Accelerate Your Performance

Turn Ideas into Action

Studer Education Season 1 Episode 32

Are you really listening to your employees? Many employees don’t think so, in fact, more than half of employees say their company fails to act on good ideas, and a third of employees feel their ideas are ignored. Why? Because leaders demand action without input, receive feedback and avoid making changes, and lack a clear process for managing ideas. It’s crucial for leaders to let employees speak and pay ridiculous attention to what they are saying so teams are motivated to collaborate towards a solution and action plan. 

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • How can you support an employee to change their behavior? 
  • Why is there a disconnect between leader and employee perceptions of quality communication?
  • How does listening foster team collaboration? 
  • Why do some team members have deep convictions to their ideas? 

 Recommended Reading: To Change Someone’s Mind, Stop Talking and Listen By Nilofer Merchant

Recommended Learning: Conduct a Listening Tour