At Home with Kelly + Tiffany

Ep 135. Holistic Dental Health

September 11, 2023 Kelly Pappas
Ep 135. Holistic Dental Health
At Home with Kelly + Tiffany
More Info
At Home with Kelly + Tiffany
Ep 135. Holistic Dental Health
Sep 11, 2023
Kelly Pappas

Information and natural options to clean up your oral health care:

  • Why dental health is so much more than teeth
  • What toxins are present in modern dental care, and how to avoid them
  • How to do natural self-dentistry from home
  • Our top holistic dental routines and product recommendations

Links to all the extra good stuff:

Click to check out the Beautiful One Membership experience! NOW OPEN!

Ep 104. Traditional Foods for Women’s Health

Ep 123. Natural Treatment for Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids

Nutrition Book List

Holistic Dental Care Supply List

Ask the Dentist on IG HERE

Find a Holistic Dentist (that won’t use amalgam or fluoride) HERE

Feeding Littles HERE

Young Medicine blog on first foods for babies HERE

Join our email community + get instant access to our awesome Sleep Freebie: HERE

Browse all our favorite women’s supplement recommendations: HERE

Submit your answer-on-the-show questions: HERE

Subscribe to the podcast to catch every episode. Follow us on Instagram for all the extra education and antics in between episodes at  @beautifulonemidwifery

Show Notes Transcript

Information and natural options to clean up your oral health care:

  • Why dental health is so much more than teeth
  • What toxins are present in modern dental care, and how to avoid them
  • How to do natural self-dentistry from home
  • Our top holistic dental routines and product recommendations

Links to all the extra good stuff:

Click to check out the Beautiful One Membership experience! NOW OPEN!

Ep 104. Traditional Foods for Women’s Health

Ep 123. Natural Treatment for Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids

Nutrition Book List

Holistic Dental Care Supply List

Ask the Dentist on IG HERE

Find a Holistic Dentist (that won’t use amalgam or fluoride) HERE

Feeding Littles HERE

Young Medicine blog on first foods for babies HERE

Join our email community + get instant access to our awesome Sleep Freebie: HERE

Browse all our favorite women’s supplement recommendations: HERE

Submit your answer-on-the-show questions: HERE

Subscribe to the podcast to catch every episode. Follow us on Instagram for all the extra education and antics in between episodes at  @beautifulonemidwifery

