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Make Complex Work Simple

Studer Education Season 2 Episode 99

With many schools re-opening in a few weeks, school leaders across the country are busy finalizing reentry plans and making decisions. Change often comes with pressure and stress, but as today’s guest points out, change also brings opportunity for creativity. In this episode, listen as Sergio Mendoza, Superintendent of Burton School District, shares about the difference that Evidence-Based Leadership℠ has made since the district first implemented it in March. 

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • Why is a daily huddle beneficial for team members? 
  • How can we find time to continue growing and learning while balancing other priorities?
  • How can leaders make decisions with confidence during these times?


Recommended Resources: Keep the Complex Simple, Leading a Successful Reentry, Huddle for Critical Outcomes, Measuring what Matters, Improvement and Innovation & How Focus Leads to Results

Recommended Podcasts: Continuous Improvement: Where Do You Start?, Jump All-In to Improve, & Inspire Others to Achieve