The Engedi Collective

LamENT & Justice: The Biblical Role of Lament

John Kovacs

What is lament? What does it look like biblically, and what role does it play in today's broken world? While we are often very comfortable with the joy of the Lord and our call to encourage one another, it can be very difficult to see how lamenting fits into our mandate as believers. Lament itself is about mourning, about grief and sorrow, about engaging with the heart of God and those who are hurting around us in response to violence, suffering, brokenness, and injustice. Lament is more than just being empathetic - it's an opportunity to listen, to learn, to engage, to seek healing, and in the end, to bring greater wholeness to our world, and to understand more deeply the heart of God. So join us as we hear from both Pastor John and guest teacher and Light family member, John Dorsey this week!