The River's Podcast (KCC)

Charismatic Heresies Part 1 - Tradition Series

Joel Splawn Episode 1

Join KCC The River with Pastor Joel Splawn as we start a series about Charismatic Heresies where we will address this false teaching: "Jesus, although He was fully God and fully man, did everything as a human fully yielded to the Spirit to show us that we could do everything He did as humans fully yielded to the Spirit." We also briefly address these false teachings: "name it and claim it", "with faith you can call things that are not as though they are", "by his stripes you are healed(physically)",  "you have authority to heal all the sick just like Jesus did and you have authority to calm storms just as He did."

Scriptures for this message are in ESV - English Standard Version

  • Colossians 1:13-14
  • 1 John 3:4-5
  • John 9:38-39 
  • Matthew 9:13
  • Matthew 4:17
  • John 1:14
  • Philippians 2:5-11
  • Matthew 11:1-6
  • Matthew 12:8-13
  • Matthew 9:2-7
  • Matthew 14:28-33
  • Matthew 24:23-26
  • John 6:28-29, 38-40
  • Acts 2:22-24, 36-38
  • Matthew 25:31-40
  • Matthew 28:16-20