The Work From Anywhere Podcast

Ignoring Your Weaknesses Is a Mistake

October 15, 2019 Christian Martin Season 1 Episode 45

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There’s this idea out there that you should only do what you’re good at doing. The people at the top in business often will just focus on their strengths. They’ll stay in what’s called their “zone of genius” where they are the best at doing something and are the only ones who can do it.

If you’re not running a thriving business, you’re not ready for that. If you don’t have a team surrounding you to fill in the gaps, you’re not ready for that. If you don’t know what your zone of genius is, you’re definitely not ready for that. Ignoring your weaknesses could be the worst possible thing that you can do.

In business, we have a bag of tricks. You might be good at copywriting but terrible at actually running Facebook ads, or you might be good at talking to clients but have no idea how to select proper images for ads. Once you have enough of these tricks, you’ll be getting pretty good at business.

So, what happens when we don’t focus on our weaknesses? We just never do the things that make us uncomfortable, so we default to doing what is easiest in the moment. When I know I need to master something in business, I have to put in the time and practice. My goal isn’t to get rid of my weakness or become great at it; I just make sure I put in the hours and see what happens.

For the longest time, I was avoiding running YouTube ads because I didn’t understand the interface. I was so used to Facebook ads that I would just completely stay away and pay someone to do the YouTube ones. I finally had to jump in, and I was so confused about the interface. It was not fun on the first day. All of a sudden, my second day of running YouTube ads was less scary. I thought “you know what? Maybe this isn’t my biggest weakness.” By the end of the first week, I loved running them.

If you’re avoiding business activities that make you uncomfortable, you’re probably avoiding everything that’s important.

To learn more about creating your own bag of tricks, visit