Working Well Sometimes...

An Example of Reflection for Nurse Revalidation

Jane Coombs Episode 13

The most popular article on my blog is where I describe reflection using my adapted Gibbs model for reflection and a worked example.

It also advertises my Nurses Reflection Diary Workbook which is available from Amazon and my best-selling book.

To add to my worked example I add another one today - regarding an incident between me, my manager and a sales executive where I worked at the time. I call it... 

Dog Walking.

To read a more comprehensive analysis of the incident and relevant links read my blog post (which accompanies this podcast) called Reflection Practice for Nurses: Worked Example 3.  Click this link.

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Nurses Reflection Diary - Revalidation Workbook by Jane Coombs available from Amazon for only £4.99 - buy your copy today