The Work From Anywhere Podcast

If You Believe This Is About Rich People You Will Be Broke Forever

August 13, 2019 Christian Martin Season 1 Episode 36

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If you hate money, you’re not going to make any. If you resent rich people, you’re never going to be rich. If you think it’s greedy to make a lot of money, you’re going to be broke forever.

A lot of people have serious hang-ups about money, but it’s not their fault. It’s called a money blueprint, and it’s the beliefs you have around money that were imprinted during your childhood. Some people were told growing up that there’s never enough money, money doesn’t grow on trees, that reach people are greedy, and so on.

Money is great. It’s an incentive to innovate, provide value to the world, and help other people. Most people who get rich through their business do so because they found a way to systematically help a large number of people. There are exceptions, but generally, people who build their own businesses have gone through great failure and persisted.

Can’t people just help one another without having to make money? No, because it’s extremely hard to run a business. You get shut down over and over again, and nobody else cares about your business. Money is what keeps you going. Without it coming into your business, you’ll have to stop and get a job. You must have a healthy cashflow in order to pursue a mission. Part of an entrepreneur’s job is to take on risk in exchange for financial incentive.

If you have false beliefs about money, like that every rich person is greedy and terrible, you might want to go talk to some rich people and then examine where these beliefs are coming from.

I love money because it produces far more good than bad in this world.

To learn more about making money by helping others, visit