You're at home with Kelly and Tiffany. I'm Kelly and I'm Tiffany and we are here today to talk about holistic mental health. This episode was birthed out of another episode, we did recently where we could not get back on track for what we were actually supposed to be talking about because we were chatting about a holistic dental health overall. And then we were like, we a hundred percent need to dedicate an episode to this. It is episode 123. So just about 12 episodes ago. I'm sure you went on the rollercoaster with us. It was a lot, I think maybe 25 minutes into the episode, we were like, okay, we should probably talk about. What we're planning to talk about today. Because in particular, this is not a subject that gets shared on very often. No, not at all. And it's so vital to so many other systems in your body. Like if your oral health situation is a mess. Chances are, there's a lot of other things that are messy within your body to God. And we have some personal experience with. That happening in our own lives and in our family's life. So it's a particular interest to us, but then I think that it just doesn't get shared. Widely enough and people maybe know a little bit about the concept, but breaking free from the traditional model of dentistry. I think it's just like, it's very loaded. Yeah, for sure. Okay. But before we get started, I want to share some exciting things that have been happening in our membership. The doors are still open. There's still opportunity to jump in there. And we were chatting with one of our members who's been in from the very beginning, back in March. And. Just asking how things are going for her. What she's, you know, noticing, doing, hoping, believing for while she participates in the membership. And she said that. We listened to the feedback that we asked for when our very first founding members came in, we were like, okay, well, you guys are it. What do you want to have? And she was one of like multiple women who said I'm suffering with chronic headaches. And so we created an entire module and Protocol for menstrual headaches and menstrual migraines. And she said that it solved her headache problem. The very first month that she implemented it, and that is still the case. She still has relief from her headaches. And it's exciting to be able to get this type of information into women's hands and see. The fruit of them walking out some of these tools and suggestions. Yeah. And if, I mean, if you've ever had hormonal headaches or migraines, right. You're like, This can be potentially really debilitating to my quality of life. And you probably have tried a million things like this particular member had and kept coming up. Empty handed. Right? And so it's encouraging to see that when somebody is just given access to the information that can help them actually heal from the. Inside out. Right. Like the amount of Just progress and like life that she gets back. So great. It is amazing. And this headache protocol is one of 90 other resources that are continually building and you can jump into our membership. For one month only pay us$32. Take everything that you can within a month and get out of there. If it's not the right place for you to continue staying and learning and growing with us, just come check it out. Yeah, absolutely. There's really no downside to trying that out. Right. But most people it's been really cool to like have grown the membership and see that the like vast, vast majority of people who started with us months ago are still with us because it continues to grow. It continues to be a helpful place. Whether you're working on an issue. Or not at all because it's just always available. When you need to like search up something. Yeah. I love, I love that aspect of it. That there's multiple ways to participate in it. Okay. We want to start out this episode with a listener question. We are slowly getting through them. You guys are rapidly. Rapidly sharing your questions with us. And so we're doing our very best today. We are going to answer this one. She says, do you suggest multivitamins for toddlers? And if so, what do you look for in one, any specific brand recommendations? I think it really depends on what the toddler is eating, not eating. We're always going towards like, you know, food first as medicine. That's the same for kids, right? Same for little ones. And as nourishing of foods that you can get in them, you want to like go that route with that being said, We all know toddlers. And their love of all things. Carbs and cheese pretty much. Right. And so not about idea, just to be thinking about options in terms of, I'm just trying to hide or sneak, whatever that you can. And for them. Yeah. I like the concept of sneaking things because you can take some. You can take some foods that are like actual, real good foods and incorporate them into what they're already eating. That could be, could be some wins there. Yeah. I mean, and it's the same thing that we talk about with. Adults too, right? Like if you're somebody who's trying to get into like using liver, right. You can very easily hide that for little ones. You can very easily hide really high nourishing vegetables and. All kinds of different kinds of proteins into food. So that would be like the first go-to. Route that I would suggest yeah. Do whole foods and just get a little bit more creative with them. There's so many different ideas about how to make a well-rounded eater out there that there's no particular way that we can like speak on that. And, you know, by itself, But all the brands that we come to know and love and trust for adult vitamins. Would be something that you could go seek out with kid multivitamin and you're going to be looking for the same thing that we suggest for women's multivitamins. You want as comprehensive of a. You know, vitamin profile as possible. You want minerals in there too. If there, if you're not adding that to your kids, water, which kids can have trace mineral drops, put in their water. And you want it to be as raw and whole food based as possible. And you want to make sure that it has methylated vitamin B use and that it's something that you can actually get in them. So whether that's like breaking open capsules or gummies or a liquid. Kind of be figuring out how your kid's going to actually take in the vitamin that you're offering. Yeah, I do think because certain, some parents are like, well, I don't want to go the gummy route. Cause they're usually. You know, like there's usually some kind of sugar added into them. Which is a perfectly acceptable decision, but that idea