lot of work. All the applicants start to blend together. A big mistake is that most applicants don’t follow up, even after a great interview. You need to follow up and give them ideas that you got from the interview.

I get a ton of applicants at my company, and when someone makes it to the final round of interviews, it’s usually because I really like something about them. I’ve had a couple of interviews with people who weren’t a great fit for the company, so they didn’t get the job. Afterwards, they’d follow up with me by sending a sample of their work. Twice now, I’ve hired people who did not get the role they applied for because of this. I created a position for them because I wanted them to work in my company.

If you’re having a trouble finding a job, it’s probably because you’re not showing the company what value you can add.

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