Accelerate Your Performance

Stories of Purpose P2

July 30, 2020 Studer Education Season 2 Episode 101

We often hear about purpose talked about it in a singular way. For many of us, this may resonate—we know beyond a shadow of a doubt what drives us and why we find meaning in our work—but that’s not always the case for everyone. Perhaps we have many interests and our work roles have evolved and taken many different forms over the years. This rings true for today’s guest, Casey Kuktelionis, our Strategic Communication associate and podcast producer. In this episode, Casey shares how a broader purpose can still drive us and bring us meaning to our roles both in and outside of work. 

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • What simple practice can help us see purpose and meaning in what we do at work?
  • What questions can I ask myself or ask others to help bring clarity around purpose?
  • How can negative or bothersome situations or tough times from the past help reveal our purpose?

To hear our host and Studer Education Founder, Janet Pilcher, share her connect to purpose story, visit episode #100 Stories of Purpose Part 1.

Recommended Resources: Connect to Purpose, The Impact of One, The Power of Storytelling, & Maximize Happiness at Work

Recommended Podcasts: Inspire Others to Achieve, Reignite Your Passion, Find Your Path and Pay it Forward, & The Fire in the Belly