of opening up the capsule and sprinkling that into something is a great thing, but just don't anticipate that that multivitamin. Hits the RDA that they need for every single thing on there as well. So it's not sort of a Catch all like, oh, my kid can eat. Whatever they want, because they're taking this one thing. I remember thinking that when I was younger and I took those like Flinstone vitamins, which I don't can't even tell you what's inside of those things. But I was like, I had my vitamins today. Right. No possible way. That is there's no vitamin in the world that is going to replace what we all need to be getting from food. Yes. And that goes for kids also a hundred percent. And so your kiddo might have more nutrient gaps than another kiddo because kids are weird. Yeah. So assessing also what your kid eats and doesn't eat, like maybe they can't deal with dairy and they don't like leafy greens, so they're not getting the calcium that they might otherwise. So then be thinking about that in particular, not necessarily having to go the full multivitamin route as well. Absolutely. Okay. And so for on this topic, I've got top five nutritional resources for moms with toddlers, because we can give you our suggestions all day long. On exactly what to do vitamin wise, but I actually think it's the mom who's willing to be informed about nutrition for herself and her family that is going to really kind of like drive the confidence to make some of those decisions. So number one is feeding littles, which is a group of dieticians or nutritionists. I don't know exactly what their title is. Sorry. I'm on Instagram. And they also have an online course and a cookbook on their website, but we found them because their reels are absolutely hilarious where they re-enact typical scenes at the dinner table and they act like the top, but act like toddlers. Yeah. It's kids throwing food and smashing things and refusing to eat things. But then finally that's like their favorite food, all of a sudden, and then they hate it. Yeah. It's. Very entertaining, but they also have a lot of great information and education about how to actually. Strategize and getting real food into your kiddo. Number two is Kelly's want to kill his favorite cookbooks called nourish beginnings. Yeah. This one was introduced to me when I had my third baby and I literally was using it as. Ideas for giving her her first foods. And then I looked through it and I still use it to this day. It's not just about like mashing stuff together to make baby food. It really is. It's really got some great recipes in there. Still that I go to. Like a great spaghetti squash is like Italian, whatever that I'm. I'm like, I'm not too proud to take these recipes out of this. Booklets technically made for babies and toddlers. And then that's one of the reasons that we love it. Recommend it. So I will put that link in the show notes. Number three is Dr. Michelle Young from young medicine. She's a natural Catholic doctor. She has an Instagram and an active blog where she shares all kinds of great information. On pediatric care and specialty from a natural and holistic perspective. And she's a friend of ours and we love the information. It's very practical. Very easy to consume. She has tons of resources. She has a blog on how to navigate foods and pinky eater, et cetera, with your kids. So I'll link that. In the show notes for you, moms, number four is just the concept of bibliotherapy or reading books with your kids on subjects that you want to create dialogue around. Right? If you search kid books about nutrition on Amazon, you will get more than enough. I tried to look real quick to see if there was a couple that I could spot that we were familiar with, that I could recommend. There's just so many. I couldn't even come through all of it. And so you ladies can do that, have books around your house that are written for kids that talk about nutrition. And then number five. They're watching you mama. And so your habits and your attitude and your How you talk about and live out Nutrient dense lifestyle matters. And so that is my big takeaway for you. We love the nourishing traditions cookbook. We also love everything, Weston, a price. We love the Concept of nutrient density and eating for more nutrients and knowing how to incorporate more of that into your life. We did an entire episode about it. Number 104. And I will include that in the show notes too, so that you can get your hands on some of these materials and go off and be. Be blessed. It's kind of fun to see how many of our topics like interweave with other episodes. Like, oh, we touched on that. Or this was this idea that look at how it impacts. Kids or it looks hot. Look at how it impacts dental health. Right? We're. I don't know. It's pretty cool. And that's just the, that's just holistic health in a nutshell though, right? When you know that like none of this stuff happens independently. And so it's because we're constantly. Circling back around to another thing and a. On a different layer. Yeah. I mean, that's why, like, so many of those foundational pieces really do matter. Like. It really does matter. Moving your body a little bit stabilizing your blood sugar. Right? All of the things that like. We talk about a lot and you're like, this is so simple or like, this is so maybe not even simple, but just like. I know it's foundational. And it's not like mind blowing necessarily, but. It all impacts everything else that's happening in your body. And then what's happening in your body affects what's going on in your family and in your life and all that. As things. So I don't know. It all matters. It totally matters. Okay. Dialing down into holistic dental health today. Kelly. And I have this secret dream that one of my daughters will marry her son. It's I feel like it. Could be a reality. We will see, we'll see. Two options. This is not a dream that we share openly with the children. Yeah, they do not know the dream, you know, although my middle daughter. Also, she thinks that that's what she wants, because she would like to be sisters with your daughters. That's what we a whole month, although I don't think she really recognizes. That means that one of her best friends would marry her brother. But. Details. That's fine. We will sort that out later. Yes. Most importantly, our families need to interweave permanently somehow some way through marriage and then blood. Yup. Yeah. I mean, I just can't even imagine a reality in which we share grandchildren. Oh, my God. I was dying. That would be the actual best. What's funny is thinking