Amos 3:7 A Love of The Truth

Replacement Theology Session 03

Winds of Change
Session 03 of Replacement Theology.Today we look at the Abrahamic Covenant that God made UNCONDITIONALLY with Abram in Genesis Ch. 15. We also discuss the unilateral nature of this covenant of the land to the people of Israel. We will look at Genesis, Pslam 105, Zephaniah 2, Hosea 5, Zechariah 12, and Romans 11 to show the nature of God's faithfulness and reality that God still has a plan for Israel. Key to our understanding is the nature of Gods devine mystery as Paul finishes his comments and burden for his kinsmen according to the flesh, Israel. For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. We love the word "until" the fullness of the gentiles (Church) comes in.Shalom, Keith

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