Amos 3:7 A Love of The Truth

Prophecy 101 Part 1

Winds of Change
Part 1 of 4 of our introduction to bible prophecy. We look at the nature that is often overlooked in Church today. It is the study of prophecy. Christ Jesus fulfilled over 300 specific prophecies concerning His first coming. There are many, many more concerning events that surround His second coming. Conservatively speaking over 30% of the bible is dedicated to prophecy. Much of it is already history, but much of it is yet to be. We see here in session one the overview and importance of bible prophecy. Only the bible can claim truly 100% active. God declares in Isaiah ch's. 40-49 that He alone knows the beginning from the end. It is one of God's attributes. God jealously guards His prophetic word. Consider that the book or Revelation has 404 verses with over 800 illusions to the Old Testament. Key's to unlocking prophecy are found in the types, shadows, and culture of the Jewish people. An exciting study for those wanting to learn an overview of bible prophecy. It will bless and encourage you.

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