Accelerate Your Performance

Increase Employee Engagement with Recognition

November 18, 2019 Studer Education Season 1 Episode 50

Rewarding and recognizing the right behaviors and excellent performance isn’t just a nice thing to do. Lack of employee recognition is a top reason for employees leaving an organization. With recognition we are able to engage, retain, and motivate most employees to sustain high performance. Recognition is so important to an organization’s success, it’s our ninth principle and the glue that holds all of our principles together. Recognizing others takes little time and pays great dividends.  

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • How do we get recognition to stick in our organizations?
  • What is the value of recognition to our employees and organizations? 
  • How does recognition encourage high performance? 

Recommended Learning:  Reward & Recognize & Ideas for Recognizing Your Employees & What Gets Recognized Gets Repeated & What’s 1 Tip Reason for Employees Quitting Their Jobs?