about their wedding slideshow. And just being like, yeah, you guys have known each other since you were tiny. I think our phones have already like curated enough content that we wouldn't need to put together a slideshow. Just ask our phone. I don't do that. Yeah. We'll do it at the wedding reception and we'll do it towards the beginning when everyone's like waiting for everyone to finish taking pictures. Because it'll go on for like two or three hours. Probably. Okay, but let's talk about the moment a few years ago, inside of the stream, when we realized the potential genetic nightmare of what their combined dental problems could be, this, this, this dream grandchild we have. Their mouth is going to have some genetic. Challenge already set up to it. If if that is to happen, both of your girls need to follow like Western bay prices recommendations to antique. Because he has so much about dental health and all kinds of stuff. Anyway. Yes. My son has had his issues. My middle daughter has had her issues. Your kids have had their issues. It's it's not it's a match made in heaven in every other way, except for dental set for this. So we're going to start a GoFundMe me now. For a future grandchild. Dental bills. We'll keep that open. We'll put a link in that description. Yeah. You can find the link. Lincoln the show notes. Okay, so there's so many aspects of healthy mouse. It's not just your teeth. It's your gums. It's your saliva. It's the bacteria. It's in hormones are all interplaying. And there are so many problems with modern dental care also. The products we're using. We have detergents and fluoride in toothpaste. We have antibacterials in mouthwash. We have mercury and heavy metals in fillings. I mean, done modern dental practice right now is an absolute health crisis. And most of us don't have a chance to dive into it because. It only comes up twice a year. If you are the best dental patient ever, you go in, you do your thing and saying, come out and think I don't have to do that again for six more months, moving on with life. But. Everything that we put in our mouth, including the dental products that we use. Have an impact. Yeah. And I think a lot of things that you just mentioned too, like I think a lot of people are like, but this is actually good for me. Right. We've been trained to believe that fluoride is actually really good for. Our teeth and our sin, our systems. And we've been told to believe that like the mouthwash with antibacterial. Stuff in it, like that's just killing off everything in there. Is good. Right? Cause everyone's like, well, why you don't want bacteria in your mouth. Right. And so might as well just kill it all off. It'll make your breath smell better, whatever. But actually, so many of these things. Just put you back in a cycle of needing them more and to the detriment of your actual oral microbiome. Crazy, which we know is connected to all the other bacterial systems in our body. So. The environment in your mouth is connected to the environment in your gut is connected to the environment in your vagina is connected to the environment in your brain. All of these pieces matter, you know, it makes me wonder. I have, from my oldest to, he wouldn't. And when he went into kindergarten, he went to like a charter school a few days a week. But in order for him to start, he had to, I had to have fill out something and I think I'm pretty sure he went to an appointment or something, but they had to fill out an oral health forum. And I remember asking them, like, why do you care about what's going on in my kids now? It's like, why is that something that I have to do in order to enroll him in school? And the dentist that I was talking to about this was like talking about a bunch of the research that if a kid's. Dental situation is like a hot mess. They're more, they're more likely to have issues learning and like, Actually like paying attention and all different kinds of stuff. And it was like, kind of just fascinating to be like, oh, that actually does matter. I'm sure there's other reasons that the government wants to know what's going on. If your kid's mouth, I don't know, but it was an interesting little thing where that was the first seed that was ever planted. Cause I didn't really understand. Oral health at that point, that was the first kind of seed that was planted for me, that I was like, oh, that's interesting that it actually. Not that much. Yeah, I know. And like, we should be thinking about this for our kids at, you know, from the moment that they're born. Right. Yeah. Okay. So what's the child a little bit about what we don't bring. In to the picture with like products and stuff, but what we're participating in outside of that primarily. Diet and nutrition being a huge part. Of how your teeth build defenses and stay strong against decay and cavities the internal structure of the tooth actually. Comes from your entire holistic system and it's a living in dynamic piece, the inside of that tooth. And it's supposed to be. Set up from the nutrition that you eat in order to protect you from cavities and tooth decay. Not the opposite of what we practice, which is putting stuff on your teeth or removing things from your mouth is what is going to help you. There's even more of an issue with ingesting sugar and having sugar circulating in your bloodstream than sugar being directly on your teeth. Which when I learned that blew my mind because it's completely outside of everything that we have ever learned about. Dental health. Yeah, for sure. And the, the. The thing that kind of surprised, maybe not surprised me, but right. There's so many women who, when they're pregnant, All of a sudden, they're like, I'm getting cavities. My teeth are like, totally like a mess right now. Right. And so your body's trying to sort out what it needs in that season and it's going to start pulling reserves wherever it can. And so, It's just, that's what made me think about when you were talking about. Just how it all interplays in your body wants. It wants to heal. It wants to regenerate. It wants to like live its best life. But then we start putting stuff either on our teeth, in our mounts or just in our bodies. Right. The amount of processed foods that we eat end up basically turning our teeth into. Processed teeth. Right. And so. It's not like a, you're doing everything wrong sort of statement, but basically I think we just need to flip the idea that we've been given in our society about oral health on its head pretty much. Yeah, absolutely. And we're going to give you guys some resources to do some more. Diving