The Unscripted Health Podcast with Dr. Robert Messer

High Function Health

Dr. Robert Messer Season 1 Episode 3

In this episode, Dr. Messer discusses High Function Health and what it entails. From what it is to how to achieve it, Dr. Messer covers the spectrum with insight into what it means to achieve a High Functioning body and mind.

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Show Notes:

Podcast 3 High Function Health


·     A high functioning bodyrequires, it demands, a high degree of Homeodynamics.

o   A highly adaptive synergistic form of homeostasis among our body, mind, environment, and thoughts. From this, our epigenetics, chemistry, physiology, and biology create and manifest possibilities. 

o   Allostasis- systemic whole body organization of balance through change = Homeodynamics.

o   Whole body systemic interconnectedness


Let’s start by discussing what it will take to better understand the foundations of a high functioning body. To fully grasp the concepts and be able to administer the information in your own life, you must first have the right mindset. Having the correct mindset will help guide you through your journey to living a high functioning lifestyle.


Here is a list of some necessary parts to a healthy and beneficial mindset:


1. Willingnessis the openness to discover something new and/or better. 

o   Willingnessis the first step to awarenessand awareness is the first step to positive Change.

o   Lack of willingness towards positive change elicits a stress response.

o   Without willingness, we cannot find understanding, tolerance, acceptance, or congruency.

o   People who are high functioning are perpetually hungry for learning and improving previously established patterns, habits, and beliefs.

o   Willingness is all about conscious intention to freely and purposely be aware, perceive, and engage all opportunities to learn, grow, connect, adapt, and evolve. 

o   High Function Health- continues to build and improve relationships and health, including behavior, mental, spiritual, and social health.

o   In short, the willingness to be aware of broader information and allow progressive adaptation/change to beliefs, patterns, habits, and bias.


2. Perception: What is perception? Perception is our awareness of our environment through physical, chemical, hormonal, molecular, and energetic signals, vibrations, and sensations.

o   Your perception determines how your stress responses are triggered;

Including their intensity and duration.

o   Is the body perceiving things we are not consciously aware of?

o   POP’s –Persistent Organic Pollutants

o   Information in food? The environment it was grown; was it harsh, inadequate, or polluted? Chemicals in food, enzymes, nutrient balance? We grow people out of balance. We can grow food out of balance and think it looks fine.

o   Information in makeup, body products, drugs?

o   The body is fully aware of what you expose it too, even if you are consciously naïve.

§ Example: drugs most clinical trials are performed off shore in foreign countries, where it’s cheap and most impoverished countries are full of people who have been drug free most of their life so results are better than if given to Americans who have been exposed to many drugs.

§ Medical researchers question this because people in other countries have different diseases and stressors and metabolize differently.

§ Drug companies like it. It’s cheaper, easier to recruit people, regulations are less stringent or don’t exist, and