The Engedi Collective

LamENT & Justice: The Emotional Expression of Prayer

March 31, 2019 John Kovacs

As we have been moving through this series, we've outlined that a fundamental component of lament is simply caring deeply about what God cares about. But what if you aren't there yet? You might hear of injustices, understand them, and even mentally agree with the need for change. But you don't feel an emotional response that leads you to take action. 

We are hear to tell you that it's ok - but what does it look like to take the next step? To gain not just a deeper understanding of the Father's heart, but a deeper emotional awareness that leads to tangible expressions and actions towards justice? Join Pastor John as he takes a look at Daniel in the Old Testament, his heart for the people of Israel, and how prayer as an expression of lament was intricately tied to his (and our!) ability to engage and partner with the heart of God for justice within communities, nations, and the world.