in after this, because there's no possible way that we can download our brains on this. Well, I mean, number one, we're just consumers in this space also. So we don't have all the information, but number two, if this is something that's peaking your interest, you're going to need to go do some more research on this stuff. Yeah. One of the things that really surprised me was the connection between some of these things. I watched this guy's real. You know, you can learn stuff in six seconds. Watch this guy's real, that then sent me down a rabbit hole of oral health and the connection to mental health. And obviously we know like we've already even mentioned like gut health, but also heart health. Which is crazy, but the mental health aspect was so fascinating to me, just because of the research that I was doing at the time and seeing healing happening for some people who really went all in on this particular issue. And seeing the healing that happened within their bodies and their minds, because of that, that is. That's crazy. It's nuts. I'm actually, I'm in the middle of going through a little bit of like a deeper dive into some chronic issues with a friend of mine who like I'm not qualified in this particular area to like actually help her with anything, but I'm going to some of her appointments with specialists and stuff. And one of the things that's being suggested is that she goes to. A holistic dentist who can look on a really deep level. If any of her root canals or cavity is, or the jaw surgery she had when she was a teenager or. Any of those things are, were, are mismanaged in some ways so that she can try. That's one of the theories of why she might be having so many chronic. You know, If other auto-immune type issues and so super fascinating. Okay. So let's talk about self dentistry because I think most of us, and I know I was in this camp for sure. And I'm still untangling from this camp. So like I have not arrived in the slightest. But let's talk about the fact that like, we don't necessarily need to get our oil oral health from our every six week tooth cleaning at the dentist. There's so much more that we need to be doing at home and it's not just. Brushing and flossing. I, you know, of course, right. Of course yet. I agree. It's still kind of pulling the parts of growing up with that information and it just being what the norm is. And I think it's just real, it's making me think a lot as midwives, right? We, we know what the norm is in our society for birth stuff. And we're like, no. No, that doesn't need to be that here's an entire different story that you can actually tell. And so it's pretty much the same with dentistry as well, which I think is super fascinating. One of the things that I have learned. For about you over the years is. Even before I think you got more deep diving into oral health is that that's always been something that you have. We've been very consistent with that. You're like, I love floss. You know, like not everybody flosses. I bet probably. Seventy-five percent of people who listen don't last, you think it's that high? Probably I have a sensory thing with floss where it feels really good. To floss. So there's some, there's some kind of feedback, neurological feedback happening in my mouth that like, if I get like right now, I'm thinking about flossing and I think my endorphins are. Going. That's going to feel good when I do that later. Yeah. I love, I love what it feels like to relieve the pressure in between my teeth. That's great. I'm. We'll have a little bit of crowding. So I, maybe I feel it more than other people, but yes, I'm very into flossing. So mostly just saying that was like already a right. A positive thing, but then I remember one Christmas, I was like, I want to get you something that is like, Sort of a one-off of that and was like researching and then D started deep diving myself onto oral health stuff and like got a tongue scraper and yeah, it was like a whole. Signed. For me. You got me on my first tongue scraper. Yep. Still have it. Great. Let's copper. So, you know, last year it's going to last. Last forever. Is that gross? Has anybody out. Yep. Okay. So what was happening in my life a few years ago is my kids were getting cavities and I took them to the dentist and we had a couple of those filled and they were, it was extremely traumatizing experience for everybody because of a couple of strange, funny little things. It's probably one of the spaces that I've used medical self-advocacy for my family, the most. At the dentist because we've spent so much time there. And so then while I was trying to figure out what the heck is happening here with. Like this can't be. This can't be right. That my kids are getting this, these many cavities. And so the dentist said, did you just stop using fluoride based toothpaste? And I was like, yes. And she's like, well, that's why they're getting so many cavities and. While my brain was trying to sort that out. I was like, I don't. Agree in, you're not going to help me because I'm like, well then what do we do? Cause we don't, these are the reasons we don't want to do fluoride. And she's like, well, then your kids are going to have cavities. And I'm like that. I don't accept that. Introducing a neurotoxin does not need to happen in order for something to be as beneficial as possible. They don't accept that. And it wasn't until, I mean, I don't know, relatively recently I discovered the actual truth of that. Right. It's not just about having fluoride free. Toothpaste, there actually needs to be something else that is inside of it to help. You know, To help actually do the job. Yeah. And that's something else is called hydroxy app, but tight. We did Google that one time to make sure we were pronouncing it correctly and we do. We've got it. The appetite anyways, it's a important ingredient to have in place of fluoride that does all of the things that fluoride actually is good for your teeth floor. Without putting fluoride inside your body, you guys can learn all about. How bad fluoride is for you and why you want to avoid it. And hydroxyl. Hydro. Ox appetite, hydroxy appetite. I already disclaimed that we are not experiencing. Peace. On episode 1 0 4. In the very beginning of it, you guys can jump back to that. But the book that I first started reading in order to just be like educating myself about this stuff. Was holistic dental care by Nadine Artemis. And I'll link to that too. This is where I learned all about how to take care of your mouth from a holistic perspective and what to do for all of these funny little issues