Brazen and Brave

14: 3 Ways to Live Like Children Do

Kelley Rowland Season 1 Episode 14

In this episode I dive into 3 ways that we should all strive to emulate the love and behavior of children. I am inspired and reminded daily of so many important pieces of wisdom by my own children. I hope this episode leaves you inspired as well.

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welcome to the balance. I am your host, Kelly Rowland and this is the podcast where we talk about all the things for those in life who want it all. This podcast is for you,

Speaker 3:

so before we get started with today's episode, I just want to say how much I love and appreciate the reviews that you guys leave, the ratings that you leave. When I get messages out of the blue saying how much an episode has impacted someone or just how much they're enjoying the podcast altogether or when you guys share it on Facebook or on insta stories. It lights my world up in it sometimes almost brings me to tears so I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. You guys are wonderful and amazing and are one of the major reasons that I do this podcast and the, I am definitely going to continue to do this podcast and if you all have not been to Kelly that's k e l l e y r. O. W. L. A. N. D. You guys have to head over there. I have just started to send out weekly emails for inspiration and motivation and a reminder about the podcast and what it's all about. And I also have two freebies on there. My ultimate goal setting guide and mindset mastery, which if you guys haven't, you guys must get them because it's something that I think is so important and helps so much in everyday life. With that, let's dive into today's episode. Hi everyone. Thank you so much for tuning in to today's episode of the balance. Sorry about the background and background noise. My dogs are running in an out of here. So I had originally planned to record a different episode today, but in light of some recent sad news, I just heard about a coworker, her mother passed away. Um, I decided to record a different episode and this episode I am going to talk about living like children do and all the ways that children live and children think and children love that I really believe that we should emulate and we should go back to and we should strive to live like so when I talk about living like children do, um, I'm referring to the way that they think, the way they don't have any expectations of the world. They have no restrictions, no inhibitions. They forgive, they love. And all of these beautiful things. And the first thing I really want to talk about is how they love unconditionally. You know, my boys are so amazing and they show me so much love and no matter what I do, no matter if I have a bad day, no matter if I don't give them exactly what they want, yes, they get upset, they get angry. Maybe they throw a Tantrum, but they still love me. And they show that love openly and freely whenever they feel it. And they love other people. They love everybody. When they see a stranger, when they see a truck, they want to give it a kiss because they simply love and you don't have to do anything really to gain their love. Um, you know, uh, strangers never done anything for them in the world, but it doesn't matter to them because they're another human being and they understand in their heart what love is and to show affection and to show that they care. And they make it a point to do that. And that's just the way kids are. They don't, they don't expect anything out of anybody. They just love and show that love and there's no judgment. Um, you know, kids, they don't see race. They don't see gender, they don't see anything. They don't see rich, they don't see poor. Um, they don't see class or whatever it is that makes us different and differentiates us. And the judgments that we've learned over time and what society tells us is good, bad, right, wrong. They don't know any of these things. So they literally do not judge anybody. And it is the most beautiful thing to behold to watch a child love someone. And show the same compassion and the same emotions towards different, totally different people on the opposite ends of the spectrum. You know, they don't know what a person has done in their life or what they haven't done. And it's truly beautiful to watch as a child, loves everyone and has no judgments and has no inhibitions about people. And not only do they love unconditionally and they have no judgment, but they also forgive and forget. So I'm not saying that you don't condition your child or your child isn't. Remember that spanking they got or that you know, discipline that happened to them. They got put in timeout, timeout over and not listening. But what I'm am saying is that once that incident happens, they move on and almost forget it. Like it never happened and they're right back to loving you like they did before. And I know I for 1:00 AM really bad about this, especially, you know, with our spouse, sometimes we don't forgive and forget. We may forgive, but we still bring it up. We still use it and hold it over people's heads. And I hate that about myself. And you know, it makes the world sometimes a really uncomfortable place or a really nasty place because we can never move on from people's past mistakes and you know, just keep loving them as if it never happened. And I totally understand that there's some things that you can't forgive and in those situations especially is to move on. But you know, Jesus, he forgives us, he loves us and he, he leaves our sands out the door when we confess them to him. And I feel as though if God and can forgive us than we certainly can learn to forgive other people just like a child does. I mean, what would it be like if our spouse or if our sister or best friend, you know, did something to hurt us and yes, it did hurt us and they apologize. They sincerely meant it and we truly left it at the door and moved on from it. It would be such a releasing feeling for within, for yourself who would just get that weight off your shoulders and that wait for them to know, hey, you know, this person's forgiven me and we're going to move past it and we're going to be better for it. So to live like a child does is to forgive and forget and move on and keep loving and respecting that person that you're forgiving. And like I said earlier, kids to not have any inhibitions. They, they, they see the world with no restrictions. They aren't, I mean as they grow up of course culture, parents, society, school, other kids mold and shape them and their beliefs. But at a young age they are completely open minded to every thing and their little brains and minds work that way. They see everything. They want to figure out everything. I watch my boys and oh my gosh, it amazes me what they can get into, what they can figure out and that they want to figure it out. At their second birthday party. We had a jump jump house and all the other kids were jumping in the jump jump house. And my kids are over there by the air compressor trying to figure out what the heck that thing does and how it works because they're curious, they're interested, they want to know how the world works. And you know, I'm hard on my kids, um, but I also let them be kids because I don't want to squash their creative spirit. And I know that's a tangent that's for another episode, but I still, I don't, I want to shape them, but I don't want to shake them so