Accelerate Your Performance

Deliver Productive Feedback

August 26, 2019 Studer Education Season 1 Episode 38

The way we provide feedback makes a difference in how people receive and act on the feedback. If our goal is to provide feedback to change behavior for the right reasons, we need to message our feedback in the right way. Dr. Pilcher dissects real-life situations where feedback was given that wasn’t asked for, or that hurts the receiver, and offers solutions and tips to improve the interaction. 

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • How can we provide feedback that changes behavior? 
  • What happens when we send emotionally charged responses? 
  • How does aggressive language negatively affect the receiver? 

Recommended Reading: Three Positives for Every One Constructive Feedback & Provide Feedback that Inspires& Key Words at Key Times & Plus/Delta