that. The dentist is just solving for you at your visits instead of educating and empowering you. Now, I recognize that. Most people don't want to take that type of responsibility. And so I'm not expecting for the dentist to be the person who provides every single option for. The person, but the person that does want to take responsibility has so many tools in their toolkit. So let's run down the list of what Dentistry looks like these are the steps that you do. At home and it starts with assault rents. And you just get salt, water and hot water and you, I just mix it in a Mason jar and it lasts me for like a month or so. And you rinse and spit and that alone decreases microbes balances, pH. You can also do magnesium and iodine rinses instead of salt. Those are also really good for your mouth. Then we jump into tongue scraping. Like we alluded to. And I remember working for a midwife many, many years ago, who was also an acupuncturist. And in traditional Chinese medicine, you stick your tongue out for people to evaluate it because it's like a map of what's happening in your body. And at the time I didn't take all of that information in. But I think back to it often, because I remember there was one client she had that said, yeah, but I just scrape all that stuff off. And. Her response to that was it's all going to come back. If you don't actually deal with the thing that's going on, that's like allowing that. So just thinking about, you know, gut health and your tongue and all of that, but it's good to clear your mouth again, of those microbes. There's a lot of mucus that creates a film on our tongue. Bad breath, especially in the morning can be helped by tongue scraping. And you will have less to scrape with a better diet. Yeah. So you may be scraping a bunch and realizing as your diet changes or as you're supporting your body in different ways. All of a sudden you're like, oh, actually see how. What I'm doing internally as helping this whole situation. Yes. School. Cool. The next step is brushing the gums. The gums only we're so bad at gum health in particular, as we like. Look at dental care for ourselves. You want the softest bristles possible on a manual toothbrush, and then you just gently brush the gums down over the teeth. And that helps with just invigorating them, keeping. You know, crap off of your gums. But also like encouraging them to actually like come down and cover your teeth. Yeah, once. My oldest started doing this. The difference that I saw between one visit to the dentist to the next was really. Like super impressive. Their feedback also was like, there was a lot of gum health stuff. That looked so much better. So they had to like really work at it the first time. And once he actually started doing this particular thing It changed. Yeah. There's a study out that proves you can do this with a light activated ionic toothbrush. Of course, I've linked that for you guys. I will share all the resources at the very end. But. That ionic toothbrush. Just brushing your gums. You have not even gotten to your teeth yet, right? Reduce this plaque by 40%. That's fascinating. It's a crazy, yeah, that's amazing. Okay, next is polishing the teeth. So this is one of six things that you're going to do in your mouth has actually brushed your teeth. You want a round headed electric toothbrush. You want to be really soft and you want your own application of it to be really gentle to. And you do not want to use it on your guns. You just want to do it on your teeth. And what you use. Varies so much across the board. You'll see so many different ideas about toothpaste types and tooth polishes and all kinds of things. So I'll let you guys get your own little old you decide what to do there, what to actually put on your toothbrush. But the idea is to just loosen and remove plaque in the biofilm that forms. On our teeth, which is normal, especially after eating. Yeah. I think one of the things that I never was taught when I was younger and went through my entire life doing was brushing way too hard. Like brushing my teeth, having like a grip on my toothbrush and being like now is the time to. Really remove all the things. And I thought the harder that he brushed. The better that actually was. Only later to learn as I'm learning more. That was one of the actual worst things that I couldn't be doing as I was trying to take care of my teeth. Yeah. And you can, you can know if you're somebody who does this because you have the bristles on your toothbrush will get mashed way faster than anybody else in your family. It's very clear. There. It was very clear when my husband and I, his toothbrush we'd both get new ones, like around the same time. Right. And mine went flat literally in like a week. And I'd be like, I don't understand why you don't eat. Like, are you not brushing your teeth? What's wrong with you? But it was me that something was wrong with. Isn't that just the case in so many situations. I don't think I've told him that though. Never came back around to that. Acknowledging that I was. Yeah, there's lots of time for that. Sure next on the routine is flossing and that flossing is everything we've been told. Here's one piece of oral care. Everything you know about flossing. It's true. Except the type of floss that you use, I suppose, right? People are probably there's lots of fluoride laced. You know, stuff or like antibacterial, whatever. And so that's it. That's a thing. Excellent point. Yeah. Excellent point. We want to remove food. We want to remove the plaque that builds up. Okay. And then after flossing, you rinse again with your saltwater solution. Then we go to irrigation. And that sounds crazy, but it's essentially just a Waterpik and that should be pretty familiar to most of you. Yeah. So sometimes you can think like, oh, I just cleaned everything, but those things really can get you know, things that you might not have reached or can't really be reached. Any other way. And when I was using one, I don't use it any more. I don't really know why, but it felt good. Like it actually, I feel like there was something happening with my gums in particular, regular, like HUD just felt like a, like a pick me up. Yeah, it's it. Does it shoots water? So you use the water pick in between your teeth and along your gum line and it shoots water so forcefully, but not in an uncomfortable way at all. And releases things that your tooth fresh and rinsing and flossing cannot get. And I did not have, I never used any of this stuff until a few years ago, but the irrigation itself is absolutely disgusting because I can go through