much that I kill that spirit and I kill that creativity and I krill kill that desire to explore and to figure things out. And you know, as we grow up, um, you know, when we're kids, we are told to, you can do whatever you put your mind to and you can do whatever it is that you want to do in life. There is no limit. The Sky's the limit. Your limitless in your goals and your ambitions and go after it. Believe in yourself. And I do believe that parents and society beliefs this when they tell kids that, but as they get older, little things start happening and little things are said that make kids and teenagers and young adults feel that that's not the case anymore. That, well, I can't do this because I have to do this. Or Society tells me that this is the route that you should have to go. Or you know, I should just go to college, get married, get a job, work nine to five, have kids and move on. And there's nothing wrong with that. That's what I'm doing right now. There is nothing wrong with that at all. But when there's these molds that society says we need to fit into and this the right thing to fit into, it really does start to squash that inner child and that inner spirit. Because we just feel as though, well, the world really isn't limitless. And I really, I can't go out there and do these things, but because now I have debt and now I have bills and now you know, I have this college debt that I've gotten. So I have to get a job or really hate to pay off this college debt and now I'm stuck in this hole and I'm never getting out of it. And it's just such a shame because it's so sad because now this child who had all these big goals, these big hopes, these big streams and they believe this so, so, so, so much that grow up in this dead, completely dead. And to be really honest with you, that is one of the reasons that I've started this podcast because I'm going to tell my children that and I'm going to really push them to do whatever it is they want to do and also push them to know that they are capable of so, so, so much. Not like push them in a negative sense, just push them and like teach them and opened their minds to things and to think differently and to look at the world differently and to know there is so much out there and to not get, you know, cage into a box where they can't get out of. And if I'm going to teach my kids that, then you know what? I better freaking live it. I'm like, I don't need to just have a nice job and get a nice paycheck and have nice things. I need to do things that align with who I am that aligned with my purpose, that aligned with my goals and my faith and that really show them that, hey, my mom does this, dad does this. They really go after it and they really push themselves and they really live because they want to make an impact in the world and change the world and live a purpose filled life to know that when they're dead in their grave that they really did something with their life and that, that they can move mountains. And when they see other people do that and really live that life that someone's teaching them, then that's a such a beautiful thing. That is something they'll believe they can actually emulate. And I know this has been kind of an all over the place episode, but you know, when you hear of someone passing and someone passing way before their time is ready, um, you think about, you think about their life, you think about their family and how hard it is and everything they're going through. And it just makes me think that life is so, so short and it is so beautifully precious. I mean, God, it is so precious. And I know I take things so for granted. Um, you know, after I'm done with this episode, I'm going to send my parents a text message to let them know how much I loved them because in a heartbeat it could be gone. And we don't like to think about that. And I know I hate thinking about anyone dying, um, and leaving this earth and never getting to see them again or my family getting to see me again. But also, you know, it's kind of a gut check to make me think, what am I doing with my life? What am I doing with my time? How am I treating my family? How am I honoring my relationships? How am I honoring my faith? How am I honoring the gifts that God has given me? And life is so short and it is so precious. And I feel as though if we lived like children do every single day that we could look at all those questions. I just asked myself and say yes to all of them. If we live like children do, we could say yes, we're honoring our relationships because we're loving unconditionally. We don't judge. We're forgiving and forgetting and moving on and that we don't have inhibitions and we do believe in ourselves and that we go after these things and that we explore the world to see how it works and to try to make it better and because it makes us happy. So I just, I just want to encourage everyone today to live like children do. And if you have children and you teach them certain things and I also would challenge you to do those things because if we're asking our kids to do a certain thing or live a certain way that I really think that we should hold ourselves to that because that is the number one way that our kids are going to do it. Man. There's things that I do around the house that the kids do, they try to do and I didn't know there are paying attention to me and it is so down to the nitty gritty that is amazing. The way I water my flowers, my kids water my flowers. Like when I'm watering my flowers, I take the water hose they need and I like move my hand up and down just the little bit. I don't ask me why, it's just it makes me feel better. But the first time my kids grab the water hose to water the flowers, they did that exact thing and I know that we know our kids are watching us, but they're watching us more than we know. And believe me when I tell you, your kid wants to be like you because you are their biggest. You're their hero and they love you and respect you so much that they want to be just like you. So I know I for one want to live like children do because I do want to love unconditionally. I want to be able to forgive, forget and move on. Not hold judgment over anyone in this world to look at everyone as equals. And I don't want to see and ambitions in the world. I don't want to see boundaries. I don't want to see walls. I want to see what I can do to get over those walls because that's what kids do. They see a hurdle. You better believe they're going to figure a way to get around it because they're going after something they want and they're going to get it. So today I just really want to challenge you to go after those goals. Go over those hurdles live like a child, and to be that role, role model that you want your children to look up to and that be the way that you want live the way you want your children to live because it's never too late for you. It's not too late for you to go after your goals. It's not too late to go after your dreams. And I just love you guys so much and I really appreciate you guys tuning in and listening to this podcast. It means so, so much to me. I hope that this podcast has enlightened you today, inspired you today. Um, and I hope that you join me next time.

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thanks for tuning in to today's episode of the ballot. For more information about me or to receive your free goal setting died, visit Kelly can't wait to talk to you all next time.