Accelerate Your Performance

How Can We Stop Complaining, Comparing, and Criticizing?

Studer Education Season 2 Episode 115

What kind of impact does the energy we bring to work have on others? There are three things leaders will want to avoid in order to inspire positive attitudes and productivity on their teams. In today's episode, Quint Studer and Janet discuss seemingly harmless, yet dangerous patterns of thinking that can be destructive to our organizations. Listen as we share practical tips that will help us frame our messages and take ownership. 

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • Why are the three C’s dangerous in workplace cultures?
  • Is our constructive criticism really constructive?
  • What is the best gift you can give your boss?

Hear more from Quint at our upcoming 2-day virtual conference, Destination High Performance Pensacola 2020. Day 1 will focus on leadership tips, tools and considerations, from Quint’s Busy Leader’s Handbook, and Day 2 will focus on the role we all play in building a vibrant community. The event is scheduled for October 28th and 29th. Register for free now.

Recommended Resources: Are the 3 C’s Holding You Back?, Model the Way by Managing Up, Victim Thinking & The Power of Perspective

Recommended Podcasts: The Behavior that’s Holding Leaders Back, What if Your Boss is the Problem?, Stop the Subconscious Behavior Infecting Your Organization & Lead with Courage