this entire list of oral hygiene. And then use the Waterpik and I'm still getting bits of food out from, in between my teeth. Yeah. So it makes you wonder if you're one of the, probably many people who aren't flossing. What else is in there. Right now. Oh, yeah. So the first 33 years of my life, Yep. Yes. Yeah. And now we have the answer for why. Our oral health thus far has been such a disaster. Why I am the way I am. I've questioned for you. Do you? Oil pole? No, but that's, ungreat. That's a great thing to bring up that something about it is extremely off-putting to me and I really tried to embrace it, but that having it in my mouth and having to keep my mouth closed and. It warming up and moving. There's something about it. There's I've got some particular mouth things. I think that's acceptable. Yeah. I mean, I don't have a lot of weird things, but now I'm learning, some of them are in my mouth. Okay. Do you oral oil? You'll pull on a regular basis. I do in my, my two oldest do as well. But I started being more consistent about it when my middle had this like crazy. Jalan gum infection. If a couple of years ago that like wreaked havoc in her mouth. And I was like, okay, this is like one thing I know that we can just do just to help encourage things to be happy in there. And it's, I love it. That's great. Good for you. This is one way we're different. One other way. We're different. I'll add that to the short list. This is the sixth way that we're different. Great. So do you do it for the whole 10 minutes? No. Oh, I do. For like two. Okay. Yeah. How often. Every night. Oh, we'll get you have a little. Well, I mean, And it's not that. I don't have a weird thing with it. So it's not really that hard. I'm just like gathering, I'm doing something else. I'm gonna try again. Yeah. Okay. So, I'm going to share some other things that you can do and know outside of this particular daily routine concept. But I do want to share, you just reminded me when you talked about oil pulling because oil pulling really does. The concept of it is. Helping to remove toxins and balance what's happening in your mouth. Coconut oil in particular is really good for that. There's research on it that backs that up and it's truly a good, helpful practice. But. I just recently healed a cavity. Which I have never, ever, ever done, because I also have history of root canals. And so anytime I get a cavity, I get really afraid that it's going to turn into like an entire thing. So I'm like, well, it's better to fill it now. Then to wait and. I have to have like an entire like oral surgery situation. But I had a cavity that I noticed I chose not to go to the dentist and have evaluated, and I did all my things for it. And I still see the depression where it's at, but it's not dark and deep anymore. It's amazing. So amazing. And I remember specifically going to some health, food store once and asking for something that was. In my list of things to remineralize and the worker there being like, you can't do that. That doesn't, that doesn't actually happen. Like you can't actually remineralize your teeth or like heal cavities or whatever, and like, No you're wrong. That's the right. Here's the thing. Your tooth is a living organism that is reactive to its environment. Yeah. You know, one of my, so after I had that big issue with my middle, who ended up needing like surgery and all kinds of stuff for what was going on in her mouth, my youngest got a CA like a small cavity and knowing what I knew, I still chose. The normal dental route to like work with it because I didn't trust that I could. Put in the work that I knew was needed for. For healing that and trust her to do her part in that. And so mostly just saying. I know information I implement where I can, but there's also grace, over some things too, where I was like, I'm, you know, eyes wide open. At least I'm making this decision. Absolutely. I think it took me at least nine months to heal my cavity. Yeah. And in the very beginning I was looking at it a lot and I'm like, this isn't actually working. I had probably just need to go to the dentist. And then just about a month ago, I noticed that it was starting to get better and now it's like almost completely gone at school, but that's me as an adult feeling very motivated to do the things for myself. Right. Yeah. And so that's what informed consents all about having the information, being able to make. Some decisions there. I'm excited to share some herbs that are good for dental health, because these two herbs that come up again and again, and again are also coming up with dental health, which is nettle and dandelion. They bring minerals to the teeth. They're both rich in calcium and iron. Their liver skin and digestion supporters, they strengthen enamel and the gum tissue. And so you guys know the metals are my favorite. Dandelion is Kelly's favorite, but. Since doing the research for this episode, I started doing a combo of both of them just to hit all the, you don't want to miss anything. You don't want to miss the dandelion. I don't. I want that in my life. Chlorella also is a green algae and it is. Able to bind with so many crazy things and actually help remove them from your system. Like, pesticides, heavy metals, all those kinds of free radicals, you know, going around in our bodies, causing all kinds of who knows what kind of havoc and chlorella also rebuild and heals tissue and multiplies the lactobacillus inside of our mouths and bodies, which is a plus, right. We need more good bacteria. And it also boosts the immune system and helps to fight free radicals inside our body. So I have to include that one because it just hits so many pieces. Of oral health and hygiene that I think we should be incorporating that little allergy into our wives. Some more that little allergy. Yeah. One of my favorite. Things to use just in general, as homeopathy. I love having that like very gentle yet. So. Like efficient and potent remedies around. And so some things to be thinking about, depending on your situation, if you have abscesses, the Bella, Donna is great for that. Hi, Pira com is great for any kind of like tissue or nerve damage. Especially when there's discomfort with that help kind of rebuilding that. If you're getting any like dental work done or you're having any kind of pain with your teeth right now, arnica is just like the. Jam for that. So you can take those in pellets, but they also have gel. You wouldn't put that inside of your mouth, but rubbing it close to the area on the outside, like on your cheek or on your jaw can be helpful as well. And