Accelerate Your Performance

Hitting the Wall

Studer Education Season 1 Episode 23

How do the varying human performance levels affect the overall organizational results? What happens when leaders avoid managing employee performance levels?  We achieve higher performance with less variation when we tighten the performance curve. In this episode, Dr. Pilcher addresses how leaders have an important role in managing performance to keep results moving in a positive direction. 

This episode addresses questions, such as: 

  • What is a performance wall, and why do organizations hit it? 
  • Who are the only people who can do something about low performers and keeping the organization from hitting the wall?  
  • How do I get everyone on board? 
  • What happens when our high and solid performing employees get tired of carrying low performers? 

Hitting the Wall is the eighth episode in a series describing the performance curve and performance conversations, beginning with Ep. #16 High Performers: Who Are They?. 

Recommended Tool: Performance Plan Template 

Recommended Learning: Correct Because You Care & Pushing Through the Wall 