two things actually has its own like little homeopathy guy. I always, when I see this, how I pronounce it is plan Tago. That's how I do it in my brain. Great. So there you go. And pub, so keep those in your back pocket, just depending. On what's going on, how else would you say that? Plan to go plan to go plant. I'll go plantation, Joe. He never, no, no, you really don't. But again, you guys will have access to these resources in just a minute. There's a couple other things surrounding holistic oral health that I just want to plant some seeds on, because I think it's helpful for women who are thinking about all of these pieces, not in an overwhelming way, just in like a, no, that this exists kind of way. Yes. And that starts with ozone. Which is essentially three oxygen atoms that are naturally antimicrobial, antifungal antibacterial. And you can use it and apply it to harden cavities, save nerves from being damaged in your mouth speed up healing. If you have to have anything, you know, surgery wise happening in your mouth. Remineralized your teeth. It's also anti-inflammatory. And so is this like a, something that you like a gel or something? Yeah, it comes in all different forms, a liquid. Gas. Gotcha. Yep. Okay. And you're going to find it at a holistic or biological dentist. That's the key here. And we'll tell you how to find. One of those dentists for yourself. The next is oral probiotics, which of course just should not be missing from. Any thing that we would even talk about inside of this episode. So obvious, except for maybe women don't know that there are probiotics that you can take that are specifically for your mouth. Yeah, just like there are one specifically for your vagina. Your mouth has its own microbiome, which loves. You know, certain strands, just like how your vagina loves certain. Strands of bacteria. Yeah. So after my kids brush their teeth, they take a chewable probiotic. That is just for the. Microbiome inside of their mouth. And that's the last thing that sits in their mouth all night before they go to bed. That's nice. The next one, I want to just give a little Shout out to which his mouth tape. So I was a mouth breather and mouth breathers just tend to have more oral hygiene issues. Mouth tape for me personally helped teach me how to be a nose breather, especially while I'm sleeping. And so not that it's for everybody, but it is the idea of actually taping your mouth. Closed while you sleep. Sounds a little terrifying. But it was a game changer in how I slept, which then encourages better oral hygiene. In general, my breath does not smell as bad when I wake up to. That's incredible. Yeah, that's so cool. Okay. And then propolis spray, like bee propolis. Is something that you can get that boost immunity, defense everywhere in your body, but spraying it into your mouth particularly helps to fight. The bacteria that causes cavities. And so I think that's cool that as a part of my kids' routine, too, the spray. Yep. That's good. And then lastly, our L R Guinean. I mean, choose which we buy. Is what I find on Amazon is the easiest thing called basic bites. And it basically helps to regenerate the saliva so that the saliva itself becomes your. The D it's able to do the work in your mouth that it was meant to, but it also helps with re mineralization. And so it's chock full of minerals, and that's another thing. That my kids do before bed and just let all that good remineralization sit on their teeth and it actually tastes good. Tastes like candy. They love them. Yeah. I remember my daughter came over for a sleepover and she was most excited to try those because they had been building them up so much of like, we get to, we get to have these before we go to sleep. Yeah, it's been good. So those are some of the extra things besides that routine that I've been doing in order to heal my cavity, but also just to work on our whole entire family is oral hygiene stuff. Yeah. So it may sound like a lot, but even starting to implement a couple of these things at a time, especially when it comes to the routine of oral hygiene in the morning at night, whenever your. In the bathroom, taking care of those things. So it doesn't have to be, you don't have to necessarily take on all of this at one time. But hopefully this just planted a seed of. Oh, This is yet another way that my body is supposed to function. How can I support it the best it can, right. Absolutely. And I know we promised the entire episode that we would have. The resources for you guys. And so that is true. I put together an Amazon list that has linked every single thing that we've talked about here that is purchasable, so that you can know exactly what we have vetted for ourselves. And I also in the show notes, have a link for ask the dentist on Instagram, who is a huge source of I don't know, what would you call it? Education influence. Yeah. He's taught me a lot of what I know about holistic dentistry. It's not necessarily, you're not going there to get entertained necessarily, but you're going to learn a ton. Yeah. And I love that about everything that he shares there. Also how to find a holistic dentist, I'm putting a link in the show notes for so that you can access at a nationwide database. You there's a couple different tiers of looking for this holistic dentist. You want to make sure that you find one who does not use fluoride or what is the. Oh, emo emo. GAM amalgam amalgam. In their filling material. And so you can get connected to that resource too. And so hopefully inside this episode, you either have some more support for some of your own oral hygiene goals, or you have some pieces of. Next steps that you want to take in order to. I don't know, enjoy. Oral hygiene, oral health a little bit more, and I hope that you feel supported. In doing it because if we can do it. I wonder person. You know that you can do it too. Absolutely. And so, like we mentioned, at the beginning of the episode, also, our membership is still open. The doors are open. You are welcome into that space with us. We have information like this, right? About all different types of things, dealing with health in general, but women's health specifically in all different seasons of life. So. Come on in, even if it's just for the month to enjoy what we have their access to us, more questions to ask us. All of our protocols, all kinds of goodness. That's in there that is member specific and exclusive, and you can get that all for 32 bucks a month. Yeah, certainly. Ladies. That is it for today and we will. Be chatting with you about something else next week. Bye.